run once util. function execute_node { parameter node is NEXTNODE. print "EXECUTE MANEUVER NODE". // Calculate estimated burn time // // local isp_sum is 0. list ENGINES in engines_list. for engine in engines_list { if engine:STAGE = STAGE:NUMBER set ISP_sum to ISP_sum + engine:VISP. } local ve is ISP_sum * (CONSTANT:G * KERBIN:MASS). // exhaust velocity local burn_time is ((SHIP:MASS * ve) / SHIP:MAXTHRUST) * (1 - CONSTANT:E^(-node:BURNVECTOR:MAG/ve)). print "Estimated burn time: " + ROUND(burn_time). print "Aligning ship with burn vector". SAS OFF. lock STEERING to node:BURNVECTOR. wait until VANG(SHIP:FACING:VECTOR, node:BURNVECTOR) < 0.1. print "Initializing warp". unlock STEERING. // TODO: Doesnt work? warp_for(MAX(0, node:ETA - (burn_time/2) - 5)). // Warp until 5s before node print "Approaching". lock STEERING to node:BURNVECTOR. wait until node:ETA <= burn_time/2. print "Burn!". lock THROTTLE to 1.0. //throttle is 100% until there is less than 1 second of time left to burn //when there is less than 1 second - decrease the throttle linearly // TODO: Smooth at the end wait until node:DELTAV:MAG < 5.0. // TODO set THROTTLE to 0.0. print "DONE! Removing node and unlocking steering". remove node. unlock STEERING. unlock THROTTLE. SET SHIP:CONTROL:PILOTMAINTHROTTLE TO 0. } function create_circularization_node { // parameter where. print "CREATE CIRCULARIZATION NODE". local node is NODE(TIME:SECONDS + ETA:APOAPSIS, 0, 0, 0). add node. // Calculate required velocity to acheive orbit at altitude equal to apoapsis // local orbital_speed is SQRT((CONSTANT:G * ORBIT:BODY:MASS) / (ORBIT:BODY:RADIUS + APOAPSIS)). // Calculate the difference between the required velocity and our velocity at apoapsis set node:PROGRADE to orbital_speed - VELOCITYAT(SHIP, TIME:SECONDS + ETA:APOAPSIS):ORBIT:MAG. } function create_orbitchange_node { parameter what. }