import logging import random import time from threading import Thread from aucoin.core import Core from aucoin.database import session_scope logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Stressor(object): def __init__(self, core: Core, receiver_address=None): self.core = core self.receiver_address = receiver_address"Starting stressor") Thread(target=self.sender, daemon=True).start() def sender(self): # Receiver address is either provided by parameter or chosen at random. We set it here (in the thread) instead # of in the constructor because random_address() might loop. receiver_address = self.receiver_address or self.random_address()"Chosen receiver address: %s", receiver_address.hex()) while True: time.sleep(1) with self.core.lock: balance = sum(self.core.wallet.balance) # sum of confirmed and unconfirmed balance while balance >= 110: amount = random.randint(10, 100) fee = random.randint(0, 10)"Sending %s auc to %s with %s auc fee", amount, receiver_address.hex(), fee) self.core.wallet.make_transaction(receiver_address, amount, fee) balance -= amount + fee def random_address(self): logger.debug("Choosing random receiver address..") # Loop until we get an address because the blockchain might be empty (or only contain our addresses), in which # case we need to keep trying until somebody else mines a block. receiver_address = None while receiver_address is None: with session_scope() as session: # Known addresses are all addresses on the chain minus the address of the genesis block and ourselves known_addresses = self.core.blockchain.known_addresses(session) - {bytes(32)} - self.core.wallet.addresses if known_addresses: return random.choice(tuple(known_addresses)) # random.choice doesn't work with sets time.sleep(1) continue