import time from random import randint, random import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from aucoin.blockchain import Blockchain from aucoin.mempool import Mempool from aucoin.miner import find_best_transactions class Transaction(object): _fee = 1 _hash = b"" prev_tx_hash = b"sdfasfasdfasdfasdf" txout_index = 0 signature = b"" public_key = b"" _size = 12 @property def hash(self): return self._hash def __bytes__(self): return self.prev_tx_hash + \ self.txout_index.to_bytes(4, "big") + \ self.signature + \ self.public_key @property def inputs(self): return [self] @property def size(self) -> int: """ :return: Size of transaction in bytes. """ return self._size def fee(self, bc=None, mem=None, session=None) -> int: return self._fee def __str__(self, *args, **kwargs): return f"Hash: {self._hash.hex()}" def generate_transactions(number: int, pct=70): txs = [] for i in range(number): tx = Transaction() tx._hash = i.to_bytes(12, "big") tx._size = randint(30, 60) tx._fee = randint(10, 30 ) + tx._size/10 if random() < pct/100 and len(txs) > 0: tx.prev_tx_hash = txs[randint(0, len(txs)-1)].hash ## tx._fee += randint(0, 100) pass else: tx.prev_tx_hash = b"sdfasfasdfasdfasdf" txs.append(tx) return txs def simple_alg(txs, max_size): size = 0 total = 0 best = [] sorted_txs = sorted(txs, key=lambda tx: tx._fee / tx.size, reverse=True) for tx in sorted_txs: if mempool.transaction(tx.prev_tx_hash) is None: if size + tx.size < max_size: size += tx.size total += tx._fee best.append(tx) return best, total sums_best = [[],[],[],[]] sums = [[],[],[],[]] max_size = 2048*2 """ start = 0 end = 1000 times_best = [] times_simple = [] for j in [0, 1, 2, 3]: transactions = generate_transactions(end, j*20) for i in range(start, end): mempool = Mempool() blockchain = Blockchain() txs = transactions[0:i] for tx in txs: mempool[tx.hash] = tx # log time and run alg. t = time.time() best, total = find_best_transactions(blockchain, mempool, max_size, None) times_best.append(time.time() - t) # log time and run simple alg. t = time.time() simple_b, simple_total = simple_alg(txs, max_size) times_simple.append(time.time() - t) sums_best[j].append(total) sums[j].append(simple_total) print(mean(sums_best[0]), mean(sums[0])) print(f"Alg: {sum(times_best)}") print(f"Simple: {sum(times_simple)}") x = range(start, end) plt.figure(1) plt.subplot(141) plt.plot(x, np.array(sums_best[0]), 'g', x, sums[0], 'r--') plt.xlabel('transactions in mempool') plt.ylabel('Total fee') plt.title('0% dependent') plt.subplot(142) plt.plot(x, np.array(sums_best[1]), 'g', x, sums[1], 'r--') plt.title('20% dependent') plt.xlabel('transactions in mempool') plt.subplot(143) plt.plot(x, np.array(sums_best[2]), 'g', x, sums[2], 'r--') plt.title('40% dependent') plt.xlabel('transactions in mempool') plt.subplot(144) plt.plot(x, np.array(sums_best[3]), 'g', x, sums[3], 'r--') plt.title('60% dependent') plt.xlabel('transactions in mempool') """ times = [] times_simple = [] for i in range(0, 100): mempool = Mempool() blockchain = Blockchain() txs = generate_transactions(1000, i) for tx in txs: mempool[tx.hash] = tx t = time.time() best, total = find_best_transactions(blockchain, mempool, max_size, None) times.append(time.time() - t) t = time.time() simple_b, simple_total = simple_alg(txs, max_size) times_simple.append(time.time() - t) print(f"Extended: {sum(times)}") print(f"Simple: {sum(times_simple)}") x = range(0, 100) plt.figure(2) plt.plot(x, np.array(times)*1000, 'g', x, np.array(times_simple)*1000, 'r--') plt.title('Runningtime of extended (green) compared to simple (red) algorithm') plt.xlabel('% of dependent transactions (of 1000 in total)') plt.ylabel('milliseconds')