Tratments safety Max allowed bolus [U] Max allowed carbs [g] Preferences Refresh treatments from NS Backup Test alarm Reset Databases Do you really want to reset the databases? Exit Use extended boluses for >200% DanaR Bluetooth device Always use basal absolute values Please reboot your phone or restart AndroidAPS from the System Settings \notherwise Android APS will not have logging (important to track and verify that the algorithms are working correctly)! Objective: Gate: Start Verify Units DIA Active profile IC ISF Basal Target NO PROFILE SET Insulin: Carbs: IOB: IOB: Activity: Total IOB: Total IOB activity: Dur: Ratio: Ins: IOB: Total IOB: Insulin Carbs BG Carbs Corr U Bolus IOB TOTAL Run now VIRTUAL PUMP Base basal rate Temp basal Extended bolus Battery Reservoir OK SQL Error Last run Input parameters Glucose status Current temp IOB data Profile Meal data Result No glucose data available No profile available No pump available No change requested Request Rate Duration Reason Glucose Delta Delta: Avg. delta Config Builder Objectives OpenAPS MA Overview NS Profile Simple profile TempBasal Treatments Virtual Pump Careportal Pump Treatments Temp Basals Profile APS General days Minimal duration Constraints Loop Loop APS After processed constraints Set by pump Last enacted OK Cancel NO APS SELECTED OR PROVIDED RESULT Safety Plugin is disabled Constraints violation Bolus delivery error Tempbasal delivery error Basal value [%] % (100% = current) Accept new temp basal: Bolus Calculator Constraint applied! Confirmation Enter new treatment: Bolus Bolus: Basal Basal: Carbs Change your input! Set new extended bolus: BG Source xDrip NSClient APS Mode Closed Loop Open Loop Loop Disabled Disable loop Enable loop New suggestion available Unsupported version of NSClient Unsupported version of Nightscout NSClient not installed. Record lost! BG available in NS Pump status available in NS Manual enacts LOOP DISABLED BY CONSTRAINTS Czech English Basal IOB Bolus constraint applied Carbs constraint applied BG Check Announcement Note Question Exercise Pump Site Change CGM Sensor Insert CGM Sensor Start Insulin Cartridge Change Profile Switch Snack Bolus Meal Bolus Correction Bolus Combo Bolus Temp Basal Start Temp Basal End Carbs correction OpenAPS Offline Event type Other Meter Sensor Carbs Insulin Carb time Split Duration Percent Absolute Notes Event time Profile Entered By Glucose type No profile loaded from NS yet TempBasal Extended Bolus Nightscout version: SEND Missing Enabled Visible Up Preferences exported Export settings to Import settings from Settings imported File not found Export settings Import settings German Spanish Greek Italian Russian Swedish Max U/hr a Temp Basal can be set to This value is called max basal in OpenAPS context Maximum basal IOB OpenAPS can deliver [U] This value is called Max IOB in OpenAPS context\nThis will default to zero. After several days or weeks, depending on your comfort level, you may choose to adjust this number. Bulgarian DISMISS Language DanaR Connecting Connected Disconnected Sync profile to pump DanaR pump settings Nightscout End User License Agreement MUST NOT BE USED TO MAKE MEDICAL DECISIONS. THERE IS NO WARRANTY FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES PROVIDE THE PROGRAM “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, REPAIR OR CORRECTION. I UNDERSTAND AND AGREE Save No bluetooth adapter found Selected device not found Pump connection error Pump IOB Daily units Last bolus: h ago Invalid input data Value not set properly Reload profile View profile Enacted Comment Success Percent Absolute Cancel temp basal SMS Communicator Waiting for result Allowed phone numbers +XXXXXXXXXX;+YYYYYYYYYY To deliver bolus %.2fU reply with code %s To send calibration %.2f reply with code %s Bolus failed Bolus %.2fU delivered successfully Going to deliver %.2fU Bolus %.2fU delivered successfully Delivering %.2fU Allow remote commands via SMS Remote bolus not allowed Finger Sensor Manual Temporary Target Temporary Target Cancel DanaR profile settings DIA [h] Duration of Insulin Activity Failed to update basal profile History Reload Uploading E bolus DS bolus DE bolus error refill basal hour glucose carbohydrate alarm Total %d records uploaded S bolus Alarms Basal Hours Boluses Carbohydrates Daily insulin Errors Glucose Refill Suspend Connecting for %d s Pump password Wrong pump password! Pump is busy Delivered Stopped Occlusion Stop STOP PRESSED Waiting for pump Waiting for pump. Click to refresh. Going to deliver %.2fU Setting up visualization and monitoring, and analyzing basals and ratios Verify that BG is available in Nightscout, and pump insulin data is being uploaded Starting on an open loop Run in Open Loop mode for a few days, and manually enact lots of temp basals Understanding your open loop, including its temp basal recommendations Based on that experience, decide what max basal should be, and set it on the pump and preferences Starting to close the loop with Low Glucose Suspend Run in closed