2017-11-24 21:11:55 +01:00

5.5 KiB

  • Pairing
    • Pairing works with combo-scripter-v2 branch
  • Bolusing
    • Cancelling bolus at various stages and checking error message (if any) and check no bolus or a partial bolus was delivered
    • Cancelling a bolus 0.2 U before its finished (cancelling requires pressing up/down 3s, so the cancellation will be too late, but the code should handle it and report the full bolus being delivered
    • Low cartridge alarm during bolus
      • must be confirmed by AAPS
      • bolus must have been fully delivered by pump
      • bolus must have been added to DB
      • the confirmed pump warning must be raised as a notification in AAPS
      • notification must also appear on smartwatch
    • An error during bolus must yield an error in AAPS
    • An error during bolus must yield a notification on a smartwatch
    • Bolusing e.g. 4 U if reservoir has only 2 U left must be rejected
    • Pressing a button on the pump before bolus delivery started must be handled gracefully
      • Same as above, but moving pump out of range
    • Pressing a button on the pump after bolus delivery has started must be handled gracefully (bolus finished and AAPS must correctly add it the the DB)
      • Same as above, but moving pump out of range
    • Giving a bolus on the pump and immediately afterwards entering a bolus on AAPS must reject the bolus with a warning that IOB is not up to date
    • A bolus given on the pump must appear in AAPS after the next communication or when manually refreshing via the Combo tab
    • Test the highest bolus you'd ever give yourself (AAPS has a configurable limit and the pump has a limit which can be configured with the Config SW)
  • BT disconnect issues
    • Moving pump out of reach when setting TBR causes "TBR cancelled" alarm on pump. When putting pump close to phone, AAPS must confirm the alert and successfully retry setting TBR
    • Same as above while bolusing must report an error and NOT retry the command
  • AAPS start
    • Starting AAPS without a reachable pump must show something sensible in the Combo tab (that is not hang indefinitely with "initializing" activity)
    • Starting AAPS without a reachable pump must trigger "pump unrechable" alert after 5 to 10 min.
    • If 'sync profile to pump' is set the basal rate profile must be synced to pump on start
    • If 'sync profile to pump' is set NOT set, the pump's profile must not be touched
  • Read history using Smartpix and compare with AAPS' DB (treatment tab) Esp. those times we communication was interrupted, boluses were cancelled, ...
    • Boluses
    • TBR
    • Alerts
    • TDDs
  • Date/Time
    • If time is off by more than 2m, a warning must be shown on the main screen whenever a connection to the pump is established
    • Since history records store the year, it must be inferred. Set phone and pump to something like 31.21.17, 23:00, cause an alert, deliver a bolus, set a TBR, let the new year arrive trigger the above events again and verify AAPS has correctly read them.
  • Disconnected pump (pump unreachable) - [ ] ...
  • Refilling cartridge
    • If TBR was cancelled by refilling, AAPS must detect this and update the TBR treatment accordingly
  • Stress testing
    • PersistentNotification plugin disabled
    • Lots of comms running, like Wifi, GSM, BT audio
    • AAPS running in background
    • Foreground app stresses the phone's memory, CPU (like a game) (potentially) pushing AAPS out of memory
    • TBR must still be set/cancelled while running in the background
    • With the pump powered off or out of reach, the 'pump unreachable alert' must still trigger
  • Combo tab
    • Check displayed data (state, battery, reservoir, last bolus, temp basal) is the same as on the pump
    • Last connection must indicate issues (yellow if recent connections/commands failed), red if communications failed for 30 or more minutes
  • Unsafe usage
    • An extended or multiwave bolus given within the last six hour must raise an alert and closed loop functionality (Loop plugin shows "disabled by constrains" when "execute" is pressed)
    • Closed loop functionality must resume 6 h after the last ext/multiwave bolus
    • An active ext/multiwave bolus (a history record is created only after the bolus completed) must also raise an alert and disable loop
    • If a basal rate other than profile 1 is activated, this must also raise an alert and disable the loop for 6 h
  • Reading/setting basal profile
    • AAPS reads basal rate properly
    • AAPS doesn't touch pump basal if "Sync to profile" pref not set
    • AAPS updates basal rate if "Sync to profile" is enabled
    • Test profile with 115% (or something like that) change to ask the pump for basal rates like 0.812, which should then be set propely
  • Taking over alerts
    • If an error alert is active on the pump, pressing refresh shall display the error in the Combo tab but NOT confirm it. Easiest error to trigger: rewind piston and attempt to start the pump, this will trigger E11: Not primed.
    • Pressing refresh while a low cartridge or low battery alarm is active must confirm the alarm, indicate the new status in the Combo tab and show a notification on the overview screen
  • Misc
    • Pump state is correctly uploaded to Nightscout