2018-01-31 14:41:37 +01:00

11 KiB

This software is part of a DIY solution and is not a product, but requires YOU to read, learn and understand the system and how to use it. It is not something that does all your diabetes management for you, but allows you to improve your diabetes and quality of life significantly if you're willing to put in the time required. Don't rush into it, but allow yourself time to learn. You alone are responsible for what you do with it.

Hardware requirements

  • A Roche Accu-Chek Combo (any firmware, they all work)
  • A Smartpix or Realtyme device together with the 360 Configuration Software to configure the pump. Roche sends out Smartpix devices and the configuration software free of charge to their customers upon request.
  • A compatible phone: An Android phone with a phone running LineageOS 14.1 (formerly CyanogenMod) or Android 8.1 (Oreo). Be aware that while Android 8.1 allows communicating with the Combo, there are still issues with AAPS on 8.1. For advanced users, it is possible to perform the pairing on a rooted phone and transfer it to another rooted phone to use with ruffy/AAPS, which must also be rooted. This allows using phones with Android < 8.1 but has not been widely tested:
  • To build AndroidAPS with Combo support you need the latest Android Studio 3 version


  • Extended bolus and multiwave bolus are not supported.
  • Only one basal profile is supported.
  • Setting a basal profile other than 1 on the pump, or delivering extended boluses or multiwave boluses from the pump interferes with TBRs and forces the loop into low-suspend only mode for 6 hours as the the loop can't run safely under those conditions.
  • It's currently not possible to set the time and date on the pump, so daylight saving times changes have to be performed manually (disable automatic phone clock update in the evening and update change back in the morning while also updating the pump's clock to avoid an alarm during the night).
  • Currently only basal rates in the range of 0.05 to 10 U/h are supported (this also applies when modifying a profile, e.g. when increasing to 200%, the highest basal rate must not exceed 5 U/h since it will be doubled. Similarly, when reducing to 50%, the lowest basal rate must be at least 0.10 U/h).
  • If the loop requests a running TBR to be cancelled the Combo will set a TBR of 90% or 110% for 15 minutes instead. This is because cancelling a TBR causes an alert on the pump which causes a lot of vibrations.
  • Occasionally (every couple of days or so) AAPS might fail to automatically cancel a TBR CANCELLED alert the user then needs to deal with (press the refresh button in AAPS to transfer the warning to AAPS or confirm the alert on the pump).


  • Configure pump using 360 config software.
    • Required:
      • Set/leave the menu configuration as "Standard", this will show only the supported menus/actions on the pump and hide those which are unsupported (extended/multiwave bolus, multiple basal rates), which cause the loop functionality to be restricted when used because it's not possible to run the loop in a safe manner when used.
      • Verify the Quick Info Text is set to "QUICK INFO" (without the quotes, found under Insulin Pump Options).
      • Set maximum TBR to 500%
      • Disable end of TBR alert
      • Set TBR duration step-size to 15 min
    • Recommended:
      • Set low cartridge alarm to your liking
      • Configure a max bolus suited for your therapy to protect against bugs in the software
      • Similarly, configure maximum TBR duration as a safeguard. Allow at least 3 hours, since the option to disconnect the pump for 3 hours sets a 0% for 3 hours.
      • Enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and quick bolusing was a habit.
      • Set display timeout and menu timeout to the mininum of 5.5 and 5 respectively. This allows the AAPS to recover more quickly from error situations and reduces the amount of vibrations that can occur during such errors
  • Install AndroidAPS as described in the wiki
  • Make sure to read the wiki to understand how to setup AndroidAPS.
  • Select the MDI plugin in AndroidAPS, not the Combo plugin at this point to avoid the Combo plugin from interfering with ruffy during the pairing process.
  • Follow the link and clone ruffy via git. Use the same branch as you use for AndroidAPS, which is usally master. if you you want to help test the in-development version.
  • Pair the pump using ruffy. If it doesn't work after multiple attempts, switch to the pairing branch, pair the pump and then switch back the original branch. If the pump is already paired and can be controlled via ruffy, installing the master branch is sufficient. Note that the pairing processing is somewhat fragile (but only has to be done once) and may need a few attempts; quickly acknowledge prompts and when starting over, remove the pump device from the bluetooth settings beforehand. Another option to try is to go to the bluetooth menu after initiating the pairing process (this keeps the phone's bluetooth discoverable as long as the menu is displayed) and switch back to ruffy after confirming the pairing on the pump, when the pump displays the authorization code. When AAPS is using ruffy, the ruffy app can't be used. The easiest way is to just reboot the phone after the pairing process and let AAPS start ruffy in the background.
  • Before enabling the Combo plugin in AAPS make sure your profile is set up correctly and your basal profile is up to date as AAPS will sync the basal profile to the pump. Then activate the Combo plugin.


