'use strict'; function reason(rT, msg) { rT.reason = (rT.reason ? rT.reason + '. ' : '') + msg; console.error(msg); } var tempBasalFunctions = {}; tempBasalFunctions.getMaxSafeBasal = function getMaxSafeBasal(profile) { var max_daily_safety_multiplier = (isNaN(profile.max_daily_safety_multiplier) || profile.max_daily_safety_multiplier == null) ? 3 : profile.max_daily_safety_multiplier; var current_basal_safety_multiplier = (isNaN(profile.current_basal_safety_multiplier) || profile.current_basal_safety_multiplier == null) ? 4 : profile.current_basal_safety_multiplier; return Math.min(profile.max_basal, max_daily_safety_multiplier * profile.max_daily_basal, current_basal_safety_multiplier * profile.current_basal); }; tempBasalFunctions.setTempBasal = function setTempBasal(rate, duration, profile, rT, currenttemp) { //var maxSafeBasal = Math.min(profile.max_basal, 3 * profile.max_daily_basal, 4 * profile.current_basal); var maxSafeBasal = tempBasalFunctions.getMaxSafeBasal(profile); var round_basal = require('./round-basal'); if (rate < 0) { rate = 0; } else if (rate > maxSafeBasal) { rate = maxSafeBasal; } var suggestedRate = round_basal(rate, profile); if (typeof(currenttemp) !== 'undefined' && typeof(currenttemp.duration) !== 'undefined' && typeof(currenttemp.rate) !== 'undefined' && currenttemp.duration > (duration-10) && currenttemp.duration <= 120 && suggestedRate <= currenttemp.rate * 1.2 && suggestedRate >= currenttemp.rate * 0.8 && duration > 0 ) { rT.reason += " "+currenttemp.duration+"m left and " + currenttemp.rate + " ~ req " + suggestedRate + "U/hr: no temp required"; return rT; } if (suggestedRate === profile.current_basal) { if (profile.skip_neutral_temps === true) { if (typeof(currenttemp) !== 'undefined' && typeof(currenttemp.duration) !== 'undefined' && currenttemp.duration > 0) { reason(rT, 'Suggested rate is same as profile rate, a temp basal is active, canceling current temp'); rT.duration = 0; rT.rate = 0; return rT; } else { reason(rT, 'Suggested rate is same as profile rate, no temp basal is active, doing nothing'); return rT; } } else { reason(rT, 'Setting neutral temp basal of ' + profile.current_basal + 'U/hr'); rT.duration = duration; rT.rate = suggestedRate; return rT; } } else { rT.duration = duration; rT.rate = suggestedRate; return rT; } }; module.exports = tempBasalFunctions;