loop with max IOB = 0 for a few days without too many LGS events Tuning the closed loop, raising max IOB above 0 and gradually lowering BG targets Run for a few days, and at least one night with no low BG alarms, before dropping BG Adjust basals and ratios if needed, and then enable auto-sens 1 week successful daytime looping with regular carb entry Enabling additional features for daytime use, such as advanced meal assist You reached allowed limit No profile selected Loop has been disabled Loop has been enabled Loop is disabled Loop is enabled %.2f limited to %.2f Value %s is out of hard limits Remote basal setting is not allowed Remote command is not allowed To start basal %.2fU/h reply with code %s To suspend loop for %d minutes reply with code %s Temp basal %.2fU/h for %d min started successfully Temp basal start failed To stop temp basal reply with code %s Temp basal canceled Canceling temp basal failed Uknonwn command or wrong reply QuickWizard QuickWizard settings Button text: Carbs: Valid: Add Edit Remove Meal Corr Korean Actions AndroidAPS started NS upload only (disabled sync) NS upload only. Not effective on SGV unless a local source like xDrip is selected. Not effective on Profiles while NS-Profiles is used. Pump not initialized! Pump not initialized, profile not set! Prime/Fill Please make sure the amount matches the specification of your infusion set! Other Fill/Prime standard insulin amounts. Button 1 Button 2 Button 3 Percentage factor by which the base profile will be multiplied. Time in hours by which the profile will be shifted round robin. SEND TO PUMP Units: mg/dl mmol/l DIA: Target range: Edit Base-Basal: Edit Base-ISF: Edit Base-IC: Base Profile: CircadianPercentageProfile Range for Visualization High and low mark for the charts in Overview and Smartwatch LOW mark HIGH mark Wear Resend All Data Open Settings on Wear Pump Error Low Battery Pump Shutdown Pump Battery Discharged DanaR Korean Wrong pump driver selected Basal rate: Setting of basal profile failed Basal profile in pump updated Disable EasyUI mode in pump Enable extended boluses on pump Change mode from U/d to U/h on pump Basal value below minimum. Profile not set! BG: Last BG: MDI MM640g Ongoing Notification OLD DATA %dmin ago %dmin ago Local Profile OpenAPS AMA Short avg. delta Long avg. delta Array of %d elements.\nActual value: Autosens data Script debug Use AMA autosens feature Refresh events from NS Eating Soon Activity Remove record: DanaR Stats Cumulative TDD Exponentially Weighted TDD Basal Bolus TDD Date Ratio # Days Weight Possibly inaccurate if using boluses for priming/filling! Old Data Please Press "RELOAD" Total Base Basal TBB * 2 Initializing ... ACT CONF LOOP SP OAPS TT LP DANA CPP TB HOME VPUMP NSPROFILE TREAT CP OBJ WEAR SMS Shorten tab titles Delta Settings Always use short average delta instead of simple delta Useful when data from unfiltered sources like xDrip gets noisy. Advanced Settings Model: %02X Protocol: %02X Code: %02X Profile max_daily_safety_multiplier Default value: 3\nThis is a key OpenAPS safety cap. What this does is limit your basals to be 3x (in this people) your biggest basal rate. You likely will not need to change this, but you should be aware that’s what is discussed about “3x max daily; 4x current” for safety caps. current_basal_safety_multiplier Default value: 4\nThis is the other half of the key OpenAPS safety caps, and the other half of “3x max daily; 4x current” of the safety caps. This means your basal, regardless of max basal set on your pump, cannot be any higher than this number times the current level of your basal. This is to prevent people from getting into dangerous territory by setting excessively high max basals before understanding how the algorithm works. Again, the default is 4x; most people will never need to adjust this and are instead more likely to need to adjust other settings if they feel like they are “running into” this safety cap. autosens_max Default value: 1.2\nThis is a multiplier cap for autosens (and soon autotune) to set a 20% max limit on how high the autosens ratio can be, which in turn determines how high autosens can adjust basals, how low it can adjust ISF, and how low it can set the BG target. autosens_min Default value: 0.7\nThe other side of the autosens safety limits, putting a cap on how low autosens can adjust basals, and how high it can adjust ISF and BG targets. autosens_adjust_targets Default value: true\nThis is used to allow autosens to adjust BG targets, in addition to ISF and basals. bolussnooze_dia_divisor Default value: 2\nBolus snooze is enacted after you do a meal bolus, so the loop won’t counteract with low temps when you’ve just eaten. The example here and default is 2; so a 3 hour DIA means that bolus snooze will be gradually phased out over 1.5 hours (3DIA/2). min_5m_carbimpact Default value: 3.0\nThis is a setting for default carb absorption impact per 5 minutes. The default is an expected 3mg/dl/5min. This affects how fast COB are decayed, and how much carb absorption is assumed in calculating future predicted BG, when BG is falling more than expected, or not rising as much as expected. Attention!