AndroidAPS Tratments safety Max allowed bolus [U] Max allowed carbs [g] Preferences Refresh treatments from NS Backup Test alarm Reset databases Exit Use extended boluses for >200% DanaR Bluetooth device Always use basal absolute values Objective: Gate: Start Verify Units: DIA: Active profile: IC: ISF: Basal: Target: NO PROFILE SET Insulin: Carbs: IOB: Activity: Toal IOB: Total IOB activity: Dur: Ratio: Ins: IOB: Total IOB: Insulin amount Carbs amount BG Carbs Corr U Bolus IOB TOTAL Run now VIRTUAL PUMP Base basal rate: Temp basal: Extended bolus: Battery: Reservoir: OK SQL Error Last run Input parameters Glucose status Current temp IOB data Profile Meal data Result No glucose data available No profile available No pump available No change requested Request Low target LOW: Temp basal 0% LOW PROJECTED: Temp basal 0% LowSuspend: Cancel low temp Low Suspend Low projected Rate Duration Reason Glucose Delta Avg. delta m ago Config Builder Low Suspend Objectives OpenAPS MA Overview NS Profile Simple profile Temp Basals Treatments Virtual Pump Careportal Pump Treatments Temp Basals Profile APS General days Minimal duration Constraints Loop Loop APS After processed constraints Set by pump Last enacted Do you want to refresh treatments from Nightscout OK Cancel NO APS SELECTED OR PROVIDED RESULT Safety Low BG threshold Plugin is disabled Constraints violation Bolus delivery error Basal value % (100% = current) Accept new temp basal: Bolus Calculator Constraint applied! Confirmation Enter new treatment: Bolus Basal Carbs Change your input! Set new extended bolus: BG Source xDrip NSClient APS Mode Closed Loop Open Loop New suggestion available Unsupported version of NSClient NSClient not installed. Record lost! BG available in NS Pump status available in NS Manual enacts LOOP DISABLED BY CONSTRAINTS Czech English Basal IOB Bolus constraint applied Carbs constraint applied BG Check Announcement Note Question Exercise Pump Site Change CGM Sensor Insert CGM Sensor Start Insulin Cartridge Change Profile Switch Snack Bolus Meal Bolus Correction Bolus Combo Bolus Temp Basal Start Temp Basal End Carbs correction OpenAPS Offline Event type Other Meter Sensor Carbs Insulin Carb time Split Duration Percent Absolute min Notes Event time Profile Entered By Glucose type No profile loaded from NS yet TempBasal Extended Bolus NSClient version: Nightscout version: SEND Missing Enabled Visible Up Preferences exported Export settings to Import settings from Settings imported File not found Export settings Import settings German The minimum BG value to be in range. The maximum BG value to be in range. Max U/hr a Temp Basal can be set to Maximum basal IOB OpenAPS can deliver [U] Bulgarian DISMISS Language DanaR Connecting Connected Disconnected Sync Nightscout profile to pump DanaR pump settings Nightscout End User License Agreement MUST NOT BE USED TO MAKE MEDICAL DECISIONS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE Save No bluetooth adapter found Selected device not found Pump connection error Last connection: Pump IOB: Daily units: Last bolus: h ago Invalid input data Value not set properly Reload profile View profile Enacted Comment Success Percent Absolute Cancel temp basal SMS Communicator MM 640g Waiting for result Allowed phone numbers +XXXXXXXXXX;+YYYYYYYYYY To deliver bolus %.2fU reply with code %s Bolus failed Bolus %.2fU delivered successfully Allow remote bolusing via SMS Remote bolus not allowed Finger Sensor Manual Temporary Target Temporary Target Cancel DanaR profile settings DIA [h] Carbs absorption rate Failed to update basal profile History Reload Uploading E bolus DS bolus DE bolus error refill basal hour glucose carbohydrate alarm Total %d records uploaded S bolus Alarms Basal Hours Boluses Carbohydrates Daily insulin Errors Glucose Refill Suspend Connecting for %d s