run once util. function estimated_burn_duration { // Calculate estimated burn duration for a maneuver node // // parameter node is NEXTNODE. local exhaust_velocity is isp_sum() * (CONSTANT:G * KERBIN:MASS). return ((SHIP:MASS * exhaust_velocity) / SHIP:MAXTHRUST) * (1 - CONSTANT:E^(-node:DELTAV:MAG/exhaust_velocity)). } function execute_node { parameter node is NEXTNODE. parameter precision is 0.05. // m/s delta-v local burn_duration is estimated_burn_duration(node). print "=== EXECUTE MANEUVER NODE ===". print "Estimated burn duration: " + ROUND(burn_duration, 1) + "s". print "Aligning ship with burn vector..". SAS OFF. lock STEERING to node:DELTAV. wait until VANG(SHIP:FACING:VECTOR, node:DELTAV) < 0.1. print "Initializing warp". unlock_control(). warp_for(MAX(0, node:ETA - (burn_duration/2) - 5)). // warp until 5s before node print "Approaching". lock STEERING to node:DELTAV. wait until node:ETA <= ROUND(burn_duration/2). print "Burn!". lock THROTTLE to 1.0. // Decrease throttle linearly when the burn duration is less than 1 second wait until estimated_burn_duration(node) <= 1. lock THROTTLE to MAX(0.01, estimated_burn_duration(node)). // ensure we always finish by burning with at least 1% power wait until node:DELTAV:MAG < precision. set THROTTLE to 0.0. print "=== MANEUVER NODE EXECUTED ===". print ROUND(node:DELTAV:MAG, 3) + "m/s delta-v remaining". unlock_control(). wait 1. remove node. } function change_slash_set_orbit { parameter what. }