package info; import org.junit.Assert; import org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers; import org.powermock.api.mockito.PowerMockito; import java.util.HashMap; import info.nightscout.utils.SP; public class SPMocker { static HashMap data = new HashMap<>(); public static void prepareMock() { PowerMockito.mockStatic(SP.class); try { PowerMockito.when(SP.class, "putString", ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.anyString()).then(invocation -> { String key = invocation.getArgument(0); String value = invocation.getArgument(1); data.put(key, value); System.out.print("putString " + key + " " + value + "\n"); return null; }); PowerMockito.when(SP.class, "getString", ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.any()).then(invocation -> { String key = invocation.getArgument(0); String def = invocation.getArgument(1); String value = (String) data.get(key); if (value == null) value = def; System.out.print("getString " + key + " " + value + "\n"); return value; }); PowerMockito.when(SP.class, "putBoolean", ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.anyBoolean()).then(invocation -> { String key = invocation.getArgument(0); Boolean value = invocation.getArgument(1); data.put(key, value); System.out.print("putBoolean " + key + " " + value + "\n"); return null; }); PowerMockito.when(SP.class, "getBoolean", ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.any()).then(invocation -> { String key = invocation.getArgument(0); Boolean def = invocation.getArgument(1); Boolean value = (Boolean) data.get(key); if (value == null) value = def; System.out.print("getBoolean " + key + " " + value + "\n"); return value; }); PowerMockito.when(SP.class, "getDouble", ArgumentMatchers.anyString(), ArgumentMatchers.any()).then(invocation -> { String key = invocation.getArgument(0); Double def = invocation.getArgument(1); Double value = (Double) data.get(key); if (value == null) value = def; System.out.print("getDouble " + key + " " + value + "\n"); return value; }); } catch (Exception e) {"Unable to mock the construction of the SP object: " + e.getMessage()); } } }