2016-06-23 17:07:38 +02:00

317 lines
12 KiB

package info.nightscout.androidaps.db;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.DatabaseUtils;
import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase;
import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;
import com.j256.ormlite.dao.Dao;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.PreparedQuery;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.QueryBuilder;
import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.Where;
import com.j256.ormlite.table.TableUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.Config;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.Constants;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.MainApp;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.R;
import info.nightscout.utils.Round;
public class DatabaseHelper extends OrmLiteSqliteOpenHelper {
private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DatabaseHelper.class);
public static final String DATABASE_NAME = "AndroidAPSDb";
private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;
public DatabaseHelper(Context context) {
super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);
public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase database, ConnectionSource connectionSource) {
try {"onCreate");
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, TempBasal.class);
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, Treatment.class);
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, BgReading.class);
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error(DatabaseHelper.class.getName(), "Can't create database", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase database, ConnectionSource connectionSource, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
try {, "onUpgrade");
TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, TempBasal.class, true);
TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, Treatment.class, true);
TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, BgReading.class, true);
onCreate(database, connectionSource);
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.error(DatabaseHelper.class.getName(), "Can't drop databases", e);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
* Close the database connections and clear any cached DAOs.
public void close() {
public void cleanUpDatabases() {
// TODO: call it somewhere
log.debug("Before BgReadings size: " + DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(getReadableDatabase(), "BgReadings"));
getWritableDatabase().delete("BgReadings", "timeIndex" + " < '" + Math.ceil((new Date().getTime() - Constants.hoursToKeepInDatabase * 60 * 60 * 1000l) / 60000d) + "'", null);
log.debug("After BgReadings size: " + DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(getReadableDatabase(), "BgReadings"));
log.debug("Before TempBasals size: " + DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(getReadableDatabase(), "TempBasals"));
getWritableDatabase().delete("TempBasals", "timeIndex" + " < '" + Math.ceil((new Date().getTime() - Constants.hoursToKeepInDatabase * 60 * 60 * 1000l) / 60000d) + "'", null);
log.debug("After TempBasals size: " + DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(getReadableDatabase(), "TempBasals"));
log.debug("Before Treatments size: " + DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(getReadableDatabase(), "Treatments"));
getWritableDatabase().delete("Treatments", "timeIndex" + " < '" + Math.ceil((new Date().getTime() - Constants.hoursToKeepInDatabase * 60 * 60 * 1000l) / 60000d) + "'", null);
log.debug("After Treatments size: " + DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(getReadableDatabase(), "Treatments"));
public void resetDatabases() {
try {
TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, TempBasal.class, true);
TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, Treatment.class, true);
TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, BgReading.class, true);
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, TempBasal.class);
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, Treatment.class);
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, BgReading.class);
MainApp.bus().post(new EventNewBG());
MainApp.bus().post(new EventTreatmentChange());
MainApp.bus().post(new EventTempBasalChange());
} catch (SQLException e) {
public void resetTreatments() {
try {
TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, Treatment.class, true);
TableUtils.createTableIfNotExists(connectionSource, Treatment.class);
} catch (SQLException e) {
public Dao<TempBasal, Long> getDaoTempBasals() throws SQLException {
return getDao(TempBasal.class);
