2019-03-01 23:07:36 +01:00

53 lines
2 KiB

run once "lib/rcs".
run once "lib/target".
run once "lib/vectors".
function dock {
// Dock the ship with another vessel.
// Prerequisites:
// Must be controlling from a local docking port (right click -> control from here).
// TARGET must be a docking port (right click -> set as target).
parameter max_translation_speed is 1.0.
parameter final_docking_speed is 0.1.
print "==================== DOCKING =====================".
// Target port vectors
local lock target_port to TARGET:nodeposition.
local lock target_port_facing to TARGET:portfacing:vector.
//vdraw(target_port@, target_port_facing@, CYAN).
// Local port vectors
local lock local_port to SHIP:controlpart:nodeposition.
local lock local_port_facing to SHIP:controlpart:portfacing:vector.
//vdraw(local_port@, local_port_facing@, CYAN).
SAS off.
print "==> Aligning with target port".
local lock alignment_direction to lookdirup(-target_port_facing, TARGET:ship:facing:vector). // align dock-on-dock but with UP the same direction
lock STEERING to alignment_direction.
wait until vang(SHIP:facing:vector, alignment_direction:vector) <= 1.
print "==> Translating".
// TODO: Translate "around" the target vessel on different axes first so we dont crash if behind the target docking port.
rcs_translate({return (target_port + target_port_facing) - (local_port + local_port_facing).}, max_translation_speed).
print "==> Docking".
// TARGET will be unset the moment we dock, causing many of the calculations and local locks to cause errors.
// Therefore, the final docking will be done using the information available to us now, without any error corrections.
lock STEERING to SHIP:facing.
set SHIP:CONTROL:TRANSLATION to ship_raw_to_ship_control(target_port - local_port).
wait until relative_velocity():mag >= final_docking_speed.
wait until not HASTARGET.