System default English Czech Afrikaans Bulgarian Dutch French German Greek Chinese Italian Korean Lithuanian Norwegian Polish Portuguese Portuguese, Brazilian Romanian Russian Slovak Spanish Swedish Turkish Treatments safety Max allowed bolus [U] Max allowed carbs [g] %1$s Preferences Preferences Refresh treatments from NS Reset Databases Do you really want to reset the databases? Exit Always use basal absolute values Please reboot your phone or restart AndroidAPS from the System Settings \notherwise Android APS will not have logging (important to track and verify that the algorithms are working correctly)! This device does not appear to support battery optimization whitelisting - you may experience performance issues. Some buttons to quickly access common features Used for configuring the active plugins Learning program Displays the food presets defined in Nightscout Insulin preset for Humalog and NovoRapid / NovoLog Insulin preset for Fiasp Insulin preset for Lyumjev Allows you to define the peak of the insulin activity and should only be used by advanced users Activate or deactivate the implementation triggering the loop. Synchronizes your data with Nightscout State of the algorithm in 2017 Most recent algorithm for advanced users Displays the current state of your loop and buttons for most common actions Shows an ongoing notification with a short overview of what your loop is doing Define a profile which is available offline. Provides the profile you have defined in Nightscout Pump integration for Accu-Chek Combo pumps, requires having ruffy installed Pump integration for people who do multiple daily injections for their diabetes therapy Pump integration for pumps which don\'t have any driver yet (Open Loop) Sensitivity is calculated the same way like Oref0, but you can specify timeframe to the past. Minimal carb absorption is calculated from max carb absorption time from preferences. Sensitivity is calculated from 8h or 24h data in the past (using either which is more sensitive). Carbs (if not absorbed) are cut after time specified in preferences. Plugin also calculates UAM. Sensitivity is calculated as a weighted average from deviations. Newer deviations have higher weight. Minimal carb absorption is calculated from max carb absorption time from preferences. This algorithm is the fastest in following sensitivity changes. Receive BG values from the patched Eversense app. Receive BG values from Glimp. Receive BG values from the 600SeriesAndroidUploader. Downloads BG data from Nightscout Receive BG values from xDrip. Saves all treatments that were made Monitor and control AndroidAPS using your WearOS watch. Show information about your loop on your xDrip+ watchface. Remote control AndroidAPS using SMS commands. Insulin: Carbs: IOB: IOB: Total IOB: Total IOB activity: Dur: Ratio: Ins: IOB: Total IOB: BG TT Carbs Corr Bolus IOB Run now VIRTUAL PUMP OK Last run Input parameters Glucose status Current temp IOB data Profile Meal data Result Result: %1$s %2$s No glucose data available Request Glucose Delta Delta: Config Builder Overview NS Profile Treatments Virtual Pump Careportal Pump Which pump would you like to use with AndroidAPS? Treatments Which plugin should be used for treatment handling? Profile Which profile should AndroidAPS use? APS Which APS algorithm should make therapy adjustments? General These are some general plugins you might find useful. Which constraints are applied? Constraints Loop Loop Use this to activate AndroidAPS\' loop integration. APS After processed constraints Temp basal set by pump NO APS SELECTED OR PROVIDED RESULT Safety Plugin is disabled Constraints violation Bolus delivery error Accept new temp basal: Treatment Calculator Constraint applied! Bolus: Basal Basal: Change your input! BG Source Where should AndroidAPS gain it\'s data from? xDrip APS Mode Closed Loop Open Loop Low Glucose Suspend Loop Disabled Disable loop Enable loop New suggestion available Carbs Suggestion Unsupported version of Nightscout LOOP DISABLED BY CONSTRAINTS Basal IOB Bolus constraint applied Carbs constraint applied Other Meter Sensor Carb time Duration Notes Event time Profile Glucose type No profile loaded from NS yet TempBasal Extended Bolus Nightscout version: Missing %1$d g Preferences exported Export settings to Import settings from Settings imported File not found Export settings Import settings Max U/h a Temp Basal can be set to This value is called max basal in OpenAPS context Maximum basal IOB OpenAPS can deliver [U] This value is called Max IOB in OpenAPS context\nThis is maximal insulin in [U] APS can deliver at once. Language You will be asked for master password, which will be used to encrypt exported preferences. You will be asked for master password, which is needed to decrypt imported preferences. Export canceled! Preferences were NOT exported! Import canceled! Preferences were NOT imported! Cannot import preferences! Please go back to main screen and try again. Old Master Password This file was exported and encrypted with different master password. Provide old master password to decrypt file. As a result of successful import current master password WILL BE REPLACED with that old master password! Select file to import Please check preferences before importing: Preferences cannot be imported! Preferences should not be imported! Explain import issues… Import issues details Import Import anyway (DANGEROUS!) Preferences were created with different variant of AAPS (%1$s) while you have: %2$s.