<stringname="string_a002">Empty reservoir\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a003">Patch expired\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a004">Occlusion\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a005">Power on self test failure\nPatch has been deactivated. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a007">Inappropriate temperature\nInsulin delivery or \'Activate Patch\' process stopped. Avoid extreme temperature now.</string>
<stringname="string_a016">Needle insertion Error\nCheck knob position and tap \'Retry\'.</string>
<stringname="string_a018">Patch battery Error\nPatch has been deactivated and\ninsulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a019">Patch battery Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a020">Patch activation Error\n\'Activate Patch\' process has expired. Tap \'Confirm\' to deactivate current Patch. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a022">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a023">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and\ninsulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a034">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a041">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a042">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a043">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a044">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a106">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a107">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a108">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a116">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a117">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>
<stringname="string_a118">Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.</string>