Fork 0
Casper V. Kristensen 1903988b90 vim: salt
2023-11-16 12:56:30 +01:00

36 lines
1.3 KiB

{ home-manager, pkgs, ... }: {
home-manager.users.caspervk = {
programs.neovim = {
enable = true;
defaultEditor = true;
viAlias = true;
vimAlias = true;
vimdiffAlias = true;
plugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [
kanagawa-nvim # colorscheme
vim-sleuth # automatic tab width
vim-surround # surrounding textobjects
indent-blankline-nvim # indentation guides
comment-nvim # comment keybinds
nvim-colorizer-lua # show colours in colours
leap-nvim # mouse, but its a keyboard
nvim-treesitter.withAllGrammars # code parser
nvim-treesitter-refactor # treesitter highlights and refactor keybinds
nvim-treesitter-textobjects # syntax-aware text objects
nvim-treesitter-context # context at the top of the screen
vim-matchup # better %
nvim-tree-lua # file explorer
nvim-web-devicons # file icons for nvim-tree
project-nvim # project management; mostly for nvim-tree
nvim-dap # debug adapter protocol
nvim-dap-virtual-text # show variable values in-line
salt-vim # salt syntax-highlighting
extraPackages = with pkgs; [ ];
extraConfig = builtins.readFile ./config.vim;
extraLuaConfig = builtins.readFile ./config.lua;