package de.jotomo.ruffyscripter.commands; import android.os.SystemClock; import com.j256.ormlite.stmt.query.In; import org.monkey.d.ruffy.ruffy.driver.display.MenuAttribute; import org.monkey.d.ruffy.ruffy.driver.display.MenuType; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import de.jotomo.ruffyscripter.PumpCapabilities; import de.jotomo.ruffyscripter.PumpState; import de.jotomo.ruffyscripter.RuffyScripter; public class DetermineCapabilitiesCommand implements Command { private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DetermineCapabilitiesCommand.class); public static final int UP_STEPS = 75; public static final int RETRIES = 5; @Override public List validateArguments() { return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public CommandResult execute(RuffyScripter scripter, PumpState initialPumpState) { try { //read main menu 100% or TBR? Read remaining duration. long durationBefore = readDisplayedTbrDurationMainMenu(scripter); long percentageBefore = readDisplayedTbrPercentageMainMenu(scripter); enterTbrMenu(scripter); long maxTbrPercentage = findMaxTbrPercentage(scripter); // TODO v2 this can probably be removed by now SystemClock.sleep(750); scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.MAIN_MENU, "Pump did not return to MAIN_MEU after finding max tbr. " + "Check pump manually, the TBR might be wrong."); //TODO: check if TBR is still the same or duration was less than 5 minutes long durationAfter = readDisplayedTbrDurationMainMenu(scripter); long percentageAfter = readDisplayedTbrPercentageMainMenu(scripter); if(Math.abs(durationBefore-durationAfter) > 5){ throw new CommandException().message("Duration jump during DetermineCapabilities"); } if(percentageAfter != percentageBefore){ if(durationBefore<5 && percentageAfter == 100){ log.debug("(percentageBefore != percentageAfter) - ignoring as tbr is now 100% and had a very short duration left"); } throw new CommandException().message("TBR changed while determining maxTBR."); } //TODO return Result return new CommandResult().success(true).enacted(false).message("Capablities: {maxTbrPercentage = " + maxTbrPercentage + ", success=" + "success }").capabilities((new PumpCapabilities()).maxTempPercent(maxTbrPercentage)); } catch (CommandException e) { return e.toCommandResult(); } } private void enterTbrMenu(RuffyScripter scripter) { scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.MAIN_MENU); scripter.navigateToMenu(MenuType.TBR_MENU); scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.TBR_MENU); scripter.pressCheckKey(); scripter.waitForMenuUpdate(); scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.TBR_SET); } private long findMaxTbrPercentage(RuffyScripter scripter) { scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.TBR_SET); long activeTempBasal = readDisplayedTbrPercentage(scripter); // pretend to increase the TBR to more than 500% log.debug("Pressing up " + UP_STEPS + " times to get to maximum"); for (int i = 0; i < UP_STEPS; i++) { scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.TBR_SET); scripter.pressUpKey(); SystemClock.sleep(200); log.debug("Push #" + (i + 1)); } //read the displayed maximum value scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.TBR_SET); long maximumTempBasal = readDisplayedTbrPercentage(scripter); //reset the TBR in a controlled manner long percentageChange = maximumTempBasal - activeTempBasal; long percentageSteps = percentageChange / 10; int retries= 0; while (percentageSteps > 0 && retries < RETRIES) { log.debug("Pressing down " + percentageSteps + " times to get to previous value. Retry " + retries); for (int i = 0; i < percentageSteps; i++) { scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.TBR_SET); scripter.pressDownKey(); SystemClock.sleep(200); log.debug("Push #" + (i + 1)); } //do the rest if button-presses failed. scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.TBR_SET); long currentPercentage = readDisplayedTbrPercentage(scripter); percentageChange = currentPercentage - activeTempBasal; percentageSteps = percentageChange / 10; retries++; } //exit menu scripter.pressCheckKey(); scripter.waitForMenuToBeLeft(MenuType.TBR_SET); return maximumTempBasal; } private long readDisplayedTbrPercentage(RuffyScripter scripter) { SystemClock.sleep(1000); // TODO v2 add timeout? Currently the command execution timeout would trigger if exceeded Object percentageObj = scripter.currentMenu.getAttribute(MenuAttribute.BASAL_RATE); // this as a bit hacky, the display value is blinking, so we might catch that, so // keep trying till we get the Double we want while (!(percentageObj instanceof Double)) { scripter.waitForMenuUpdate(); percentageObj = scripter.currentMenu.getAttribute(MenuAttribute.BASAL_RATE); } return ((Double) percentageObj).longValue(); } private int readDisplayedTbrDurationMainMenu(RuffyScripter scripter) { scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.MAIN_MENU); if(scripter.currentMenu.attributes().contains(MenuAttribute.RUNTIME)){ // TODO v2 add timeout? Currently the command execution timeout would trigger if exceeded Object durationObj = scripter.currentMenu.getAttribute(MenuAttribute.RUNTIME); MenuTime duration = (MenuTime) durationObj; return duration.getHour() * 60 + duration.getMinute(); } else { return 0; } } private int readDisplayedTbrPercentageMainMenu(RuffyScripter scripter) { scripter.verifyMenuIsDisplayed(MenuType.MAIN_MENU); if(scripter.currentMenu.attributes().contains(MenuAttribute.TBR)){ return (int)((Double) scripter.currentMenu.getAttribute(MenuAttribute.TBR)).doubleValue(); } else { return 100; } } @Override public String toString() { return "DetermineCapabilitiesCommand{}"; } }