![]() * New translations strings.xml (Turkish) * New translations strings.xml (Turkish) * New translations strings.xml (Turkish) * New translations strings.xml (German) * New translations strings.xml (Spanish) * New translations strings.xml (Spanish) * New translations strings.xml (Dutch) * New translations strings.xml (Dutch) * New translations strings.xml (Dutch) * New translations strings.xml (Dutch) * New translations strings.xml (Dutch) * New translations strings.xml (Portuguese) * New translations strings.xml (Dutch) * New translations strings.xml (Swedish) * New translations strings.xml (Portuguese) * New translations strings.xml (Russian) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Polish) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Romanian) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Portuguese) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Portuguese) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Portuguese) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Portuguese) * New 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translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Turkish) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Swedish) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Swedish) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Swedish) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Swedish) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Spanish) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Spanish) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Spanish) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Slovak) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Slovak) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Slovak) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Slovak) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Russian) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Russian) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Russian) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Russian) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Italian) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Italian) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Dutch) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Dutch) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Dutch) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Dutch) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Czech) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Czech) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Czech) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Czech) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Bulgarian) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Bulgarian) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Bulgarian) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Bulgarian) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Afrikaans) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Afrikaans) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Afrikaans) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Afrikaans) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (French) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Italian) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Irish) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Irish) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Irish) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Irish) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Hebrew) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Hebrew) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Hebrew) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Hebrew) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Greek) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (French) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Greek) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (Greek) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (Greek) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (German) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (German) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (German) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (German) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (French) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (French) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Turkish) * New translations strings.xml (German) * New translations insight_alert_codes.xml (German) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (German) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (German) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (German) * New translations strings.xml (German) * New translations insight_alert_descriptions.xml (German) * New translations strings.xml (German) * New translations strings.xml (Czech) * New translations strings.xml (Czech) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Czech) * New translations strings.xml (Portuguese) * New translations insight_alert_titles.xml (Portuguese) * New translations insight_exceptions.xml (Portuguese) |
app | ||
gource | ||
gradle/wrapper | ||
logo | ||
wear | ||
.gitignore | ||
.travis.yml | ||
build.gradle | ||
crowdin.yml | ||
gradle.properties | ||
gradlew | ||
gradlew.bat | ||
LICENSE.txt | ||
README.md | ||
settings.gradle | ||
Steampunk_graphics_source_link.md |
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