\n\nSome settings may be missing or invalid - after importing please check and update your preferences. Preferences were created on a different device. It is OK if you are importing from older/different phone, but make sure imported preferences are correct! You are using the outdated legacy format from old versions of AAPS, which is not secure! Only use it as a last resort, if you do not have an export in current, JSON format. Imported preferences are already %1$s days old! Maybe you have more up-to-date preferences or you choose the wrong file? Remember to export preferences regularly! Invalid date-time format! Preferences from different minor version of application. It is OK if you are importing after upgrade, but check after import if preferences are still correct! Preferences from different major version of application. Major versions differ significantly and may have incompatible preferences! Make sure after import that preferences are still correct! File format Created at AAPS Version Build Variant Exporting device patient name Exporting device model File encryption Old export format New encrypted format New debug format (unencrypted) Unknown export format Settings file tampered Settings file is secure Using not secure, unencrypted settings format JSON format error, missing required field (format, content, metadata or security) Decryption error, the given password cannot decrypt the file File checksum (hash) missing, cannot verify the authenticity of settings! File was modified after export! Decryption error, parsing preferences failed! Decryption error, the provided password is invalid or settings file was modified! It may happen that the imported file was exported with a different Master password. Missing encryption configuration, settings format is invalid! Unsupported or not specified encryption algorithm! exported %1$s ago exported at %1$s exported less than hour ago in directory: %1$s End User License Agreement MUST NOT BE USED TO MAKE MEDICAL DECISIONS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE Save Reload profile SMS Communicator Allowed phone numbers +XXXXXXXXXX;+YYYYYYYYYY To deliver bolus %1$.2fU reply with code %2$s To deliver meal bolus %1$.2fU reply with code %2$s To set the Temp Target %1$s reply with code %2$s To cancel Temp Target reply with code %1$s To disable the SMS Remote Service reply with code %1$s.\n\nKeep in mind that you\'ll able to reactivate it directly from the AAPS master smartphone only. SMS Remote Service stopped. To reactivate it, use AAPS on master smartphone. To send calibration %1$.2f reply with code %2$s Bolus failed smscommunicator_remotebolusmindistance Minimum number of minutes that must elapse between one remote bolus and the next How many minutes must elapse, at least, between one bolus and the next For your safety, to edit this preference you need to add at least 2 phone numbers. Bolus %1$.2f U delivered successfully Going to deliver %1$.2f U Bolus %1$.2f U delivered successfully Meal Bolus %1$.2f U delivered successfully Target %1$s for %2$d minutes Target %1$s for %2$d minutes set successfully Temp Target canceled successfully Allow remote commands via SMS Bolus stopped Stopping bolus Loop has been disabled Loop has been enabled Loop is disabled Loop is enabled %1$.2f limited to %2$.2f Value %1$s is out of hard limits To connect pump reply with code %1$s Connection to pump failed To disconnect pump for %1$d minutes reply with code %2$s Pump disconnected Pump reconnected Remote command is not allowed Remote bolus not available. Try again later. To start basal %1$.2f U/h for %2$d min reply with code %3$s To switch profile to %1$s %2$d%% reply with code %3$s To start extended bolus %1$.2f U for %2$d min reply with code %3$s To enter %1$dg at %2$s reply with code %3$s To start basal %1$d%% for %2$d min reply with code %3$s To suspend loop for %1$d minutes reply with code %2$s To resume loop reply with code %1$s To enable loop reply with code %1$s To disable loop reply with code %1$s Temp basal %1$.2fU/h for %2$d min started successfully Extended bolus %1$.2fU for %2$d min started successfully Carbs %1$d g entered successfully Entering %1$dg of carbs failed Temp basal %1$d%% for %2$d min started successfully Temp basal start failed Extended bolus start failed To stop temp basal reply with code %1$s To stop extended bolus reply with code %1$s Temp basal canceled Extended bolus canceled Canceling temp basal failed Canceling extended bolus failed Unknown command or wrong reply QuickWizard QuickWizard settings Button text: Carbs: Valid: Add Edit Remove Meal Corr Actions NS upload only (disabled sync) NS upload only. Not effective on SGV unless a local source like xDrip is selected. Not effective on Profiles while NS-Profiles is used. Pump not initialized! Prime/Fill Please make sure the amount matches the specification of your infusion set! Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Units: Units DIA Range for Visualization High and low mark for the charts in Overview and Smartwatch LOW mark HIGH mark Wear Resend All Data Open Settings on Wear Basal rate: Basal value below minimum. Profile not set! BG: Last BG: MDI MM640g Ongoing Notification OLD DATA %1$dmin ago Local Profile OpenAPS AMA Short avg. delta Long avg. delta Array of %1$d elements.