public Dao<Treatment, Long> getDaoTreatments() throws SQLException {
return getDao(Treatment.class);
public Dao<BgReading, Long> getDaoBgReadings() throws SQLException {
//SQLiteDatabase db = getReadableDatabase();
//log.debug("BgReadings size: " + DatabaseUtils.queryNumEntries(db, "BgReadings"));
return getDao(BgReading.class);
* Return last BgReading from database or null if db is empty
public BgReading lastBg() {
List<BgReading> bgList = null;
try {
Dao<BgReading, Long> daoBgReadings = MainApp.getDbHelper().getDaoBgReadings();
QueryBuilder<BgReading, Long> queryBuilder = daoBgReadings.queryBuilder();
queryBuilder.orderBy("timeIndex", false);
PreparedQuery<BgReading> preparedQuery = queryBuilder.prepare();
bgList = daoBgReadings.query(preparedQuery);
} catch (SQLException e) {
log.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
if (bgList.size() > 0)
return bgList.get(0);
return null;
* Return bg reading if not old ( <9 min )
* or null if older
public BgReading actualBg() {
BgReading lastBg = lastBg();
if (lastBg == null)
return null;
if (lastBg.timestamp > new Date().getTime() - 9 * 60 * 1000)
return lastBg;
return null;
public List<BgReading> getDataFromTime(long mills) {
try {
Dao<BgReading, Long> daoBgreadings = getDaoBgReadings();
List<BgReading> bgReadings;
QueryBuilder<BgReading, Long> queryBuilder = daoBgreadings.queryBuilder();
queryBuilder.orderBy("timeIndex", true);
Where where = queryBuilder.where();"timeIndex", (long) Math.ceil(mills / 60000d));
PreparedQuery<BgReading> preparedQuery = queryBuilder.prepare();
bgReadings = daoBgreadings.query(preparedQuery);
return bgReadings;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return new ArrayList<BgReading>();
* Returns glucose_status for openAPS or null if no actual data available
public static class GlucoseStatus implements Parcelable {
public double glucose = 0d;
public double delta = 0d;
public double avgdelta = 0d;
public String toString() {
Context context = MainApp.instance().getApplicationContext();
DecimalFormat formatNumber0decimalplaces = new DecimalFormat("0");
DecimalFormat formatNumber2decimalplaces = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
return context.getString(R.string.glucose) + " " + formatNumber0decimalplaces.format(glucose) + "\n" +
context.getString( + " " + formatNumber0decimalplaces.format(delta) + "\n" +
context.getString(R.string.avgdelta) + " " + formatNumber2decimalplaces.format(avgdelta);
public int describeContents() {
return 0;
public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags) {
public final Parcelable.Creator<GlucoseStatus> CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator<GlucoseStatus>() {
public GlucoseStatus createFromParcel(Parcel in) {
return new GlucoseStatus(in);
public GlucoseStatus[] newArray(int size) {
return new GlucoseStatus[size];
private GlucoseStatus(Parcel in) {
avgdelta = in.readDouble();
delta = in.readDouble();
glucose = in.readDouble();
public GlucoseStatus() {}
public GlucoseStatus(Double glucose, Double delta, Double avgdelta) {
this.glucose = glucose; = delta;
this.avgdelta = avgdelta;
public GlucoseStatus round() {
this.glucose = Round.roundTo(this.glucose, 0.1); = Round.roundTo(, 0.01);
this.avgdelta = Round.roundTo(this.avgdelta, 0.01);
return this;
public GlucoseStatus getGlucoseStatusData() {
GlucoseStatus result = new GlucoseStatus();
try {
Dao<BgReading, Long> daoBgreadings = null;
daoBgreadings = getDaoBgReadings();
List<BgReading> bgReadings;
QueryBuilder<BgReading, Long> queryBuilder = daoBgreadings.queryBuilder();
queryBuilder.orderBy("timeIndex", false);
PreparedQuery<BgReading> preparedQuery = queryBuilder.prepare();
bgReadings = daoBgreadings.query(preparedQuery);
int sizeRecords = bgReadings.size();
if (sizeRecords < 4 || bgReadings.get(sizeRecords - 4).timestamp < new Date().getTime() - 7 * 60 * 1000l) {
if (Config.fakeGlucoseData) {
return new GlucoseStatus(Math.random() * 400, (Math. random() - 0.5)* 18, (Math. random() - 0.5)* 18);
return null;
int minutes = 5;
double change;
double avg;
if (bgReadings.size() > 3) {
BgReading now = bgReadings.get(sizeRecords - 4);
BgReading last = bgReadings.get(sizeRecords - 3);
BgReading last1 = bgReadings.get(sizeRecords - 2);
BgReading last2 = bgReadings.get(sizeRecords - 1);
if (last2.value > 30) {
minutes = 3 * 5;
change = now.value - last2.value;
} else if (last1.value > 30) {
minutes = 2 * 5;
change = now.value - last1.value;
} else if (last.value > 30) {
minutes = 5;
change = now.value - last.value;
} else {
change = 0;
//multiply by 5 to get the same unit as delta, i.e. mg/dL/5m
avg = change / minutes * 5;
result.glucose = now.value; = now.value - last.value;
result.avgdelta = avg;
} catch (SQLException e) {
return null;
return result;