plugins { id '' id 'kotlin-android' id 'kotlin-kapt' id 'kotlin-allopen' id 'kotlin-parcelize' id 'kotlinx-serialization' } apply from: "${project.rootDir}/core/main/android_dependencies.gradle" apply from: "${project.rootDir}/core/main/android_module_dependencies.gradle" android { namespace 'info.nightscout.interfaces' } dependencies { // I don't like this low level dependency but it helps // to move more code to interface module // database module is compiled longer anyway // (ResourceHelper, AAPSLogger interface) implementation project(':app-wear-shared:shared') implementation project(':database:entities') implementation project(':core:ns-sdk') api "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:$appcompat_version" // Dagger api "$dagger_version" api "$dagger_version" // WorkerClasses api "$work_version" } allOpen { // allows mocking for classes w/o directly opening them for release builds annotation 'info.nightscout.interfaces.annotations.InterfacesOpenForTesting' }