\nActual value: Autosens data Script debug Use Autosens feature Refresh events from NS Delete treatments in the future Eating Soon Hypo Activity Remove record ACT CONF LOOP OAPS LP HOME VPUMP NSPROFILE TREAT OBJ WEAR SMS Shorten tab titles Always use short average delta instead of simple delta Useful when data from unfiltered sources like xDrip gets noisy. Profile Default value: 3 This is a key OpenAPS safety cap. What this does is limit your basals to be 3x (in this people) your biggest basal rate. You likely will not need to change this, but you should be aware that’s what is discussed about “3x max daily; 4x current” for safety caps. Default value: 4 This is the other half of the key OpenAPS safety caps, and the other half of “3x max daily; 4x current” of the safety caps. This means your basal, regardless of max basal set on your pump, cannot be any higher than this number times the current level of your basal. This is to prevent people from getting into dangerous territory by setting excessively high max basals before understanding how the algorithm works. Again, the default is 4x; most people will never need to adjust this and are instead more likely to need to adjust other settings if they feel like they are “running into” this safety cap. autosens_max Default value: 1.2\nThis is a multiplier cap for autosens (and soon autotune) to set a 20%% max limit on how high the autosens ratio can be, which in turn determines how high autosens can adjust basals, how low it can adjust ISF, and how low it can set the BG target. autosens_min Default value: 0.7\nThe other side of the autosens safety limits, putting a cap on how low autosens can adjust basals, and how high it can adjust ISF and BG targets. autosens_adjust_targets Autosens adjust targets, too Default value: true\nThis is used to allow autosens to adjust BG targets, in addition to ISF and basals. bolussnooze_dia_divisor Default value: 2\nBolus snooze is enacted after you do a meal bolus, so the loop won’t counteract with low temps when you’ve just eaten. The example here and default is 2; so a 3 hour DIA means that bolus snooze will be gradually phased out over 1.5 hours (3DIA/2). min_5m_carbimpact Default value: 3.0 (AMA) or 8.0 (SMB). This is a setting for default carb absorption impact per 5 minutes. The default is an expected 3mg/dl/5min. This affects how fast COB are decayed, and how much carb absorption is assumed in calculating future predicted BG, when BG is falling more than expected, or not rising as much as expected. Attention!\nNormally you do not have to change these values below. Please CLICK HERE and READ the text and make sure you UNDERSTAND it before change any of these values. Invalid SMS phone number Calibration xDrip+ not installed Calibration sent to xDrip Calibration sent. Receiving must be enabled in xDrip. xDrip is not receiving calibrations Pump suspended Executing Virtual pump settings Upload status to NS NSClient NSCI URL: Autoscroll Restart NSClient Nightscout URL Enter Your Nightscout URL NS API secret NS API secret Enter NS API secret (min 12 chars) Deliver now Clear queue Show queue Queue: Status: Paused nsclientinternal_url nsclientinternal_api_secret Clear log nsclientinternal_autoscroll nsclientinternal_paused NSCLIENT has no write permission. Wrong API secret? Wear settings Show detailed IOB Break down IOB into bolus and basal IOB on the watchface not successful - please check phone n/a smscommunicator_allowednumbers smscommunicator_remotecommandsallowed Patient type Child Teenage Adult Insulin resistant adult Pregnancy age child teenage adult resistantadult pregnant Please select patient type to setup safety limits Patient name Please provide patient name or nickname to differentiate among multiple setups User patient_name I_understand Glimp %1$s needs battery optimalization whitelisting for proper performance Loop suspended Suspended (%1$d m) Suspend loop Suspend loop for 1h Suspend loop for 2h Suspend loop for 3h Suspend loop for 10 h Suspend loop for %1$d min Disconnect pump for 15 min Disconnect pump for 30 min Disconnect pump for 1 h Disconnect pump for 2 h Disconnect pump for 3 h Resume Reconnect Pump Wrong duration Loop suspended Loop resumed 15min trend COB Superbolus Log app start to NS Exiting application to apply settings. Which type of insulin are you using? Novorapid, Novolog, Humalog Fiasp INS key_usersuperbolus Enable superbolus in wizard Enable superbolus functionality in wizard. Do not enable until you learn what it really does. IT MAY CAUSE INSULIN OVERDOSE IF USED BLINDLY! show_statuslights Show status lights on home screen statuslights_cage_warning Threshold warning canula age [h] statuslights_cage_critical Threshold critical canula age [h] statuslights_iage_warning Threshold warning insulin age [h] statuslights_iage_critical Threshold critical insulin age [h] statuslights_sage_warning Threshold warning sensor age [h] statuslights_sage_critical Threshold critical sensor age [h] statuslights_sbat_warning Threshold warning sensor battery level [%] statuslights_sbat_critical Threshold critical sensor battery level [%] statuslights_bage_warning Threshold warning battery age [h] statuslights_bage_critical Threshold critical battery age [h] statuslights_res_warning Threshold warning reservoir level [U] statuslights_res_critical Threshold critical reservoir