/run local y,i,n,v=0;for x=0,4 do for s=1,GetContainerNumSlots(x)do i={GetContainerItemInfo(x,s)}n=i[7]if n and string.find(n,"9d9d9d")then v={GetItemInfo(n)}q=i[2]y=y+v[11]*q;UseContainerItem(x,s)print('sold',n,q)end;end;end;print(GetCoinText(y))
**ML**: Set master looter to target with gray quality threshold on left-click. Set standard group loot on right-click.
/run if GetMouseButtonClicked() == "LeftButton" then SetLootMethod("master", GetUnitName("target"), 0) else SetLootMethod("group", 2) end
**AML**: Automatic Master Loot to own inventory.
/run local f=CreateFrame("FRAME");f:RegisterEvent("LOOT_READY");f:SetScript("OnEvent",function() for i=1,GetNumLootItems() do for c=1,GetNumGroupMembers() do if(GetMasterLootCandidate(i,c)==UnitName("player")) then GiveMasterLoot(i,c) end end end end)
**Spam**: Send chat message to a number of channels every 2 minutes.
/run if not m then print('Do /run m="..." first') else local d,t,S,C=130,GetTime(),SendChatMessage,"CHANNEL";l=l or 0;if t>l+d then S(m,C,nil,1);S(m,C,nil,5);S(m,C,nil,6);S(m,"YELL",nil);l=t else print("Next: "..ceil(l+d-t)) end end
**Ress**: Use Soul Stone or retrieve corpse.
/run for k, v in pairs(C_DeathInfo.GetSelfResurrectOptions() or {}) do C_DeathInfo.UseSelfResurrectOption(v["optionType"], v["id"]) end;RetrieveCorpse()
**Auto-Ress**: Click once to enable automatic Release Spirit and Spirit Healer-resurrection.
/cancelaura Honorless Target
/run local f=CreateFrame("FRAME");f:SetScript("OnUpdate",function() RepopMe();AcceptXPLoss();end)
-- alternatively, non-automatic:
/cancelaura Honorless Target
/click StaticPopup1Button1
/target Spirit Healer
/run SelectGossipOption(1)
/click StaticPopup2Button1
**Quest**: Spammable macro to complete repeatable quest.
/run SelectGossipAvailableQuest(3)
#/run SelectGossipOption(2)
/click QuestFrameCompleteButton
/click QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton
**Trade**: Spammable macro to open trade, or accept it once money has been provided.
/run if not TradeFrame:IsShown() then InitiateTrade("target") else if GetTargetTradeMoney() ~= 0 then AcceptTrade() end end
**MCCAP**: Use Mind Control Cap on predefined targets, or current target if no such targets exist.
#showtooltip Gnomish Mind Control Cap
/cancelaura Honorless Target
/use Gnomish Mind Control Cap
/targetexact Grep
/targetexact Fold
**dePoison**: Remove poison, using cheapest consumables first. Anti-Venoms do not share cooldown.
/use Immature Venom Sac
/use Anti-Venom
/use Strong Anti-Venom
/use Powerful Anti-Venom
/use Heart of Noxxion
/use Elixir of Poison Resistance
**Run**: Run!
/use Limited Invulnerability Potion
/use Parachute Cloak
/use Nifty Stopwatch
/use Gnomish Cloaking Device
**DI-Sum**: Cancel Divine Intervention and accept summon instantly.
**BBFly**: Spammable macro that will 1) target the Booty Bay Flight Master 2) Fly to Stormwind 3) log out once flight has initialised. Requires spamming this macro + interact keybind to work properly.