RileyLinkAAPS ============= Medtronic + set basal profile (try to get to work - see new Loop code) - read history Bugs: History: - parse pump history Device search/scan refactor CGMS [not in plan for now]: - read history AAPS-Medtronic ============== - ? history: TDD query history retrive doesn't show whats happening datetime parsimg problem Invalid entry: Entry: EndResultTotals = [0x07 0x00 0x00 0x05 0xFA 0xBF 0x12] PumpHistoryRecord [type=EndResultTotals [7 , 0x07], DT: x , length=5,2,0(7), head=00 00 05 FA , datetime=BF 12 , rawData=07 00 00 05 FA BF 12 ] - history: - integrate - basal change code - settings change code - foolproofing: - bolus - TBR * connection (!!) - bolus: - progress - cancel handling - What needs to be fixed: + button when clicked Refresh x basal profile by 1/2 hour (not supported by AAPS) * disconnect - MedtronicUIResponseType integration - add fabric code for following errors - tuneup not working correctly - BT Scan: + display mac on calling Preference + fix location problem - fix start/stop of scan: - remove toast button: - Remove Refresh - Add Scan Button - Scan button is Stop button when search is running - after change old error visible * Refresh button toggling Pages (RL Info): - Base: - display firmware version - display current data (it doesn't work ATM) - RL history - Device page: - Add Commands: - get model - tune (with report) - get time - get remaining insulin - Add Statistics: - Bolus, - TBR - Bolus SMB - Pump Tab: - fix 3 buttons ========================================================================================================== DONE - AAPS-Medtronic ===================== + status time + status all scheduling + status config + status power + Statistics in App: + Bolus, + TBR + Bolus SMB + status error display: + time + basal profile enabled + basal profile incorrect + tbr type set + max bolus + max basal + wrong pump selected + Basal refactoring: - basal is read when history says there was a change + merge: bugs (3) + Code to determine number of users: DONE - RileyLinkAAPS ===================== RileyLink + BT Disconnect and reconnect (change in RileyLinkBLE ??) + RL version Medtronic x extended bolus Firmware Support: + version 2 support: + V1 works + V2 works Bugs: + Bolus 554 + TBR (554) ? + Remaining Insulin [554] + Get Basal profile returns just part of profile + Set TBR problem (after Bolus fixes) ======================================================================================================== None(0, "None", 1, 0, 0), // Bolus(0x01, "Bolus", 4, 5, 4), // 4,5,0 -> 4,5,4 Bolus(0x01, "Bolus", 2, 5, 4), // Thear Bolus(0x01, "Bolus", 4, DateFormat.LongDate, 0), // 523+[H=8] TempBasalRate(0x33, "TempBasal", 2, 5, 1), // TempBasalDuration(0x16, "TempBasalDuration"), // // Status changes Prime(0x03, "Prime", 5, 5, 0), // PumpSuspend(0x1e, "PumpSuspend"), // PumpResume(0x1f, "PumpResume"), // Rewind(0x21, "Rewind"), // // time change ChangeTime(0x17, "ChangeTime"), // NewTimeSet(0x18, "NewTimeSet"), // // settings ClearSettings(0x22, "ClearSettings"), // 8? SaveSettings(0x5d), // SelectBasalProfile(0x14, "SelectBasalProfile"), // ChangeMaxBolus(0x24), // 8? ChangeMaxBasal(0x2c), // ChangeTempBasalType((byte)0x62), // ChangeTempBasalTypePumpEvent // basal profile //ChangeBasalProfile_OldProfile(0x08, 2, 5, 145), // // V1: 2,5,42 V2:2,5,145; V4: V5 ChangeBasalProfile_NewProfile(0x09, 2, 5, 145), // // Daily Totals DailyTotals512(0x6c, "Daily Totals 512", 0, 0, 36), // DailyTotals522(0x6d, "Daily Totals 522", 1, 2, 41), // // hack1(0x6d, "hack1", 46, 5, 0), DailyTotals523(0x6e, "Daily Totals 523", 1, 2, 49), // 1102014-03-17T00:00:00 ChangeVariableBolus(0x5e), // EndResultTotals(0x07, "ResultTotals", 5, 2, 0), // V1: 5/5/41 V2: 5,2,3 V3, 5,2,0 V5: 7/10(523) BasalProfileStart(0x7b, 2, 5, 3), // // 722