level [U] statuslights_bat_warning Threshold warning battery level [%] statuslights_bat_critical Threshold critical battery level [%] PRED IOB COB BAS DEV ACT ABS DEVSLOPE About Missing SMS permission Missing phone state permission xDrip Status (watch) xDrip Statusline (watch) xds Show BGI Add BGI to status line No upload to NS All data sent to NS are dropped. AAPS is connected to NS but no change in NS is done ns_upload_only ns_noupload Cancel Extended Bolus Do Profile Switch Sensor Canula Insulin Pump battery age: level: Alarm options ns_announcements ns_alarms nsalarm_staledatavalue nsalarm_urgent_staledatavalue Create notifications from NS alarms Create notifications from NS announcements Stale data threshold [min] Urgent stale data threshold [min] Interval for autosens [h] Amount of hours in the past for sensitivity detection (carbs absorption time is excluded) openapsama_autosens_period nsclient_localbroadcasts Pump OpenAPS Uploader Sensitivity detection Which sensitivity algorithm should be used? SENS Sensitivity Oref1 Sensitivity AAPS Absorption settings Meal max absorption time [h] Time in hours where is expected all carbs from meal will be absorbed rangetodisplay OAPS UPLD BAS Keep screen on Prevent Android to turn screen off. It will consume lot of energy when not plugged to power outlet. By turning on Autosense feature remember to enter all eated carbs. Otherwise carbs deviations will be identified wrong as sensitivity change !! Sensitivity WeightedAverage OK Cancel Not all profiles loaded! Values not stored! Accu-Chek Combo COMBO Enable broadcasts to other apps (like xDrip). Do not enable if you have more than one instance of AAPS or NSClient installed! Enable local Broadcasts. Duration [min] OpenAPS SMB use_smb use_uam smb_enable_carbs_suggestions_threshold Enable UAM Enable SMB Use Super Micro Boluses instead of temp basal for faster action Detection of Unannounced meals insulin_oref_peak IOB Curve Peak Time Peak Time [min] Free-Peak Oref Rapid-Acting Oref Ultra-Rapid Oref Lyumjev DIA of %1$f too short - using %2$f instead! Activate profile INVALID wizard_include_cob wizard_include_trend_bg Percentage Time shift Default Temp-Targets eatingsoon duration eatingsoon target activity duration activity target hypo duration hypo target reuse Controls from Watch Set Temp-Targets and enter Treatments from the watch. Food g ]]> kJ En Pr Fat ]]> Command is executed right now Pump unreachable Missed BG readings raise_urgent_alarms_as_android_notification Use system notifications for alerts and notifications Gradually increase the volume for alerts and notifications enable_pump_unreachable_alert enable_missed_bg_readings enable_carbs_required_alert_local Local alerts Alert if no BG data is received Alert if pump is unreachable Pump unreachable threshold [min] Alert if carbs are required Urgent Alarm INFO Eversense App (patched) Upload BG data to NS dexcomg5_nsupload BG upload settings Show detailed delta Show delta with one more decimal place smbinterval How frequently SMBs will be given in min Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to UAM SMB max minutes Max minutes of basal to limit SMB to for UAM carbsReqThreshold Minimum Carbs Required For Suggestion Minimum grams of carbs to display a carbs suggestion alert. Carbs suggestions below this number will not trigger a notification. Send BG data to xDrip+ dexcomg5_xdripupload In xDrip+ select 640g/Eversense data source NSClient BG BG calculation Bolus IOB calculation Basal IOB calculation Trend calculation Superbolus calculation Yes No Positive only Negative only COB calculation Temporary target calculation Loop enabled APS selected NSClient has write permission Closed mode enabled Maximal IOB set properly BG available from selected source Programming pump for bolusing Refresh State Activity No connection for %1$d min %1$d%% (%2$d min remaining) %1$.1f %2$s (%3$s) Initializing Suspended due to error Suspended by user Running Cancelling TBR Setting TBR (%1$d%% / %2$d min) Bolusing (%1$.1f U) Refreshing Requested operation not supported by pump Unsafe usage: extended or multiwave boluses are active. Loop mode has been set to low-suspend only 6 hours. Only normal boluses are supported in loop mode Unsafe usage: the pump uses a different basal rate profile than the first. The loop has been disabled. Select the first profile on the pump and refresh. A bolus with the same amount was requested within the last two minutes. To prevent accidental double boluses and to guard against bugs this is disallowed. Now Reading pump history Setting basal profile Pump cartridge level is low Pump battery is low The pump is showing the error E%1$d: %2$s Low Empty Normal Pump clock update needed TBR CANCELLED warning was confirmed The pump could not be reached. No bolus was given Bolus delivery failed. It appears no bolus was delivered. To be sure, please check the pump to avoid a double bolus and then bolus again. To guard against bugs, boluses are not automatically retried. Only %1$.2f U of the requested bolus of %2$.2f U was delivered due to an error. Please check the pump to verify this and take appropriate actions. Delivering the bolus and verifying the pump\'s history failed, please check the pump. If a bolus was delivered, it will be added to treatments during the next connection to the pump. Not enough insulin for bolus left in reservoir Extended