Milos Kozak
RileyLinkPumpDevice -> kt
2022-06-21 12:43:22 +02:00
Milos Kozak
RL: process BroadcastReceiver actions outside UI thread
2022-06-21 12:03:58 +02:00
Milos Kozak
do not export activities
2022-06-13 17:50:31 +02:00
Milos Kozak
gradle update
2022-06-06 10:25:08 +02:00
Milos Kozak
Eliminate @JvmStatic
2022-06-01 09:58:07 +02:00
Milos Kozak
relocate gradle files
2022-05-11 10:18:14 +02:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1702 )
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations exam.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* Update source file strings.xml
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations objectives.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* Update source file strings.xml
* Update source file strings.xml
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
2022-05-10 11:44:31 +02:00
Milos Kozak
Merge remote-tracking branch 'ns/dev' into wear
2022-04-25 18:38:48 +02:00
adjust cardview background
2022-04-25 17:14:14 +02:00
Milos Kozak
BgGraphBuilder -> kt
2022-04-23 18:34:04 +02:00
Milos Kozak
RL: replace deprecated code
2022-04-21 15:26:47 +02:00
Milos Kozak
RL Stat activitity refactor
2022-04-20 19:41:18 +02:00
Milos Kozak
Merge pull request #1641 from Andries-Smit/chore/triple-newlines
Chore: triple newlines
2022-04-19 17:37:43 +02:00
Milos Kozak
Merge pull request #1645 from Andries-Smit/chore/remove-redundant-style
Chore: remove redundant style
2022-04-19 17:35:27 +02:00
Andries Smit
style: remove redundant style tabs
2022-04-19 15:08:47 +02:00
Milos Kozak
Merge pull request #1643 from Andries-Smit/chore/remove-extra-newline-kotlin
chore: remove triple new lines
2022-04-19 15:08:06 +02:00
Milos Kozak
remove deprecations and unused code
2022-04-19 13:36:53 +02:00
Andries Smit
chore: remove triple new lines
2022-04-19 13:32:22 +02:00
Andries Smit
chore: fix remove extra newlines
2022-04-19 13:23:35 +02:00
Andries Smit
chore: fix lint warnings
2022-04-19 12:31:20 +02:00
Andries Smit
chore: use layout start end instead left right
2022-04-17 19:48:41 +02:00
Milos Kozak
code cleanup
2022-03-30 20:54:06 +02:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1493 )
* Update source file strings.xml
* New translations strings.xml (Romanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Polish)
* New translations strings.xml (Korean)
* New translations strings.xml (Korean)
* New translations strings.xml (Lithuanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Lithuanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Polish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Swedish)
* New translations strings.xml (Swedish)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Hungarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Romanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Afrikaans)
* New translations strings.xml (Afrikaans)
* New translations strings.xml (Bulgarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Bulgarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Catalan)
* New translations strings.xml (Catalan)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Hungarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Greek)
* New translations strings.xml (Greek)
* New translations strings.xml (Irish)
* New translations strings.xml (Irish)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations exam.xml (Russian)
* New translations exam.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Polish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Swedish)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Lithuanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Korean)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Romanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Bulgarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* Update source file strings.xml
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
2022-03-24 09:14:51 +01:00
set night mode as default and all color in xml fragments by attribute - additional preparation for switching light dark mode
2022-03-18 23:13:05 +01:00
Milos Kozak
RL: fix checking for permission
2022-03-16 11:36:02 +01:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1413 )
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations exam.xml (Catalan)
* New translations exam.xml (Spanish)
* New translations exam.xml (French)
* New translations exam.xml (Romanian)
* New translations exam.xml (Czech)
* New translations exam.xml (Danish)
* New translations exam.xml (German)
* New translations exam.xml (Bulgarian)
* New translations exam.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations exam.xml (Slovak)
* New translations exam.xml (Swedish)
* New translations exam.xml (Greek)
* New translations exam.xml (Polish)
* New translations exam.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations exam.xml (Italian)
* New translations exam.xml (Korean)
* New translations exam.xml (Russian)
* New translations exam.xml (Dutch)
* New translations exam.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations exam.xml (Lithuanian)
* New translations exam.xml (Turkish)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* Update source file exam.xml
* Update source file strings.xml
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations exam.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations exam.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations exam.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* Update source file strings.xml
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations exam.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations exam.xml (Slovak)
