import json import sys from datetime import datetime from pathlib import Path import matplotlib.pyplot as plt paths = [Path(f) for f in sys.argv[1:]] if not paths: exit(f"Usage: {__file__} ..") def parse_stats(path: Path): timestamps = [] data = [] with as file: for line in file.readlines(): stat = json.loads(line) timestamps.append(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(stat["utc"])) data.append(stat["data"]) return max(d["crawler"]["num_nodes"] for d in data), timestamps, data fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax1.set_ylabel("Torrent Hashes") ax2.set_ylabel("Peers") ax2.yaxis.tick_right() ax2.yaxis.set_label_position("right") for ax in (ax1, ax2): ax.set_xlabel("Hours") ax.tick_params("y") ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(plt.FuncFormatter(lambda x, loc: "{:,}".format(int(x)))) ax.grid(linewidth=.2) for num_nodes, timestamps, data in sorted((parse_stats(p) for p in paths), reverse=True): timestamps = [(t - timestamps[0]).total_seconds()/3600 for t in timestamps] # convert to hours relative to start ax1.plot(timestamps, [d["torrent_database"]["num_hashes"] for d in data], label=f"{num_nodes} nodes") ax2.plot(timestamps, [d["crawler"]["num_peers"] for d in data]) ax1.legend(loc="upper left") #fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0)