bolus delivery error Sight enableSMB_always enableSMB_with_COB enableSMB_with_temptarget enableSMB_after_carbs enableSMB_with_high_temptarget set_neutral_temps Set neutral temp basals If enabled, it will cancel a temporary basal before the end of each hour. This method can help stop some pumps beeping/vibrating on the hour. Enable SMB always Enable SMB always independently to boluses. Possible only with BG source with nice filtering of data like G5 Enable SMB after carbs Enable SMB for 6h after carbs, even with 0 COB. Possible only with BG source with nice filtering of data like G5 Enable SMB with COB Enable SMB when there is COB active. Enable SMB with temp targets Enable SMB when there is temp target active (eating soon, exercise) Enable SMB with high temp targets Enable SMB when there is high temp target active (exercise, above 100 mg/dl or 5.5 mmol/l) Insulin Carbs Buttons show_calibration_button show_cgm_button show_carbs_button show_wizard_button show_insulin_button show_treatment_button Sends a calibration to xDrip+ or open G5 calibration dialog Opens xDrip+, back buttons returns to AAPS insulin_button_increment_1 insulin_button_increment_2 insulin_button_increment_3 carbs_button_increment_1 carbs_button_increment_2 carbs_button_increment_3 Number of carbs to add when button is pressed Amount of insulin to add when button is pressed Could not launch CGM application. Make sure it is installed. CGM Ignore 5m Ignore 15m Ignore 30m req History browser Notify on SMB Show SMB on the watch like a standard bolus. Create announcements from errors Create announcements from carbs required alerts Create Nightscout announcement for error dialogs and local alerts (also viewable in Careportal under Treatments) Create Nightscout announcements for carbs required alerts ns_create_announcements_from_carbs_req EVR Show the predictions on the watchface. Predictions Data Choices Fabric Upload Allow automated crash reporting and feature usage data to be sent to the developers via the service. Please update your Dexcom app to supported version Dexcom app is not installed. Start Activity TT Start Eating soon TT TT Do not bolus, record only Category Subcategory Bolus will be recorded only (not delivered by pump) Autobackfill missig BGs from NS ns_autobackfill SMB set by pump Activity Sensitivity Deviations Carbs On Board Insulin On Board Basals No action selected, nothing will happen Start Hypo TT Running dev version. Closed loop is disabled. fromNSAreCommingFakedExtendedBoluses Engineering mode enabled Reading basal profile The pump history has changed after the bolus calculation was performed. The bolus was not delivered. Please recalculate if a bolus is still needed. Bolus successfully delivered, but adding the treatment entry failed. This can happen if two small boluses of the same size are administered within the last two minutes. Please check the pump history and treatment entries and use the Careportal to add missing entries. Make sure not to add any entries for the exact same minute and same amount. Rejecting high temp since calculation didn\'t consider recently changed pump history Refreshing pump state The basal rate on the pump has changed and will be updated soon Basal rate changed on pump, but reading it failed Checking for history changes Multiple boluses with the same amount within the same minute were just imported. Only one record could be added to treatments. Please check the pump and manually add a bolus record using the Careportal tab. Make sure to create a bolus with a time no other bolus uses. \n\ndocumentation:\n\n\nfacebook:\n The last bolus is older than 24 hours or is in the future. Please check the date on the pump is set correctly. Time/date of the delivered bolus on pump seems wrong, IOB is likely incorrect. Please check pump time/date. ProfileSwitch missing. Please do a profile switch or press \"Activate Profile\" in the LocalProfile. Bolus count TBR count Pump is not temp basal capable No valid basal rate read from pump Closed loop mode disabled in preferences Autosens disabled in preferences SMB disabled in preferences UAM disabled in preferences UAM disabled because it rely on Oref1 sensitivity plugin openapsma_max_basal openapsama_current_basal_safety_multiplier openapsama_max_daily_safety_multiplier max basal multiplier max daily basal multiplier openapsma_max_iob A bolus was delivered within the last 3 minutes, skipping SMB Basal set correctly treatmentssafety_maxbolus Limiting extended bolus to %1$.1f U because of %2$s Limiting max IOB to %1$.1f U because of %2$s Limiting carbs to %1$d g because of %2$s Limiting IOB to %1$.1f U because of %2$s max value in preferences hard limit treatmentssafety_maxcarbs unsafe usage openapsama_useautosens Read status failed Record pump site change Record insulin cartridge change SMB always and after carbs disabled because active BG source doesn\'t support advanced filtering SMB not allowed in open loop mode Food IobCobCalculator reset openapsmb_max_iob Maximum total IOB OpenAPS can\'t go over [U] This value is called Max IOB in OpenAPS context\nOpenAPS will not add more insulin if current IOB is greater than this value Pump stopped Pump started Pump paused Meal max absorption time [h] Time at which any meal is considered absorbed. Remaining carbs will be cut off. Time show_notes_entry_dialogs Show notes field in treatment dialogs SetupWizardActivity