2019-06-08 23:39:14 +02:00

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package info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces;
import org.json.JSONObject;
import java.util.List;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.actions.defs.CustomAction;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.actions.defs.CustomActionType;
* Created by mike on 04.06.2016.
public interface PumpInterface {
boolean isInitialized(); // true if pump status has been read and is ready to accept commands
boolean isSuspended(); // true if suspended (not delivering insulin)
boolean isBusy(); // if true pump is not ready to accept commands right now
boolean isConnected(); // true if BT connection is established
boolean isConnecting(); // true if BT connection is in progress
boolean isHandshakeInProgress(); // true if BT is connected but initial handshake is still in progress
void finishHandshaking(); // set initial handshake completed
void connect(String reason);
void disconnect(String reason);
void stopConnecting();
void getPumpStatus();
// Upload to pump new basal profile
PumpEnactResult setNewBasalProfile(Profile profile);
boolean isThisProfileSet(Profile profile);
long lastDataTime();
double getBaseBasalRate(); // base basal rate, not temp basal
double getReservoirLevel();
int getBatteryLevel(); // in percent as integer
PumpEnactResult deliverTreatment(DetailedBolusInfo detailedBolusInfo);
void stopBolusDelivering();
PumpEnactResult setTempBasalAbsolute(Double absoluteRate, Integer durationInMinutes, Profile profile, boolean enforceNew);
PumpEnactResult setTempBasalPercent(Integer percent, Integer durationInMinutes, Profile profile, boolean enforceNew);
PumpEnactResult setExtendedBolus(Double insulin, Integer durationInMinutes);
//some pumps might set a very short temp close to 100% as cancelling a temp can be noisy
//when the cancel request is requested by the user (forced), the pump should always do a real cancel
PumpEnactResult cancelTempBasal(boolean enforceNew);
PumpEnactResult cancelExtendedBolus();
// Status to be passed to NS
JSONObject getJSONStatus(Profile profile, String profileName);
String manufacter();
String model();
String serialNumber();
// Pump capabilities
PumpDescription getPumpDescription();
// Short info for SMS, Wear etc
String shortStatus(boolean veryShort);
boolean isFakingTempsByExtendedBoluses();
PumpEnactResult loadTDDs();
public boolean canHandleDST();
List<CustomAction> getCustomActions();
void executeCustomAction(CustomActionType customActionType);