\nNormally you do not have to change these values below. Please CLICK HERE and READ the text and make sure you UNDERSTAND it before change any of these values. Only numeric digits are allowed. Only numeric digits within the range %1$s - %2$s are allowed. The field must not be empty Phone number not valid Invalid SMS phone number Copy To Clipboard Copied to clipboard Show log Calibration Calibration Send calibration %.1f to xDrip? xDrip+ not installed Calibration sent to xDrip Remote calibration not allowed Calibration sent. Receiving must be enabled in xDrip. xDrip is not receiving calibrations Don\'t show again Pump suspended. Click to refresh state Pump suspended Getting pump status Setting temp basal Stopping temp basal Setting extended bolus Stopping extended bolus Updating basal rates Disconnecting Executing Virtual pump settings Upload status to NS Wrong password Password for settings Unlock settings Approaching insulin daily limit NSClient NSCI URL: Autoscroll Restart NSClient Nightscout URL Enter Nightscout URL NS API secret NS API secret Enter NS API secret (min 12 chars) Device name Enter device name It will be used for enteredBy field Deliver now Clear queue Show queue Queue: Status: Paused nsclientinternal_url nsclientinternal_api_secret danar_bt_name danar_password danar_useextended danar_visualizeextendedaspercentage" danarprofile_dia Clear log nsclientinternal_autoscroll nsclientinternal_paused NSCLIENT has no write permission. Wrong API secret? Wear settings Show detailed IOB Break down IOB into bolus and basal IOB on the watchface not successful - please check phone Not available smscommunicator_allowednumbers smscommunicator_remotecommandsallowed Patient age Child Teenage Adult age child teenage adult Please select patient age to setup safety limits I_understand Glimp Device does not appear to support battery optimization whitelisting! Please Allow Permission %s needs battery optimalization whitelisting for proper performance Loop suspended Suspended (%d m) Superbolus (%d m) Loop menu Suspend loop for 1h Suspend loop for 2h Suspend loop for 3h Suspend loop for 10 h Disconnect pump for 30 min Disconnect pump for 1 h Disconnect pump for 2 h Disconnect pump for 3 h Disconnect pump for 10 h Resume Wrong duration Loop suspended Loop resumed 15min trend COB Superbolus Log app start to NS ns_logappstartedevent nsclient_localbroadcasts Exiting application to apply settings. DanaRv2 Insulin Fast Acting Insulin Novorapid, Novolog, Humalog INS Fast Acting Insulin Prolonged key_usersuperbolus Enable superbolus in wizard Enable superbolus functionality in wizard. Do not enable until you learn what it really does. IT MAY CAUSE INSULIN OVERDOSE IF USED BLINDLY! IOB COB PRE BAS Firmware Last connection Bluetooh status About Missing SMS permission DEV xDrip Status (watch) xDrip Statusline (watch) xds Show BGI Add BGI to status line No upload to NS All data sent to NS are dropped. AAPS is connected to NS but no change in NS is done ns_upload_only ns_noupload Basal Step Bolus Step ExtendedBolus TempTarget Cancel Extended Bolus Sensor age Canula age Insulin age hours Basal type ISF missing in profile. Using default. IC missing in profile. Using default. Basal missing in profile. Using default. Target missing in profile. Using default. Invalid profile !!! ProfileSwitch Pump battery age Pump Battery Change Alarm options nsalarm_urgent_high nsalarm_high nsalarm_low nsalarm_urgent_low nsalarm_staledata nsalarm_urgent_staledata nsalarm_staledatavalue nsalarm_urgent_staledatavalue Urgent high High Low Urgent low Currently set to %f Stale data Urgent stale data Stale data threshold [min] Urgent stale data threshold [min] Interval for autosens [h] Amount of hours in the past for sensitivity detection (carbs absorption time is excluded) openapsama_autosens_period nsclient_localbroadcasts SEN do_not_track_profile_switch Ignore profile switch events All profile switch events are ignored and active profile is always used Pump OpenAPS Device Uploader Sensitivity detection SENS Sensitivity Oref0 Sensitivity AAPS Absorption settings absorption_maxtime Meal max absorption time [h] Time in hours where is expected all carbs from meal will be absorbed rangetodisplay Visualize extended bolus as % SAGE IAGE CAGE PBAGE OAPS UPLD BAS EXT Lock screen Lock By turning on Autosense feature remember to enter all eated carbs. Otherwise carbs deviations will be identified wrong as sensitivity change !! Sensitivity WeightedAverage OK Cancel needs to be activated to send values to the pump! Not all profiles loaded! Values not stored! Overview Notifications Pass the Overview Notifications through as wear confirmation messages. Enable broadcasts to other apps (like xDrip). Enable local Broadcasts. ACTIVITY & FEEDBACK CARBS & BOLUS CGM & OPENAPS PUMP Basal value [U/h] Duration [min] insulin_oref_peak IOB Curve Peak Peak [min]