Next Prev Setup Wizard FINISH First insulin increment Second insulin increment Third insulin increment First carbs increment Second carbs increment Third carbs increment CGM ns_wifionly ns_wifi_ssids ns_allowroaming ns_chargingonly Use WiFi connection only WiFi SSID Only if charging Connection settings Allowed SSIDs (semicolon separated) Allow connection in roaming always_use_shortavg Max autosens ratio Min autosens ratio Bolus snooze dia divisor Max daily safety multiplier Current basal safety multiplier n/a virtualpump_uploadstatus Virtual Pump Type Pump Definition Bolus: Step=%1$s\nExtended Bolus: [Step=%2$s, Duration=%3$smin-%4$sh]\nBasal: Step=%5$s\nTBR: %6$s (by %7$s), Duration=%8$smin-%9$sh\n%10$s Autobackfill BG Wizard Settings wearwizard_bg wearwizard_tt wearwizard_trend wearwizard_cob wearwizard_bolusiob wearwizard_basaliob Calculations included in the Wizard result: Display Settings General Settings Enable NSClient Welcome to setup wizard. It will guide you through the setup process\n Read status Changes must be done in NS Skip setup wizard Press the button below to enable AndroidAPS to suggest/make basal changes startupwizard_processed Sensitivity plugin is used for sensitivity detection and COB calculation. For more info visit: NSClient handles connection to Nightscout. You can skip this part now but you will not be able to pass objectives until you set it up. Please remember: new insulin profiles require DIA at least 5h. DIA 5–6h on new profile is equal to DIA 3h on old insulin profiles. Please select source of profile. If patient is a child you should use NS profile. If there is nobody following you on Nightscout you will probably prefer Local profile. Please remember that you are only selecting the profile source. To use it you must activate it by executing \"Profile switch\" Select one from availables algorithms. They are sorted from oldest to newest. Newer algorithm is usually more powerful and more aggressive. Thus if you are new looper you may probably start with AMA and not with latest one. Do not forget to read the OpenAPS documentation and configure it before use. Waiting for RileyLink connection…\n Note: You can continue setup once the pump has been initialized.\n Start your first objective Permission Ask for permission Application needs system window permission for notifications Application needs location permission for BT scan and WiFi identification Application needs storage permission to be able store log files and export settings Request Exit Open navigation Close navigation Plugin preferences Completed, well done! Not completed yet Time elapsed Poctech Receive BG values from Poctech app Receive BG values from Tomato app (MiaoMiao device) high_temptarget_raises_sensitivity low_temptarget_lowers_sensitivity High temptarget raises sensitivity = 100]]> Low temptarget lowers sensitivity resistance_lowers_target Resistance lowers target When resistance is detected, lower the target glucose sensitivity_raises_target Sensitivity raises target When sensitivity is detected, raise the target glucose Invalid pump setup, check the docs and verify that the Quick Info menu is named QUICK INFO using the 360 configuration software. Custom keep_screen_on Clean AndroidAPS started Stored settings found Attention: If you activate and connect to a hardware pump, AndroidAPS will copy the basal settings from the profile to the pump, overwriting the existing basal rate stored on the pump. Make sure you have the correct basal setting in AndroidAPS. If you are not sure or don\'t want to overwrite the basal settings on your pump, press cancel and repeat switching to the pump at a later time. Treatment data incomplete Maintenance Settings Email recipient maintenance_encrypt_exported_prefs Encrypt exported settings maintenance_logs_email maintenance_logs_amount logshipper_amount No of Logs to send Maintenance MAINT Provides several functions for maintenance (eg. log sending, log deletion). Send Logs by Email Delete Logs A treatment (insulin: %1$.2f, carbs: %2$d, at: %3$s) could not be added to treatments. Please check and manually add a record as appropriate. eCarbs: %1$d g (%2$d h), delay: %3$d m No autosens data available Log settings Reset to defaults NSClient malfunction. Consider NS and NSClient restart. Version %1$s available Time offset aps_mode Preferred APS mode Total Calc Send today\'s log files to developers along with this time. Unexpected situation. Minimal request change [%] Open Loop will popup new change request only if change is bigger than this value in %. Default value is 20% short_tabtitles Searching for devices… Pairing completed Do the codes displayed on this device and on your pump match? Insight pairing Accu-Chek Insight %1$.2f U / %2$.2f U delivered %1$s: %2$s Tube changed Pump time updated Confirm Mute Pump alert Log site changes Log reservoir changes Log tube changes Log battery changes Log operating mode changes Log alerts Enable TBR emulation Use extended boluses instead of TBRs to bypass the 250%% limit insight_disable_vibration Disable vibrations on manual bolus delivery For bolus and extended bolus (only available with Insight firmware 3.x) insight_disable_vibration_auto Disable vibrations on automated bolus delivery For SMB and Temp Basal with TBR emulation (only available with Insight firmware 3.x) Disconnect delay [s] Serial number Release software