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"use_unit": true, "duration": "1" } }, "activeTriggerMode": -10 }, "font": "Friz Quadrata TT", "automaticWidth": "Auto", "actions": { "init": { "custom": "-- add clickable frame\nlocal buttonFrame = CreateFrame(\"Button\", \"WA_\" .. aura_env.id .. \"_Button\", aura_env.region)\nbuttonFrame:EnableMouse(true)\nbuttonFrame:RegisterForClicks(\"RightButtonUp\")\nbuttonFrame:SetAllPoints(aura_env.region)\nbuttonFrame:SetScript(\"OnClick\", function(self, button)\n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"NUM_BUFFS_RESET\", true)\nend)", "do_custom": true }, "start": [], "finish": [] }, "fontSize": 14 }, { "yOffset": 0, "desaturate": false, "sparkOffsetX": 0, "regionType": "aurabar", "animation": { "main": { "type": "none", "duration_type": "seconds", "easeType": "none", "easeStrength": 3 }, "start": { "preset": "fade", "easeStrength": 3, "type": "preset", "duration_type": "seconds", "easeType": "none" }, "finish": { "preset": "fade", "easeStrength": 3, "type": "preset", "duration_type": "seconds", "easeType": "none" } }, "selfPoint": "CENTER", "url": "https://wago.io/_jMp9iGSK/8", "texture": "Blizzard", "xOffset": 0, "actions": { "init": { "custom": "-- config\nlocal trackedBuffs = {\n [\"Power Word: Fortitude\"] = true,\n [\"Prayer of Fortitude\"] = true,\n [\"Divine Spirit\"] = true,\n [\"Prayer of Spirit\"] = true,\n [\"Shadow Protection\"] = true,\n [\"Prayer of Shadow Protection\"] = true,\n}\n\n\n\n-- helper utils\nlocal function sum(table)\n local sum = 0\n for _, v in pairs(table) do\n sum = sum + v\n end\n return sum\nend\n\n\nlocal function createStateStructure(name)\n if not _G.WA_NUM_BUFFS[name] then\n _G.WA_NUM_BUFFS[name] = {}\n for buff, _ in pairs(trackedBuffs) do\n _G.WA_NUM_BUFFS[name][buff] = 0\n end\n end\n return {\n show = true,\n changed = true,\n name = name,\n index = -sum(_G.WA_NUM_BUFFS[name]),\n numBuffs = _G.WA_NUM_BUFFS[name],\n }\nend\n\n\n\n-- event handlers\n-- WA_INIT COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED:SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS NUM_BUFFS_RESET\naura_env.eventHandlers = {}\n\naura_env.eventHandlers.WA_INIT = function(allStates)\n -- The \"WA_INIT\" event doesn't actually exist, but since WA sends a blank version of each subscribed event\n -- when the interface is loaded or options are closed, this allows us to catch this case.\n if not _G.WA_NUM_BUFFS then\n _G.WA_NUM_BUFFS = {}\n end\n -- restore allStates state\n for name, numBuffs in pairs(_G.WA_NUM_BUFFS) do\n allStates[name] = createStateStructure(name)\n end\n return true\nend\n\n\naura_env.eventHandlers.COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = function(allStates, ...)\n local _, event, _, _, sourceName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, spellName = CombatLogGetCurrentEventInfo()\n if not trackedBuffs[spellName] then\n return false\n end\n if not allStates[sourceName] then\n allStates[sourceName] = createStateStructure(sourceName)\n end\n \n local state = allStates[sourceName]\n state.numBuffs[spellName] = state.numBuffs[spellName] + 1\n state.index = state.index - 1\n state.changed = true\n return true\nend\n\n\naura_env.eventHandlers.NUM_BUFFS_RESET = function(allStates, doReset) \n if not doReset then -- this seemingly redudant flag ensures we don't reset on WA options close\n return false\n end\n -- clear out all current clones\n for _, state in pairs(allStates) do\n state.show = false\n state.changed = true\n end\n _G.WA_NUM_BUFFS = {}\n print(\"|cff22b14cNumBuffs|r: Reset\")\n return true\nend", "do_custom": true }, "start": [], "finish": [] }, "internalVersion": 29, "semver": "1.0.8-8", "subRegions": [ { "type": "aurabar_bar" }, { "text_visible": true, "text_automaticWidth": "Auto", "rotateText": "NONE", "anchorXOffset": 0, "text_fontType": "None", "text_shadowYOffset": -1, "text_fixedWidth": 64, "text_font": "Friz Quadrata TT", "text_justify": "CENTER", "text_wordWrap": "WordWrap", "text_selfPoint": "AUTO", "text_text": "%n", "anchorYOffset": 0, "text_shadowColor": [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "text_anchorPoint": "INNER_LEFT", "text_color": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 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"tocversion": 11304, "sparkTexture": "Interface\\CastingBar\\UI-CastingBar-Spark", "auto": true, "authorOptions": [], "frameStrata": 1, "icon": false, "sparkWidth": 10, "conditions": [], "icon_color": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "triggers": { "1": { "untrigger": [], "trigger": { "unit": "player", "debuffType": "HELPFUL", "names": [], "custom_type": "stateupdate", "spellIds": [], "custom": "function(allStates, event, ...)\n return aura_env.eventHandlers[event](allStates, ...)\nend", "events": "WA_INIT COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED:SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS NUM_BUFFS_RESET", "event": "Health", "type": "custom", "subeventSuffix": "_CAST_START", "subeventPrefix": "SPELL", "check": "event" } }, "activeTriggerMode": -10 }, "version": 8, "sparkHeight": 30, "load": { "use_size": false, "spec": { "multi": [] }, "size": { "multi": { "flexible": true, "party": true, "twenty": true, "fortyman": true, "twentyfive": true, "ten": true } }, "class": { "multi": [] } }, "customText": "function()\n if WeakAuras.IsOptionsOpen() then\n return \"-\"\n end\n local state = aura_env.state\n return string.format(\n \"|cffffffff%2$2d|r%1$s|cffffffff%3$-2d|r |cff0080ff%4$2d|r%1$s|cff0080ff%5$-2d|r |cffdc00dc%6$2d|r%1$s|cffdc00dc%7$-2d|r\", -- lol\n \"|cff666666/|r\", -- seperator\n state.numBuffs[\"Power Word: Fortitude\"],\n state.numBuffs[\"Prayer of Fortitude\"],\n state.numBuffs[\"Divine Spirit\"],\n state.numBuffs[\"Prayer of Spirit\"],\n state.numBuffs[\"Shadow Protection\"],\n state.numBuffs[\"Prayer of Shadow Protection\"]\n )\nend", "adjustedMax": "0", "useAdjustededMin": false, "sparkColor": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "useAdjustededMax": false, "icon_side": "RIGHT" } ], "wagoID": "_jMp9iGSK" }