import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile // Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules. buildscript { repositories { google() mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath("") classpath("") classpath("") // NOTE: Do not place your application dependencies here; they belong // in the individual module build.gradle files classpath(kotlin("gradle-plugin", version = Libs.Kotlin.kotlin)) classpath(kotlin("allopen", version = Libs.Kotlin.kotlin)) classpath(kotlin("serialization", version = Libs.Kotlin.kotlin)) } } plugins { id("org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint") version "11.6.1" } allprojects { repositories { google() mavenCentral() maven("") maven("") } tasks.withType { kotlinOptions { freeCompilerArgs = listOf( "-opt-in=kotlin.RequiresOptIn", "-opt-in=kotlin.ExperimentalUnsignedTypes", "-Xjvm-default=all" //Support @JvmDefault ) jvmTarget = "11" } } gradle.projectsEvaluated { tasks.withType { val compilerArgs = options.compilerArgs compilerArgs.add("-Xlint:deprecation") compilerArgs.add("-Xlint:unchecked") } } apply(plugin = "org.jlleitschuh.gradle.ktlint") apply(plugin = "jacoco") } // Setup all reports aggregation apply(from = "jacoco_aggregation.gradle.kts") tasks.register("clean").configure { delete(rootProject.buildDir) }