  • Keep in mind that this is not a product, esp. in the beginning the user needs to monitor and understand the system, its limitations and how it can fail. It is strongly advised NOT to use this system when the person using it is not able to fully understand the system.
  • Read the OpenAPS documentation to understand the loop algorithm AndroidAPS is based upon.
  • Read in the wiki to learn about and understand AndroidAPS
  • This integration uses the same functionality which the meter provides that comes with the Combo. The meter allows to mirror the pump screen and forwards button presses to the pump. The connection to the pump and this forwarding is what the ruffy app does. A scripter components reads the screen and automates inputing boluses, TBRs etc and making sure inputs are processed correctly. AAPS then interacts with the scripter to apply loop commands and to administer boluses. This mode has some restrictions: it's comparatively slow (but well fast enough for what it is used for), and setting a TBR or giving a bolus causes the pump to vibrate.
  • The integration of the Combo with AndroidAPS is designed with the assumption that all inputs are made via AndroidAPS. Boluses entered on the pump directly will be detected by AAPS, but it can take up to 25 min before AndroidAPS becomes aware of such a bolus. Reading boluses delivered directly on the pump is a safety feature and not meant to be regularly used (the loop requires knowledge of carbs consumed, which can't be entered on the pump, which is another reason why all inputs should be done in AndroidAPS).
  • The pump's first basal rate profile is read on application start and is updated by AAPS. The basal rate should not be manually changed on the pump, but will be detected and corrected as a safety measure (don't rely on safety measures by default, this is meant to detect an unintended change on the pump).
  • It's recommended to enable key lock on the pump to prevent bolusing from the pump, esp. when the pump was used before and quick bolusing was a habit. Also, with keylock enabled, accidentally pressing a key will NOT interrupt active communication between AAPS and pmup.
  • When a BOLUS/TBR CANCELLED alert starts on the pump during bolusing or setting a TBR, this is caused by a disconnect between pump and phone. AAPS will try to reconnect and confirm the alert and then retry the last action (boluses are NOT retried for safety reasons). Therefore, such an alarm shall be ignored (cancelling it is not a big issue, but will lead to the currently active action to have to wait till the pump's display turns off before it can reconnect to the pump). If the pump's alarm continues, the last action might have failed, in which case the user needs to confirm the alarm.
  • When a low cartridge or low battery alarm is raised during a bolus, they are confirmed and shown as a notification in AAPS. If they occur while no connection is open to the pump, going to the Combo tab and hitting the Refresh button will take over those alerts by confirming them and showing a notification in AAPS.
  • When AAPS fails to confirm a TBR CANCELLED alert, or one is raised for a different reason, hitting Refresh in the Combo tab establishes a connection, confirms the alert and shows a notification for it in AAPS. This can safely be done, since those alerts are benign - an appropriate TBR will be set again during the next loop iteration.
  • For all other alerts raised by the pump: connecting to the pump will show the alert message in the Combo tab, e.g. "State: E4: Occlusion" as well as showing a notification on the main screen. An error will raise an urgent notification. AAPS never confirms serious errors on the pump, but let's the pump vibrate and ring to make sure the user is informed of a critical situation that needs action.
  • After pairing, ruffy should not be used directly (AAPS will start in the background as needed), since using ruffy at AAPS at the same time is not supported.
  • If AAPS crashes (or is stopped from the debugger) while AAPS and the pump were communicating (using ruffy), it might be necessary to force close ruffy. Restarting AAPS will start ruffy again. Restarting the phone is also an easy way to resolve this or you don't know how to force kill an app.
  • Don't press any buttons on the pump while AAPS communicates with the pump (Bluetooth logo is shown on the pump).

Reporting bugs