version UI processor software version PC processor software version MD tel processor software version Safety processor software version BT info page version Bluetooth address System ID appendix Manufacturing date Delete pairing Pairing information Start pump Stop pump Operating mode Status TDD Bolus TDD Basal TDD Total Recovering Not paired Last connected Started Stopped %1$d%% for %2$d / %3$d min Extended bolus Multiwave bolus %1$.2f / %2$.2f U for %3$d min Enable notification of TBR end\n(pump setting) Disable notification of TBR end\n(pump setting) Refresh Pump integration for Accu-Chek Insight pumps Not inserted Last conn: %1$d min ago TBR: %1$d%% for %2$d / %3$d min Extended: %1$.2f / %2$.2f U for %3$d min Multiwave: %1$.2f / %2$.2f U for %3$d min TDD: %1$.2f Reser.: %1$.2f U Batt.: %1$d%% Max. recovery duration [s] Min. recovery duration [s] Recovery duration Timeout during handshake - reset bluetooth Sun Sat Fri Thu Wed Tue Mon User defined automation tasks Please enter a task name. Please specify at least one trigger. Please specify at least one action. Already enabled Already disabled Already suspended Resume loop Not suspended Start temp target Stop temp target is lesser than is equal or lesser than is equal to is equal or greater than is greater than is not available Glucose is not available Glucose %1$s %2$.0f %3$s Glucose %1$s %2$.1f %3$s Profile pct %1$s %2$d IOB %1$s %2$.1f And Or Exclusive or At %1$s Use network location Use GPS location Use passive location Location service location Auto Automation == ∑ %1$s U dexcom_lognssensorchange Log sensor change to NS Create event \"Sensor Change\" in NS automaticaly on sensor start Tomato (MiaoMiao) Tomato tidepool_username tidepool_password tidepool_dev_servers tidepool_test_login tidepool_only_while_charging tidepool_only_while_unmetered Your Tidepool login user name, normally your email address Login User Name Your Tidepool login password Login Password Test Tidepool Login If enabled, uploads will go to instead of the regular Use Integration (test) servers Tidepool TDP Uploads data to Tidepool tidepool_last_end Upload CGM data tidepool_upload_cgm tidepool_upload_bolus Upload treatments (insulin, carbs) tidepool_upload_tbr Upload temporary basals tidepool_upload_profile Upload profile switches, temp targets tidepool_upload_bg Upload BG tests smbmaxminutes uamsmbmaxminutes Daylight Saving time Daylight Saving time change in 24h or less Daylight Saving time change less than 3 hours ago - Closed loop disabled internal storage constraint Free at least %1$d MB from internal storage! Loop disabled! Wrong format TBR duration must be a multiple of %1$d minutes and greater than 0. Wrong code. Command cancelled. Not configured Profile switch created Recurring time Every Never Condition: Action: IOB [U]: Glucose [%1$s]: DEL ADD COPY Add new Version Checker last_time_this_version_detected last_versionchecker_waring last_versionchecker_plugin_waring last_revoked_certs_check Signature verifier We have detected that you are running an invalid version. Loop disabled! old version very old version New version for at least %1$d days available! Fallback to LGS after %2$d days, loop will be disabled after %3$d days 2h Dexcom App (patched) DXCM Receive BG values from the patched Dexcom app. Notification Notification: %1$s Alarm: %1$s Msg: Alarm: Profile percentage Percent [%]: Start profile %1$d%% for %2$d min Start profile %1$d%% exists not exists Temp target %1$s Bluetooth connection to device %1$s %2$s Connection to Bluetooth device WiFi SSID %1$s %2$s Autosens %1$s %2$s %% Autosens % %3$s %1$s %2$s BG difference BG difference [%1$s] Current Location Location Lat: Lon: Dist [m]: Name: %1$s %2$s When When you are inside the area When you are outside the area When you enter the area named When you leave the area named Last bolus ago Last bolus time %1$s %2$s min ago COB COB %1$s %2$.0f Task name EDIT Choose an action type Choose a trigger type Triggers: REMOVE Preconditions: Change profile to Change profile to %1$s Last connection to pump Last connection to pump [minutes ago] Last connection to pump %1$s %2$s min ago Send SMS: %1$s Send SMS to all numbers Send SMS with text COB vs IOB Bolus constraint applied: %1$.2f U to %2$.2f U !!!!! Slow carbs absorption detected: %2$d%% of time. Double check your calculation. COB can be overestimated thus more insulin could be given !!!!!]]> boluswizard_percentage Deliver this part of bolus wizard result [%] Bolus wizard performs calculation but only this part of calculated insulin is delivered. Useful with SMB algorithm. Loading ... Snooze Time range Time is between %1$s and %2$s Between Increasing max basal value because setting is lower than your max basal in profile Invalid message body %1$s ISF: %2$.1f %1$.0fg IC: %2$.1f %1$.1fg IC: %2$.1f %1$d%% Bolus wizard min Profile name: Selected: Units Do you want to switch profile and discard changes made to current profile? wizard_calculation_visible Clear finished Clear started Do you want reset objective start? You may lose your progress. Select units you want to display values in Upload local profile changes to NS wear_detailediob wear_showbgi DIA IC ISF TARG Clone Save or reset current changes first Delete current profile? Create new local profile from this profile? Profile name contains dots.\nThis is not supported by NS.