Empty reservoir\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch expired\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Occlusion\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Power on self test failure\nPatch has been deactivated. Change Patch now.
Inappropriate temperature\nInsulin delivery or \'Activate Patch\' process stopped. Avoid extreme temperature now.
Needle insertion Error\nCheck knob position and tap \'Retry\'.
Patch battery Error\nPatch has been deactivated and\ninsulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch battery Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch activation Error\n\'Activate Patch\' process has expired. Tap \'Confirm\' to deactivate current Patch. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and\ninsulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch Error\nPatch has been deactivated and insulin delivery stopped. Change Patch now.
Patch operating life will expire %s. Be ready to change Patch.
End of insulin suspend\nTap \'Resume\' to restart the insulin delivery.
Low reservoir\nReplace Patch soon.
Patch operating life expired\nChange Patch now.
Patch will expire soon\nChange Patch now.
Incomplete Patch activation\nComplete \'Activate Patch\' process.
Patch battery low\nBe ready to change Patch.