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time + timeToKill\n end\n end\n \n if aura_env.source == \"DBM\" and IsEncounterInProgress() then\n aura_env.killTime = aura_env.DBMKillTime\n elseif aura_env.source == \"DPS\" then\n aura_env.killTime = aura_env.DPSKillTime\n end\n if aura_env.killTime ~= nil then \n WeakAuras.ScanEvents(\"WA_TIME_TO_KILL\", aura_env.killTime - GetTime())\n return true\n end\n return false\nend\n\n\n\n\n\n", "subeventPrefix": "SPELL", "events": "PLAYER_TARGET_CHANGED UNIT_HEALTH", "event": "Chat Message", "names": [], "subeventSuffix": "_CAST_START", "spellIds": [], "type": "custom" } }, "3": { "untrigger": [], "trigger": { "use_id": false, "id": "Record Victory", "debuffType": "HELPFUL", "use_genericShowOn": true, "realSpellName": 0, "message_operator": "==", "use_dbmType": false, "duration": "1", "message": "Record Victory", "unevent": "auto", "genericShowOn": "showOnCooldown", "use_track": true, "unit": "player", "event": "DBM Timer", "type": "status", "spellName": 0, "use_spellName": true, 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