Changed Nightscout to NS back (but not on the short Text).
Add more Translations.
Overview-Notification used and not "Popup-Notification".
Removed on short Names the ".
I think "treatment" = "Behandlung" sounds wrong :-|
* fork/tbrDurationFix-90-110-cancel:
change ComboPlugin to change basal to 90 or 110 percent instead of cancel - depending on previous tbr
missing stuf :/
add unused (but tested) command to get basal rate from Profile 1
update setTBRCommand to way faster methods in scripter
add waitScreen (wait for refresh with timeout), gotToMainMenuScreen (with the help of back and menu navigate to a given main menu), enterMenu (to navigate withhin submenus), and step (send a key repeated)
add back key
make keypress wait up to 2000ms for key response
add type of menu to MenuType (main or sub menu)
- fix Multi connect - add key sent with 2500ms wait on keypress - fix Timing and npes in setTBR - make ruffyScripter not reinit every time - fix menu npe
change Version info
maybe better error recovery?
alternate setTBR based on StateMachine
more time
increase Button Timing to 200ms
wait till we get something currentDuration % 15 == 0
slow pump fix
if umbind fails while service is dead, bind would never be called
# Conflicts:
# app/src/main/java/de/jotomo/ruffyscripter/
* origin/dev:
remove canceltemp button from all layouts and click handling from overview fragment
correct logging
fix cancel real temp basals from actions
color for active temp
remove translated string not in default strings and add flag to cancel method
Some more German
Some more German
Some German translations, remove unused strings, App name for all
Update strings.xml
CS translations
hide all overview buttons by default
move cancel temp to actions
new temp basal dialog refactor
fix virtual pump crash
Disconnect pump: cancel temp before setting new to make sure it will last as expected
remove notes strings as well
remove notes from temp basal upload
cancel current temp before activating superbolus