\nProfile is not uploaded to NS. Lower value of in range area (display only) Higher value of in range area (display only) Reorder Age: Weight: ID: Submit Most common profile: Note: Only data visible on this screen will be anonymously uploaded. ID is assigned to this installation of AndroidAPS. You can submit data again if your main profile get changed but let it running at least for a week to make result visible in time in range. Your help is appreciated. Invalid age entry Invalid weight entry Invalid % entry %1$s: Low: %2$02d%% In: %3$02d%% High: %4$02d%%]]> Average TIR Activity monitor Do you want to reset activity stats? Statistics Random BG Generate random BG data (Demo mode only) BG Tools Show calcuation Automation event Already set Clear queue? All data in queue will be lost! xdripstatus_detailediob xdripstatus_showbgi wear_detailed_delta snoozedTo snooze_dst_in24h snooze_loopdisabled ^\\d{6} Use of Extended bolus feature will stop closed loop mode for the time of running extended bolus. Do you really want it? Closed loop disabled because of running Extended bolus \"PhoneChecker\" Chart menu Data Broadcaster SMB request time SMB execution time Temp basal request time Temp basal execution time Insight Pump Alerts smscommunicator_otp_enabled smscommunicator_otp_password smscommunicator_otp_secret from Authenticator app for: %1$s followed by PIN Enable Authenticator Authenticate commands using One Time Passwords generated by Google Authenticator or similar 2FA apps. Additional mandatory PIN at token end Additional digits that should be memorised and glued at end of each generated One Time Password Authenticator setup Code to check: OTP + PIN The verification code consist of 6 digits displayed by Authenticator app (known as OTP) followed by 3 or more digits of mandatory PIN. Reset Authenticators Reset Authenticator Key Are you sure to reset Authenticator key? It will render all currently configured Authenticators invalid, and you will need to set them up again. New Authenticator Key was generated! Please use updated QRCode to provision authenticators. Exporting OTP secret Are you sure you want to copy OTP secret to clipboard?\n\nYou may only need that if your authenticator app have issues scanning QRCode, you want to enter it manually or you want to configure hardware OTP token using dedicated app. OTP secret (in Base32 format) exported and copied into clipboard. Paste it into authenticator or hardware OTP burner! 1. Install Authenticator 2. Scan code to setup AndroidAPS OTP codes 3. Test One-Time-Password Reset Authenticators On each follower phone install Authenticator app that support RFC 6238 TOTP tokens. Popular free apps are:\n • Authy\n • Google Authenticator\n • LastPass Authenticator\n • FreeOTP Authenticator By reseting authenticator you make all already provisioned authenticators invalid. You will need to set up them again! On connect On disconnect Predictions Deviation slope graphconfig Authorization failed Absolute insulin Master password is used for backup encryption and to override security in application. Remember it or store on a safe place. Current master password Status lights Copy settings from NS statuslights_copy_ns Copy NS settings (if exists)? statuslights_overview_advanced Original skin Low Resolution skin Buttons are always displayed on bottom of screen Large display skin Skin Compare profiles Profile helper Default profile Current profile Available profile Profile type Age: %1$.0f TDD: %2$.0f U Age: %1$.0f TDD: %2$.0f U %3$d%% Age: %1$.0f Weight: %2$.0f kg % of basal DPV Default profile Open Humans Finishing Open Humans setup… This may take a while. Do not turn your phone or this plugin off. Setup finished Your phone will upload data to Open Humans soon. Your phone is uploading data to Open Humans now. Setup failed There was an error. Please try to log in again in order to proceed. Sorry & Thank you! This is an open source tool that will copy your data to Open Humans. We retain no rights to share your data with third parties without your explicit authorization. The data the project and app receive are identified via a random user ID and will only be securely transmitted to an Open Humans account with your authorization of that process. You can stop uploading and delete your upload data at any time via I understand and agree. Login Logout Do you really want to log out and stop donating data to science? Project Member ID: %s Queue Size: %d Terms of Use Not logged in You need to accept the terms of use first. Successfully logged in The setup will be completed in background now. Thanks for uploading your data.\n\nPlease keep this plugin and your phone turned on for a short while for the setup to complete. Completing login… Donate your data to science OH You have been signed out of Open Humans Click here to sign in a again if this wasn\'t on purpose. Only upload if connected to WiFi Only upload if charging Worker State: %s Uploaded Data The following data will be uploaded to your Open Humans account: Glucose values, boluses, carbs, careportal events (except notes), extended boluses, profile switches, total daily doses, temporary basals, temp targets, preferences, application version, device model and screen dimensions. Secret or private information such as your Nightscout URL or API secret will not be uploaded. RileyLink status: Filter Unable to create local profile. Profile is invalid. Don\'t kill my app? Alarm