Johannes Mockenhaupt 77bd3b51fa
Update docs.
2017-12-06 11:33:30 +01:00

141 lines
8.6 KiB

- [x] Bugs
- [-] Pump stops to response to connect attemps every 2-20h or so, only reacting
again when physically pressing a button on the pump ...
Occassionally the pump starts to accept connections again, sometimes
after 40m, sometimes no luck even after 80m
Stuff tried without success:
- Restarting BT
- Restarting ruffy
- Restarting AAPS
- Restarting phone
- Removing rtDisconnect on failed connect attempt (RuffyScripter.ensureConnected)
- Ruffy v1 branch with minimal NPE fixes and needed menus
- Last command run beforehand was a short one, connection time < 1m
- It's unrelated to battery voltage.
- Auto off is disabled
- Keylock makes no difference
Did this already happen before the whole 'basal profile' thing?
Takes ages, could that trigger some weird bug that has never
surfaced in any other scenario before?
- [-] Temp basal history shows TBRs twice, once with a 1 min
duration and then with the reminder; caused by clock not
being within ~30s of the phone.
Cancelling TBR or overriding a running one with a new one
(both cases require a TBR end record) require an end TBR record.
checkTbrMismatch causes history read and TBR is right in AAPS
so far and any TBR set on the pump is cancelled, so it works,
but isn't clean. Needs some rethink - with a fresh mind -
maybe understanding what DanaR does, how to translate it to
the Combo.
Explicit end records when adding pump history records;
and/or: logic to detect time differences and align data
Current solution works, albeit a bit ugly, but is used in rare
circumstances where clock might be off anyway, so this would
still occur.
- [x] Deleting a bolus from the history re-adds it from the pump's
history. Deleting it again, flags it as invalid at which point
it will not be added to IOB and not be re-added.
- [x] Taking over benign warnings on connect doesn't work properly
(Notification raised but not confirmed?)
- [x] Optimization reading full history doesn't seem to work
- [x] Reading full history multiple times duplicates entries shown in Stats/TDD dialog
- [x] ruffy: Accessing the quick info menu yields noMenu when cartridge is low
- [x] ruffy: Multi-digit error codes in error history aren't supported
- [-] No connection can be established anymore; ruffy issue i can't solve
- Removing the BT device's bonding (!=pairing) fixes it; nope it doesn't
- Ruffy logs in BTConnection:163"no connection possible: " + e.getMessage());
- When developing (and thus killing/restarting AAPS often) this is trigger more frequently, leaving
some ruffy-releated (BT) cache in disarray? Immune to wiping, only repairing seems to work so far
- [x] Timeout connecting to pump -> crash (result.state wasn't filled in case of timeout)
- [x] Bolus deleted in treatments (marked invalid?!) is re-added when pump reads history
Probably fixed through other bugfixes, irrelevant though as "pump history records" can't
be deleted in AAPS
- [x] Issue of creating TBR start date from main menu time, which might be off by a minute
when we read it as a history record. End date time might be slightly off, unless
CancelTempBasal is updated to read from history (probably not worth it).
What would happen if while setting the TBR the start time was 12:01 but then
we read a history record with a start time of 12:02, both running 30min.
Would the former be trimmed to 1m? That'd be acceptable (this edge case occurs
if between confirm the TBR and reading the main menu date, the second goes
from 59.9999 to 0)
Only in issue if TBR was set on pump. In that case the TBR is cancelled and the
resulting history record is read
- [x] Tasks
- [x] Main
- [x] On command error: recover by returning to main menu
check entry and exit points of commands
- [x] Taking over alerts
- [x] On connect
- [x] During bolusing
- Can the low warning be set as high as 280 or so? To be able to trigger it with a quick refill? yup.
- [x] Check for errors first thing in runCommand? Whenever analysing a CommandResult?
- [x] forward all warnings and errors encountered, but only confirm benign ones
- [-] Reporting back failures in UI, maybe warn if lots of errors (unreachable alert might
already be enough, since it's based on 'lastSuccessfulConnection', where a connection is
considered successful if the command during that connection succeeded.
KeepAlive triggered check suffices.
- [x] Finish ComboPlugin structure to only have to plug date setting and pump setting in later
(actually, just use stub methods)
- [-] Updating time on pump
- [x] Raise a warning if time clock is off
- [-] Ruffy: support reading date/time menus
- [x] Setting pump basal profile
- [x] Overview notification on updated/failed basal profile
- [-] Pairing (and sourcing ruffy)
- [x] Run readReservoirAndBolusLevel after SetTbr too so boluses on the pump are caught sooner?
Currently the pump gets to know such a record when bolusing or when refresh() is called
after 15m of no other command taking place. IOB will then be current with next loop
checkPumpHistory is now called every 15m the least after executing a command
- [x] Reading history
- [x] Bolus
- [x] Read
- [x] Update DB
- [x] TBRs
- [x] Read
- [x] Update DB
- [x] Alerts
- [x] Read
- [x] Update DB? No, but raise an alert if new ones are found beyond those read at startup
(Those that occurred while AAPS was not active needn't be turned into alarms,
the user had to deal with them on the pump already). (Done via "Taking over alerts")
- [x] Display in UI
- [x] TDD
- [x] Read
- [x] Update DB? No, just write to plugin cache
- [x] Display in UI
- [x] Optimize reading full history to pass timestamps of last known records to avoid reading known records
- [x] Cleanups
- [x] TBR cancel logic
- [x] Check dynamic timeout logic in RuffyScripter.runCommand
- [x] Finish 'enacted' removal rewrite (esp. cancel tbr)
- [x] ComboPlugin, commands invocation, checks, upadting combo store/cache
- [x] Finish reconnect
- [x] Adrian says: when changing time; last treatments timestamp is updated??
- Nope, at least not with a 2014 pump (SW1.06?)
- [x] Reconnect and auto-retry for commands
- [x] Empty battery state
- [x] Integrate alarms
- [x] Remove combo alerter thread
- [x] Display errors in combo tab(?), nope notifications are better suited; also there's the alerts thing already
- [x] Option to raise overview notifications as android notification with noise (for urgent ones?)
- [ ] Next version(s)
- [ ] State in ComboPump is not safely shared among threads
- [x] Naming is messed up: pump has warnings and errors, which cause alerts; W+E are thus alerts,
e.g. pumpAlertHistory should be renamed to alertHistory
- [ ] Enable BT if disabled? does dana does this?
- [ ] Finish and test German translation
- [ ] No clean startup/shutdown; RuffyScripter is instanciated once, idle disconnect thread never killed
- Application shut down is broken with PersistentNotification (never shut down) and WearPlugin -
Android logs it as crashed and restarts it, thereby restarting the app (or just keeping it alive,
also causes errors with the DB as there were attemtps to open a closed DB instance/ref.
Does xDrip intents start AAPS? Starts automatically (but not instantly) after boot and there's no "start on boot" setting enabled
- [ ] Check if TBRs are set to often from ConfigBuilder on high base basal rates (basalstep is 0.01; in reality larger on >1U/h base basal)
- [ ] With long running commands (e.g. setting basal rate, which can take up to 5m), multiple 'set tbr' commands
may stack up. Since setting a TBR multiple times in one minute fails, the ComboPlugin rejects such
request, letting the oldest TBR run till the net iteration. This can potentially be nicely solved
through the queue branch. However, the original problem is the amount of time the Combo can
take to execute commands, which might go away (mostly) with command mode.
- [ ] Fix display of alarms on mainscreen (increase height if needed)