import argparse import itertools import logging import logging.config from pathlib import Path from typing import List from . import __url__, __author__, __version__, config, graph from .slpp import slpp as lua logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CLI: def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() def parse_args(self): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog="bb", description=f"BigBrother v{__version__} by {__author__}.", epilog=f"For more information, see <{__url__}>." ) parser.add_argument( dest="saved_variables", type=lambda s: Path(s), help="Path to WTF/Account/<ACCOUNT>/SavedVariables/BigBrother.lua", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", action="count", default=0, help="Increase verbosity level. Can be used multiple times." ) return parser.parse_args() def select_raid(self, saved_variables: Path) -> List[dict]: text = saved_variables.read_text(encoding="utf8") db = lua.decode(f"{{{text}}}") # double-{} since slpp requires all variables to be part of a lua table raids = [] for zone, encounters in itertools.groupby(db["BigBrotherDB"], key=lambda x: (x["zone"], x["date"][:10])): raids.append(list(encounters)) raids.reverse() # ensure latest raid is first for i, raid in enumerate(raids, start=1): print(f"{i:3} {raid[0]['date']} {raid[0]['zone']}") choice = int(input("Raid: ")) return raids[choice-1] def prompt_delete_saved_variables(self, saved_variables: Path) -> None: if input("Delete saved variables BigBrother.lua? [y/N] ").lower() == "y": saved_variables.unlink()"%s deleted.", saved_variables) def run(self) -> None: args = self.parse_args() logging.config.dictConfig(config.get_logging_config(level=("WARNING", "INFO", "DEBUG")[min(args.verbose, 2)])) logger.debug("Args: %s", args) raid = self.select_raid(args.saved_variables) graph.graph(raid) self.prompt_delete_saved_variables(args.saved_variables) def main(): cli = CLI() if __name__ == '__main__': main()