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(unitName == \"Grep\" and \" |cffff0000<3|r\" or \"\"),\n index = unitClass .. unitName,\n progressType = \"static\",\n value = 0,\n total = 1,\n icon = 0,\n barColor = {RAID_CLASS_COLORS[unitClass]:GetRGB()},\n }\n aura_env.eventHandlers.UNIT_POWER_UPDATE(allStates, unit)\n end\n end\n return true\nend\n\n\naura_env.eventHandlers.UNIT_POWER_UPDATE = function(allStates, unit, ...)\n local unitState = allStates[unit]\n if not unitState then\n return false -- not tracking unit\n end\n unitState.changed = true\n unitState.value = UnitPower(unit, Enum.PowerType.Mana, false)\n unitState.total = UnitPowerMax(unit, Enum.PowerType.Mana)\n unitState.manaPercent = Round((unitState.value / unitState.total) * 100)\n return true\nend\n\n\naura_env.eventHandlers.UNIT_AURA = function(allStates, unit)\n local unitState = allStates[unit]\n if not unitState then\n return false -- not tracking unit\n end\n unitState.changed = true\n for _, regenBuff in ipairs(aura_env.regenBuffs) do\n local buffName, shouldGlow = strsplit(\"+\", regenBuff)\n local buff = {WA_GetUnitBuff(unit, buffName)}\n if #buff ~= 0 then\n unitState.icon = GetSpellTexture(buff[10])\n unitState.glow = shouldGlow ~= nil\n unitState.buffExpirationTime = buff[6]\n return true\n end\n end\n unitState.icon = 0\n unitState.glow = false\n unitState.buffExpirationTime = nil\n return true\nend", "do_custom": true }, "start": { "do_custom": false }, "finish": [] }, "config": { "blacklist": "Borahk\nEzeriel\nKrigerkylling\nLoodt\nMagad\nRalfe\nZyaler", "regenBuffs": "Innervate+\nAura of the Blue Dragon\nDrink\nDim Sum\nFood" }, "sparkOffsetY": 0, "width": 150, "sparkRotation": 0, "spark": false, "sparkBlendMode": "ADD", "uid": "ESDF3HQnfL9", "customTextUpdate": "update", "internalVersion": 33, "backgroundColor": [ 0, 0, 0, 0.5 ], "barColor": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "alpha": 1, "anchorPoint": "CENTER", "anchorFrameType": "SCREEN", "sparkHidden": "NEVER", "tocversion": 11305, "auto": true, "zoom": 0.3, "frameStrata": 1, "icon": true, "displayIcon": "", "conditions": [ { "changes": [ { "property": "alpha", "value": 0.6 } ], "check": { "op": ">=", "trigger": 1, "variable": "manaPercent", "value": "100" } }, { "changes": [ { "property": "backgroundColor", "value": [ 0.7843137254902, 0, 0, 1 ] } ], "check": { "op": "<=", "trigger": 1, "value": "0", "variable": "value" } }, { "changes": [ { "property": "sub.5.glow", "value": true } ], "check": { "trigger": 1, "value": 1, "variable": "glow" } } ], "icon_color": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "customText": "function()\n local expirationTime = aura_env.state.buffExpirationTime\n if expirationTime ~= 0 and expirationTime ~= nil then\n return Round(expirationTime - GetTime())\n end\n return nil\nend", "sparkOffsetX": 0, "sparkHeight": 30, "load": { "use_never": false, "use_ingroup": false, "size": { "multi": [] }, "class": { "multi": [] }, "ingroup": { "single": "group", "multi": { "raid": true, "group": true } }, "spec": { "multi": [] } }, "subRegions": [ { "type": "aurabar_bar" }, { "text_visible": true, "text_automaticWidth": "Auto", "rotateText": "NONE", "anchorXOffset": 0, "text_fontType": "OUTLINE", "text_shadowYOffset": -1, "text_fixedWidth": 64, "text_font": "Friz Quadrata TT", "text_justify": "CENTER", "text_wordWrap": "WordWrap", "text_selfPoint": "CENTER", "text_text": "%c", "anchorYOffset": 0, "text_shadowColor": [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "text_anchorPoint": "ICON_CENTER", "text_color": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "type": "subtext", "text_fontSize": 12, "text_shadowXOffset": 1 }, { "text_text_format_n_format": "none", "text_automaticWidth": "Auto", "rotateText": "NONE", "anchorXOffset": 0, "text_fontType": "None", "text_shadowYOffset": -1, "text_fixedWidth": 64, "text_font": "Friz Quadrata TT", "text_justify": "CENTER", "text_wordWrap": "WordWrap", "text_selfPoint": "AUTO", "text_text": "%n", "anchorYOffset": 0, "text_shadowColor": [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "text_anchorPoint": "INNER_LEFT", "text_color": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "type": "subtext", "text_visible": true, "text_fontSize": 12, "text_shadowXOffset": 1 }, { "text_visible": true, "text_automaticWidth": "Auto", "rotateText": "NONE", "anchorXOffset": 0, "text_fontType": "None", "text_shadowYOffset": -1, "text_fixedWidth": 64, "text_font": "Friz Quadrata TT", "text_justify": "CENTER", "text_wordWrap": "WordWrap", "text_selfPoint": "AUTO", "text_text": "%manaPercent%%", "anchorYOffset": 0, "text_shadowColor": [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], "text_anchorPoint": "INNER_RIGHT", "text_color": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "type": "subtext", "text_fontSize": 12, "text_text_format_manaPercent_format": "none", "text_shadowXOffset": 1 }, { "glowColor": [ 1, 1, 1, 1 ], "glowScale": 1, "glowLines": 15, "glow": false, "glowXOffset": 0, "glowYOffset": 0, "glowThickness": 1, "glow_anchor": "bg", "glowLength": 10, "glowBorder": false, "type": "subglow", "glowType": "Pixel", "glowFrequency": 0.25, "useGlowColor": false } ], "triggers": { "1": { "untrigger": [], "trigger": { "custom_hide": "timed", "customVariables": "{\n value = true,\n total = true,\n \n glow = \"bool\",\n manaPercent = \"number\"\n}\n\n\n", "debuffType": "HELPFUL", "custom_type": "stateupdate", "names": [], "subeventPrefix": "SPELL", "custom": "function(allStates, event, ...)\n return aura_env.eventHandlers[event](allStates, ...)\nend", "unit": "player", "events": "GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE UNIT_POWER_UPDATE UNIT_AURA", "event": "Health", "type": "custom", "subeventSuffix": "_CAST_START", "spellIds": [], "check": "event" } }, "disjunctive": "any", "activeTriggerMode": -10 }, "useAdjustededMax": false, "sparkWidth": 10, "useAdjustededMin": false, "icon_side": "LEFT", "url": "https://wago.io/XYufQKE3r/1", "version": 1, "semver": "1.0.0" } ], "wagoID": "XYufQKE3r" }