enable_fabric2 language units loop_openmode_min_change absorption_maxtime openapsama_min_5m_carbimpact absorption_cutoff danar_useextended eatingsoon_duration eatingsoon_target activity_duration activity_target hypo_duration hypo_target low_mark high_mark ns_create_announcements_from_errors ns_logappstartedevent bt_watchdog bt_watchdog_last pump_unreachable_threshold missed_bg_readings_threshold gradually_increase_notification_volume ns_sync_use_absolute virtualpump_type QuickWizard wearcontrol show_notes_entry_dialogs autosens_max autosens_min treatmentssafety_maxcarbs bgsource_upload_settings localalert_settings wear_settings configbuilder_general_settings maintenance_settings smscommunicator_settings openapssmb_settings treatmentssafety_settings loop_settings virtualpump_settings pump_settings tidepool_settings absorption_settings overview_settings openapsma_settings medtronic_settings danars_settings xdripstatus_settings nsclientinternal_settings insight_local_settings data_choices_settings dexcom_settings active_pump_change_timestamp active_pump_type active_pump_serial_number Refresh Error Not set Failed to update basal profile Basal profile in pump updated Invalid input data Tempbasal delivery error Going to deliver %1$.2f U Waiting for pump Connecting for %1$d s Delivering %1$.2f U Handshaking Connecting Connected Disconnected Disconnecting AndroidAPS started %1$.1f U %1$.2f U %1$+.2f U %1$d g %1$.0f / %2$d U %1$.2f U/h %1$.2f h %1$d mins Pump is busy Pump connection error You reached allowed limit Objectives Close Please wait… Mute Reload STOP PRESSED Stop Carbs Invalid profile !!! NO PROFILE SET Date Units DIA IC ISF Basal Target Initializing ... Serial number Battery Last connection Last bolus Daily units Base basal rate Temp basal Extended bolus Reservoir Pump history View profile Event type mg/dl mmol/l g % Advanced Settings Bluetooth BT Watchdog Switches off the phone\'s bluetooth for one second if no connection to the pump is possible. This may help on some phones where the bluetooth stack freezes. Pairing Yes No LOOP DISABLED BY CONSTRAINTS Bolus %1$.2f U delivered successfully OK No valid basal rate read from pump Limiting max IOB to %1$.1f U because of %2$s unsafe usage Pump unreachable Extended bolus Pump time updated Exit Serial number Remove record Loop is disabled Alarm Disable loop Enable loop Resume loop Suspend loop Duration [min] Notification No profile loaded from NS yet exists not exists Glucose IOB COB Name: Time WiFi SSID Loading … Event time Notes Remove Add new Data is coming from different pump. Change pump driver to reset pump state. Limiting max basal rate to %1$.2f U/h because of %2$s pump limit Limiting max percent rate to %1$d%% because of %2$s it must be positive value Limiting bolus to %1$.1f U because of %2$s Pump not initialized, profile not set! Confirmation Message OK Cancel DISMISS Bluetooth Low Energy not supported. Bluetooth Low Energy not supported or device not paired. Bluetooth not enabled. Location Is Not Enabled For Bluetooth discovery to work on newer devices, location must be enabled. AAPS does not track your location and it can be disabled after pairing is successful. %1$d m ago %1$.1f h ago h days hours second minute hour day week seconds minutes hours days weeks m d Wrong password Passwords don\'t match Basal values not aligned to hours: %1$s Basal value replaced by minimal supported value: %1$s Basal value replaced by maximum supported value: %1$s /U U/h g/U No profile selected Start profile %1$d%% for %2$d min * Only discrete values no ranges are supported as granularity for basal/bolus in virtual pump. Cancel temp basal Let temp basal run Rate Duration Reason No change requested Invalid profile: %1$s %1$d min %1$s: ∑: %2$.2f U Bol: %3$.2f U Bas: %4$.2f U(%5$.0f%%)]]> %1$s: ∑: %2$.2f U Bol: %3$.2f U Bas: %4$.2f U(%5$.0f%%) Carbs: %6$.0f g]]> %1$s: %2$s in %3$d days
