package info.nightscout.androidaps.queue; import android.text.Html; import android.text.Spanned; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.LinkedList; import info.nightscout.androidaps.MainApp; import info.nightscout.androidaps.R; import; import; import; /** * Created by mike on 08.11.2017. */ public class CommandQueue { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandQueue.class); private LinkedList queue = new LinkedList<>(); private Command performing; private QueueThread thread = new QueueThread(this); private PumpEnactResult executingNowError() { PumpEnactResult result = new PumpEnactResult(); result.success = false; result.enacted = false; result.comment = MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.executingrightnow); return result; } public boolean isRunningTempBasal() { if (performing != null && performing.commandType == Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL) return true; return false; } public boolean isRunningBolus() { if (performing != null && performing.commandType == Command.CommandType.BOLUS) return true; return false; } public boolean isRunningExtendedBolus() { if (performing != null && performing.commandType == Command.CommandType.EXTENDEDBOLUS) return true; return false; } public boolean isRunningProfile() { if (performing != null && performing.commandType == Command.CommandType.BASALPROFILE) return true; return false; } private synchronized void removeAll(Command.CommandType type) { for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) { if (queue.get(i).commandType == type) { queue.remove(i); } } } private synchronized void add(Command command) { queue.add(command); } protected synchronized void pickup() { performing = queue.poll(); } public void clear() { queue.clear(); } public int size() { return queue.size(); } public Command performing() { return performing; } public void resetPerforming() { performing = null; } private void notifyAboutNewCommand() { if (!thread.isAlive()) thread.start(); } // returns true if command is queued public boolean bolus(DetailedBolusInfo detailedBolusInfo, Callback callback) { if (isRunningBolus()) { callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished boluses removeAll(Command.CommandType.BOLUS); // add new command to queue add(new CommandBolus(detailedBolusInfo, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean tempBasalAbsolute(double absoluteRate, int durationInMinutes, boolean enforceNew, Callback callback) { if (isRunningTempBasal()) { callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished boluese removeAll(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL); // add new command to queue add(new CommandTempBasalAbsolute(absoluteRate, durationInMinutes, enforceNew, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean tempBasalPercent(int percent, int durationInMinutes, Callback callback) { if (isRunningTempBasal()) { callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished boluese removeAll(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL); // add new command to queue add(new CommandTempBasalPercent(percent, durationInMinutes, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean extendedBolus(double insulin, int durationInMinutes, Callback callback) { if (isRunningExtendedBolus()) { callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished boluese removeAll(Command.CommandType.EXTENDEDBOLUS); // add new command to queue add(new CommandExtendedBolus(insulin, durationInMinutes, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean cancelTempBasal(boolean enforceNew, Callback callback) { if (isRunningTempBasal()) { callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished boluese removeAll(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL); // add new command to queue add(new CommandCancelTempBasal(enforceNew, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean cancelExtended(Callback callback) { if (isRunningExtendedBolus()) { callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished boluese removeAll(Command.CommandType.EXTENDEDBOLUS); // add new command to queue add(new CommandCancelExtendedBolus(callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean setProfile(Profile profile, Callback callback) { if (isRunningProfile()) { callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished boluese removeAll(Command.CommandType.BASALPROFILE); // add new command to queue add(new CommandSetProfile(profile, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } Spanned spannedStatus() { String s = ""; if (performing != null) { s += "" + performing.status() + "
"; } for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) { s += queue.get(i).status() + "
"; } return Html.fromHtml(s); } }