Change design from OOP to more of a "modules" approach. Remove dependency on "requests" and "requests_cache". Implement custom cache wrapper for urllib. Increase code cohesion. Update and add further tests.
128 lines
4.6 KiB
128 lines
4.6 KiB
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
import re
from typing import TypeVar, Optional, Tuple
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from .. import util, cache
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
AppID = TypeVar("AppID", int, str)
def appdetails(appid: AppID) -> dict:
r = cache.get("https://store.steampowered.com/api/appdetails", params={
"appids": appid
return r.json[str(appid)]["data"]
def packagedetails(appid: AppID) -> dict:
r = cache.get("https://store.steampowered.com/api/packagedetails", params={
"packageids": appid
return r.json[str(appid)]["data"]
def appreviews(appid: AppID) -> dict:
r = cache.get(f"https://store.steampowered.com/appreviews/{appid}", params={
"start_date": -1,
"end_date": -1,
"filter": "summary",
"language": "all",
"purchase_type": "all",
"json": 1
return r.json["query_summary"]
def reviews(appid: AppID) -> Tuple[int, int]:
app_review = appreviews(appid)
if app_review["total_reviews"] == 0:
return -1, -1
positive = app_review["total_positive"] / app_review["total_reviews"]
return positive, app_review["total_reviews"]
def eula(appid: AppID) -> str:
r = cache.get(f"https://store.steampowered.com//eula/{appid}_eula_0")
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser").find(id="eula_content")
if soup is not None:
return soup.text
return ""
def search(query: str) -> Optional[str]:
logger.debug("Searching Steam store for %s", query)
r = cache.get("https://store.steampowered.com/search/suggest", params={
"term": query,
"f": "json",
"cc": "US",
"l": "english"
# Reverse results to make the first one take precedence over later ones if multiple results have the same name.
# E.g. "Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus" has both international and german version under the same name.
items = {item["name"]: item for item in reversed(r.json)}
best_match = items[util.case_insensitive_close_matches(query, items, n=1, cutoff=0.90)[0]]
logger.debug("Best match is '%s'", best_match)
type_to_slug = {
"game": "app",
"dlc": "app",
"bundle": "bundle"
slug = type_to_slug.get(best_match['type'], best_match['type'])
return f"https://store.steampowered.com/{slug}/{best_match['id']}"
except IndexError:
logger.debug("Unable to find %s in Steam search results", query)
return None
def update_info(link: str, release: Release) -> None:
logger.debug("Getting information about game using Steam API")
link_type, appid = re.search("(app|sub|bundle)(?:/)([0-9]+)", link).groups()
if link_type == "bundle":
logger.debug("Steam link is to bundle: not utilizing API") # Steam has no public API for bundles
# If the link is a package on Steam (e.g. game + dlc), we need to find the base game of the package
if link_type == "sub":
package_details = packagedetails(appid)
# Set game name to package name (e.g. 'Fallout New Vegas Ultimate' instead of 'Fallout New Vegas')
release.game_name = package_details["name"]
# Use the "base game" of the package as the basis for further computation.
# We guesstimate the base game as the most popular app (i.e. the one with the most reviews)
package_appids = [app["id"] for app in package_details["apps"]]
package_apps_details = [appdetails(appid) for appid in package_appids]
details = max(package_apps_details, key=lambda app: reviews(app["steam_appid"])[1])
appid = details["steam_appid"]
# Otherwise, if the release is a single game on Steam
details = appdetails(appid)
release.game_name = details["name"]
# Now that we have a single Steam game to represent the release, use it to improve the information
release.score, release.num_reviews = reviews(appid)
# DLC releases don't always contain the word "dlc" (e.g. 'Fallout New Vegas: Dead Money'), so some DLCs get
# mislabeled as games during offline parsing. We can use Steam's API to get the correct type, but if the release was
# already deemed an update, keep it as such, because an update to a DLC is an update.
if details["type"] == "dlc" and release.type != "Update":
release.type = "DLC"
# Add highlight if "denuvo" occurs in Steam's DRM notice or potential 3rd-party EULA
if "denuvo" in (details.get("drm_notice", "") + eula(appid)).lower():
logger.info("'denuvo' found in Steam DRM-notice/EULA; adding 'DENUVO' to highlights")