run once util. run once vectors. run once node. print "====================== LAUNCHING ======================". parameter orbit_height is 100_000. parameter pitchover_tilt is 20. parameter pitchover_altitude is 1000. parameter pitchover_velocity is 100. // Auto-stage when the stage has no solid- and liquid fuel left when (STAGE:SOLIDFUEL + STAGE:LIQUIDFUEL < 1) and STAGE:READY then { print "STAGING (zero fuel)". STAGE. return true. // preserve trigger } // Automatically deploy solar panels at 0 atmosphere when SHIP:DYNAMICPRESSURE = 0 then { print "Deploying solar panels (zero pressure)". PANELS ON. } // Disable engine gimbal when engine is off on (not THROTTLE) { // using not to cast to boolean list engines in engines_list. for engine in engines_list { if engine:HASGIMBAL set engine:GIMBAL:LOCK to not THROTTLE. } return true. // preserve trigger } // VERTICAL CLIMB print "VERTICAL CLIMB to " + pitchover_altitude + "m or " + pitchover_velocity + "m/s". SAS OFF. set NAVMODE to "SURFACE". lock THROTTLE to 1.0. lock STEERING to HEADING(90,90). // Once a certain altitude is reached, a slight turn is made, called the pitchover maneuver wait until SHIP:ALTITUDE > pitchover_altitude or SHIP:VELOCITY:SURFACE:MAG > pitchover_velocity. // PITCHOVER MANEUVER print "PITCHOVER by " + pitchover_tilt + "°". lock STEERING to HEADING(90,90-pitchover_tilt). wait until actual_prograde_pitch() > pitchover_tilt. // GRAVITY TURN print "GRAVITY TURN". lock STEERING to HEADING(90, 90-actual_prograde_pitch()). // follow prograde to get 0 deg angle of attack, but force compass heading 90 (east) wait until APOAPSIS > orbit_height. lock THROTTLE TO 0. unlock STEERING. // CREATE AND EXECUTE CIRCULARIZATION MANEUVER NODE create_circularization_node(). execute_node(). // EPILOGUE // Ensure that the throttle will be 0 when execution stops set SHIP:CONTROL:PILOTMAINTHROTTLE to 0. // Ensure that the player is not locked out of control. set SHIP:CONTROL:NEUTRALIZE to true. unlock STEERING. unlock THROTTLE. print "====================== LAUNCH SEQUENCE COMPLETE ======================".