* Update source file strings.xml
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations exam.xml (Czech)
2022-03-14 08:45:19 +01:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1402 )
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
2022-03-02 23:50:52 +01:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1393 )
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
2022-03-01 09:06:32 +01:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1385 )
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations validator.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations exam.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations objectives.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations alert_descriptions.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations exam.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations exam.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations objectives.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
2022-02-27 21:50:22 +01:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1378 )
* New translations objectives.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations objectives.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations objectives.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations objectives.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations objectives.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
2022-02-26 14:27:47 +01:00
Milos Kozak
Merge branch 'dev' of into dev
2022-02-25 09:17:05 +01:00
Milos Kozak
SMS: fix crash on Android<12
2022-02-25 09:16:51 +01:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1369 )
* New translations strings.xml (Romanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Korean)
* New translations strings.xml (Lithuanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Polish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Swedish)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Afrikaans)
* New translations strings.xml (Bulgarian)
* New translations strings.xml (Catalan)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Greek)
* New translations strings.xml (Irish)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations objectives.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations exam.xml (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
2022-02-24 21:27:26 +01:00
Milos Kozak
Material style for app
2022-02-23 19:05:55 +01:00
Milos Kozak
RL: check for permission before connect
2022-02-13 22:13:02 +01:00
Milos Kozak
Merge pull request #1251 from Andries-Smit/a11y/grouping-tables
Improve a11y table structure with row focus for screen readers
2022-02-11 08:45:29 +01:00
Milos Kozak
RL: prevent crash when BT is OFF
2022-02-08 17:48:33 +01:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1289 )
* Update source file strings.xml
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Lithuanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations objectives.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations validator.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations exam.xml (Korean)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Polish)
* New translations exam.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (French)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Czech)
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Hebrew)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Lithuanian)
* New translations strings.xml (Dutch)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations strings.xml (Polish)
* New translations strings.xml (Russian)
* New translations strings.xml (Slovak)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* New translations strings.xml (Turkish)
* New translations strings.xml (Portuguese)
* Update source file strings.xml
2022-02-07 22:37:46 +01:00
Andries Smit
a11y table strucutre focus row for screenreaders
2022-01-31 14:34:19 +01:00
Milos Kozak
New Crowdin updates ( #1215 )
* New translations strings.xml (German)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Italian)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations exam.xml (Danish)
* New translations exam.xml (Danish)
* New translations objectives.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations exam.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Norwegian)
* New translations exam.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Swedish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations exam.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations alert_codes.xml (Danish)
* New translations alert_descriptions.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations alert_descriptions.xml (Danish)
* New translations alert_titles.xml (Danish)
* New translations exceptions.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Danish)
* New translations strings.xml (Spanish)
2022-01-25 15:22:37 +01:00
Milos Kozak
mark nullable
2022-01-16 16:06:42 +01:00
Fix Style (Inverse)
2022-01-02 21:46:32 +01:00
Add Style to fix black text (Not Tested)
2022-01-02 15:49:01 +01:00
Milos Kozak
diaconn: prevent NPE
2022-01-02 12:52:34 +01:00
Milos Kozak
BT: ask for permission at start
2021-12-14 16:45:41 +01:00
Milos Kozak
Unify bluetooth, Android 12 permissions
2021-12-13 01:01:16 +01:00
Milos Kozak
RileyLinkService -> kt
2021-12-13 00:56:20 +01:00
Milos Kozak
RileyLinkBLEConfigActivity -> kt
2021-12-12 20:59:12 +01:00
Milos Kozak
Rename .java to .kt
2021-12-12 20:59:12 +01:00
Milos Kozak
RileyLinkBLE -> kt
2021-12-12 13:12:20 +01:00