import json with open("data.json", "r") as file: data = json.load(file) for o in data: print(o) if o["model"] == "raids.raidresponse": if o["fields"]["status"] >= 2: # SIGNED_UP o["fields"]["attendance"] = 1.0 else: o["fields"]["attendance"] = 0.0 if o["model"] == "users.user": o["fields"]["rank"] = 3 # veteran print("=============================================") print("=============================================") print("=============================================") with open("new.json", "w") as file: skip = ["contenttypes.contenttype", "auth.permission", "admin.logentry"] thedump = [d for d in data if d["model"] not in skip] for d in thedump: print(d) json.dump(thedump, file)