What is true about DIA? Topic: Duration of Insulin Action The minimum value is 3 hours. The minimum value is 5 hours. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Configuration/Config-Builder.html?#insulin The meaning is equal to the DIA parameter used in your pump. You have to determine your individual value (but not less than 5 hours). Topic: Hypo Temp-Target What is primary reason to set a hypo TT? To prevent BG from going low if there is already zero temp running. To prevent AAPS from dosing too much insulin after a rise caused by fast-acting carbs used to treat a low. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/temptarget.html Which profile can be used and configured offline? Topic: Offline Profile NS Profile can be used, but not configured. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Configuration/Config-Builder.html#profile Topic: Disconnecting from the Pump What should be done when disconnecting the pump? Click ‘Disconnect pump’ so that AAPS knows that no insulin is being delivered. Click ‘Suspend loop’ so that AAPS stops looping while the pump is disconnected. Don’t change anything in AAPS; just disconnect the pump. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Getting-Started/FAQ.html#other-settings Topic: AndroidAPS Settings What are best practices to backup your settings? Locally export them from Maintenance menu. Store exported file to another place like email, Dropbox, Google drive… Export them right after installation of AAPS. Export them after making setting changes. Export them after completing an objective. Export them when you finish initial settings. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/ExportImportSettings.html https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Getting-Started/FAQ.html#what-emergency-equipment-is-recommended-to-take-with-me Topic: Noisy CGM Readings What should be done if CGM data is noisy? Nothing, AAPS will deal with it. Disable the loop to avoid overdosing. Replace the CGM sensor. Turn off the phone. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/Smoothing-Blood-Glucose-Data-in-xDrip.html#smoothing-blood-glucose-data Verify that your CGM app smoothes BG data. Topic: Exercise How can you help the system deal with exercise? Using of temp-target feature. Do a profile switch below 100%. Do a profile switch above 100%. Stop the loop. Set an activity temp-target before starting exercise. Setting an activity temp-target after starting exercise leads to worse results than if started before. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/temptarget.html#activity-temp-target Topic: Disabled/Suspended loop Do I receive insulin when the loop is disabled/suspended? Yes, basal insulin continues to be delivered. No, delivery of insulin is stopped. Topic: Basal, ISF, and IC Testing When should I validate basals, ISF, and IC values? Before I start looping. When experiencing low BG frequently. When experiencing high BG frequently. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Getting-Started/FAQ.html#androidaps-settings Topic: Prerequisites What do I need? Validated profile information (Basal, IC, ISF, DIA). A computer to create an APK. A supported phone. A Car. Nightscout to pass the objectives. A Tidepool account. A Google account. A Github account. Android development experience. A MiniMed 670G pump. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Module/module.html A Smartwatch. A Supported CGM. Topic: Updating AndroidAPS What is true? You need to have Git installed. Update as soon as new version is released and having enough time to do it. You should use the same signing keys. Never update if the system is working well. Ask your friend for the new APK. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version.html#update-to-a-new-version-or-branch Topic: Troubleshooting Where to look for help? Join the AndroidAPS Facebook group. Read the AndroidAPS documentation. Visit AndroidAPS Gitter Room. Visit AndroidAPS Google support Speak to your endocrinologist. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Installing-AndroidAPS/Update-to-new-version.html#troubleshooting https://www.facebook.com/groups/AndroidAPSUsers/ https://gitter.im/MilosKozak/AndroidAPS Topic: Insulin Plugins Which brand of insulin can be used with the ‘Ultra-Rapid-Oref’ plugin? Fiasp® NovoRapid® Humalog® Actrapid® https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Configuration/Config-Builder.html#insulin Topic: Sensitivity Plugins Which sensitivity algorithm has a configurable time range? https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Configuration/Sensitivity-detection-and-COB.html Which sensitivity plugin must be used for the UAM feature? Topic: Carb Entry Errors What should you do if you’ve made an incorrect carb entry? In Treatments, delete the incorrect carb entry. Enter new carbs. Add fake insulin by using Refill function Topic: Food with Fat and Protein What to do if your food contains a large amount of fat and\/or proteins? Recalculate fat and proteins to carbs and use \"Extended carbs\" feature. Recalculate fat and proteins to carbs and add it to bolus calculation. Use extended bolus to cover fat and proteins. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/Extended-Carbs.html Topic: Remote Monitoring How can you monitor AAPS of your child remotely? Using a Nightscout site. Dexcom Follow app if you are using the original Dexcom app (BG only). Dexcom Follow if you are using the xDrip app. xDrip running in follower mode. Loop app on iPhone. Spike app on iPhone. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Children/Children.html Topic: Insulin Sensitivity Factor Higher ISF values lead to less insulin delivery when AAPS corrects for high BG. Lower ISF values lead to less insulin delivery when AAPS corrects for high BG. Changing ISF values has no effect on the amount of insulin delivered when AAPS corrects for high BG. You have to enter ISF in Preferences. Changing the ISF value in your profile is enough to apply the change. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Getting-Started/FAQ.html#insulin-sensitivity-factor-isf-mmol-l-u-or-mg-dl-u https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/Profiles.html Topic: The IC Ratio Higher IC ratios lead to less insulin delivered for a given amount of carbs. Lower IC ratios lead to less insulin delivered for a given amount of carbs. If you have 0 COB, changing the IC ratio will lead to a different amount of insulin to correct a given BG value. IC will be different if you count bread unit as 10g or 12g. IC meaning is: How many bread units are covered by 1U of insulin. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Getting-Started/FAQ.html#carbohydrate-to-insulin-ratio-cr-g-u Topic: Profile Switching When specifying 90% in profile switch… Basals will be 10% higher. Basals will be 10% lower. IC value will be 10% higher. IC value will be 10% lower. ISF value will be 10% higher. ISF value will be 10% lower. You will get around 10% less insulin in total. Target wiil be 10% higher. Target will be 10% lower. Only bottom target will be 10% lower. https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/Profiles.html?highlight=profile%20switch#profile-switch If you wake up 1h earlier than usual, how should you notify AAPS of the change in your schedule? Initiate a profile switch with a timeshift of 1 Initiate a profile switch with a timeshift of -1 https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Usage/Profiles.html?highlight=profile%20switch#timeshift Initiate a profile switch with a timeshift of 60 Initiate a profile switch with a timeshift of -60 https://androidaps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/EN/Module/module.html#good-individual-dosage-algorithm-for-your-diabetes-therapy Topic: Help with basal rates Where to go for help with basalrate etc. Your diabetes team Google Facebook