BG Check Manual BG or Calibration Announcement Note Question Exercise Pump Site Change CGM Sensor Insert CGM Sensor Start CGM Sensor Stop D.A.D. Alert Insulin Cartridge Change Profile switch Snack Bolus Meal Bolus Correction Bolus Combo Bolus Temp Basal Start Temp Basal End Carbs correction OpenAPS Offline Pump Battery Change Temporary target Temporary target cancel Bolus wizard Finger Sensor Manual unknown Eating Soon Hypo Activity Wear Automation Custom Pump Loop NS Record Connection timed out Enacted Comment Success Percent Absolute Insulin U Waiting for result SMB %1$d g Additional Carbs Required Within %2$d Minutes Stats Cumulative TDD Exponentially Weighted TDD Basal Bolus TDD Ratio # Days Weight Possibly inaccurate if using boluses for priming/filling! Old Data Please Press "RELOAD" Total Base Basal TBB * 2 Time detection %1$dh %2$dm Operation not supported by pump and/or driver. Operation not YET supported by pump. OK Never contacted Waking up Error with communication Timeout on communication Pump unreachable Invalid configuration Active Sleeping Basals Configurations Notifications Statistics Unknowns All Boluses Prime Alarms Glucose Mute for 5 minutes File format Created at AAPS Version Build Variant Exporting device patient name Exporting device model File encryption Old export format New encrypted format New debug format (unencrypted) Unknown export format exported %1$s ago exported at %1$s exported less than hour ago in directory: %1$s Select file to import Preferences were created with different variant of AAPS (%1$s) while you have: %2$s.\n\nSome settings may be missing or invalid - after importing please check and update your preferences. Preferences were created on a different device. It is OK if you are importing from older/different phone, but make sure imported preferences are correct! You are using the outdated legacy format from old versions of AAPS, which is not secure! Only use it as a last resort, if you do not have an export in current, JSON format. Imported preferences are already %1$s days old! Maybe you have more up-to-date preferences or you choose the wrong file? Remember to export preferences regularly! Invalid date-time format! Preferences from different minor version of application. It is OK if you are importing after upgrade, but check after import if preferences are still correct! Preferences from different major version of application. Major versions differ significantly and may have incompatible preferences! Make sure after import that preferences are still correct! Settings file tampered Settings file is secure Using not secure, unencrypted settings format JSON format error, missing required field (format, content, metadata or security) Decryption error, the given password cannot decrypt the file File checksum (hash) missing, cannot verify the authenticity of settings! File was modified after export! Decryption error, parsing preferences failed! Decryption error, the provided password is invalid or settings file was modified! It may happen that the imported file was exported with a different Master password. Missing encryption configuration, settings format is invalid! Unsupported or not specified encryption algorithm! last_time_this_version_detected last_versionchecker_waring last_versionchecker_plugin_waring last_revoked_certs_check Signature verifier We have detected that you are running an invalid version. Loop disabled! Version %1$s available Please reboot your phone or restart AndroidAPS from the System Settings \notherwise Android APS will not have logging (important to track and verify that the algorithms are working correctly)! M T W T F S S BOLUS BOLUS ADVISOR EXTENDED BOLUS SUPERBOLUS TBR CARBS EXTENDED CARBS TEMP BASAL TEMP TARGET NEW PROFILE CLONE PROFILE STORE PROFILE PROFILE SWITCH PROFILE SWITCH CLONED CLOSED LOOP MODE LGS LOOP MODE OPEN LOOP MODE LOOP DISABLED LOOP ENABLED RECONNECT DISCONNECT RESUME SUSPEND HW PUMP ALLOWED CLEAR PAIRING KEYS ACCEPTS TEMP BASAL CANCEL TEMP BASAL CANCEL BOLUS CANCEL EXTENDED BOLUS CANCEL TEMP TARGET CAREPORTAL SITE CHANGE RESERVOIR CHANGE CALIBRATION PRIME BOLUS TREATMENT CAREPORTAL NS REFRESH PROFILE SWITCH NS REFRESH TREATMENTS NS REFRESH TEMP TARGET NS REFRESH AUTOMATION REMOVED BG REMOVED CAREPORTAL REMOVED BOLUS REMOVED CARBS REMOVED TEMP BASAL REMOVED EXTENDED BOLUS REMOVED FOOD FOOD REMOVED PROFILE REMOVED PROFILE SWITCH REMOVED RESTART EVENTS REMOVED TREATMENT REMOVED TEMP TARGET REMOVED NS PAUSED NS RESUME NS QUEUE CLEARED NS SETTINGS COPIED ERROR DIALOG OK ERROR DIALOG MUTE ERROR DIALOG MUTE 5MIN OBJECTIVE STARTED OBJECTIVE UNSTARTED OBJECTIVES SKIPPED STAT RESET DELETE LOGS DELETE FUTURE TREATMENTS EXPORT SETTINGS IMPORT SETTINGS RESET DATABASES EXPORT DATABASES IMPORT DATABASES OTP EXPORT OTP RESET STOP SMS EXPORT USER ENTRIES START AAPS EXIT AAPS PLUGIN ENABLED PLUGIN DISABLED UNKNOWN Formated string Source UTC Offset Action Timestamp No Unit Export User Entries to Excel (csv) "%1$s;%2$s;%3$s;%4$s;%5$s;%6$s;%7$s;%8$s;%9$s;%10$s;%11$s;%12$s;%13$s;%14$s;%15$s;%16$s;%17$s" %1$d day %1$d days %1$d hour %1$d hours %1$d minute %1$d minutes