package info.nightscout.androidaps.queue; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.os.SystemClock; import; import android.text.Html; import android.text.Spanned; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.util.LinkedList; import info.nightscout.androidaps.MainApp; import info.nightscout.androidaps.R; import; import; import; import; import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.Constraint; import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.PumpInterface; import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.ConfigBuilder.ConfigBuilderPlugin; import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.Overview.Dialogs.BolusProgressDialog; import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.Overview.Dialogs.BolusProgressHelperActivity; import; import; import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.Overview.notifications.Notification; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.Command; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandBolus; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandCancelExtendedBolus; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandCancelTempBasal; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandExtendedBolus; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandLoadEvents; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandLoadHistory; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandLoadTDDs; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandReadStatus; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandSMBBolus; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandSetProfile; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandTempBasalAbsolute; import info.nightscout.androidaps.queue.commands.CommandTempBasalPercent; /** * Created by mike on 08.11.2017. * <p> * DATA FLOW: * --------- * <p> * (request) - > ConfigBuilder.getCommandQueue().bolus(...) * <p> * app no longer waits for result but passes Callback * <p> * request is added to queue, if another request of the same type already exists in queue, it's removed prior adding * but if request of the same type is currently executed (probably important only for bolus which is running long time), new request is declined * new QueueThread is created and started if current if finished * CommandReadStatus is added automatically before command if queue is empty * <p> * biggest change is we don't need exec pump commands in Handler because it's finished immediately * command queueing if not realized by stacking in different Handlers and threads anymore but by internal queue with better control * <p> * QueueThread calls ConfigBuilder#connect which is passed to getActivePump().connect * connect should be executed on background and return immediately. afterwards isConnecting() is expected to be true * <p> * while isConnecting() == true GUI is updated by posting connection progress * <p> * if connect is successful: isConnected() becomes true, isConnecting() becomes false * CommandQueue starts calling execute() of commands. execute() is expected to be blocking (return after finish). * callback with result is called after finish automatically * if connect failed: isConnected() becomes false, isConnecting() becomes false * connect() is called again * <p> * when queue is empty, disconnect is called */ public class CommandQueue { private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommandQueue.class); private LinkedList<Command> queue = new LinkedList<>(); protected Command performing; private QueueThread thread = null; private PumpEnactResult executingNowError() { return new PumpEnactResult().success(false).enacted(false).comment(MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.executingrightnow)); } public boolean isRunning(Command.CommandType type) { if (performing != null && performing.commandType == type) return true; return false; } private synchronized void removeAll(Command.CommandType type) { for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) { if (queue.get(i).commandType == type) { queue.remove(i); } } } private synchronized boolean isLastScheduled(Command.CommandType type) { if (queue.size() > 0 && queue.get(queue.size() - 1).commandType == type) { return true; } return false; } private synchronized void inject(Command command) { // inject as a first command log.debug("QUEUE: Adding as first: " + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + command.status()); queue.addFirst(command); } private synchronized void add(Command command) { log.debug("QUEUE: Adding: " + command.getClass().getSimpleName() + " - " + command.status()); queue.add(command); } synchronized void pickup() { performing = queue.poll(); } synchronized void clear() { performing = null; for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) { queue.get(i).cancel(); } queue.clear(); } public int size() { return queue.size(); } public Command performing() { return performing; } public void resetPerforming() { performing = null; } // After new command added to the queue // start thread again if not already running protected synchronized void notifyAboutNewCommand() { while (thread != null && thread.getState() != Thread.State.TERMINATED && thread.waitingForDisconnect) { log.debug("QUEUE: Waiting for previous thread finish"); SystemClock.sleep(500); } if (thread == null || thread.getState() == Thread.State.TERMINATED) { thread = new QueueThread(this); thread.start(); log.debug("QUEUE: Starting new thread"); } else { log.debug("QUEUE: Thread is already running"); } } public static void independentConnect(String reason, Callback callback) { CommandQueue tempCommandQueue = new CommandQueue(); tempCommandQueue.readStatus(reason, callback); } // returns true if command is queued public boolean bolus(DetailedBolusInfo detailedBolusInfo, Callback callback) { Command.CommandType type = detailedBolusInfo.isSMB ? Command.CommandType.SMB_BOLUS : Command.CommandType.BOLUS; if(type.equals(Command.CommandType.BOLUS) && detailedBolusInfo.carbs > 0 && detailedBolusInfo.insulin == 0){ type = Command.CommandType.CARBS_ONLY_TREATMENT; //Carbs only can be added in parallel as they can be "in the future". } else { if (isRunning(type)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished boluses removeAll(type); } // apply constraints detailedBolusInfo.insulin = MainApp.getConstraintChecker().applyBolusConstraints(new Constraint<>(detailedBolusInfo.insulin)).value(); detailedBolusInfo.carbs = MainApp.getConstraintChecker().applyCarbsConstraints(new Constraint<>((int) detailedBolusInfo.carbs)).value(); // add new command to queue if (detailedBolusInfo.isSMB) { add(new CommandSMBBolus(detailedBolusInfo, callback)); } else { add(new CommandBolus(detailedBolusInfo, callback, type)); if(type.equals(Command.CommandType.BOLUS)) { // Bring up bolus progress dialog (start here, so the dialog is shown when the bolus is requested, // not when the Bolus command is starting. The command closes the dialog upon completion). showBolusProgressDialog(detailedBolusInfo.insulin, detailedBolusInfo.context); // Notify Wear about upcoming bolus MainApp.bus().post(new EventBolusRequested(detailedBolusInfo.insulin)); } } notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean tempBasalAbsolute(double absoluteRate, int durationInMinutes, boolean enforceNew, Profile profile, Callback callback) { if (isRunning(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL); Double rateAfterConstraints = MainApp.getConstraintChecker().applyBasalConstraints(new Constraint<>(absoluteRate), profile).value(); // add new command to queue add(new CommandTempBasalAbsolute(rateAfterConstraints, durationInMinutes, enforceNew, profile, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean tempBasalPercent(Integer percent, int durationInMinutes, boolean enforceNew, Profile profile, Callback callback) { if (isRunning(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL); Integer percentAfterConstraints = MainApp.getConstraintChecker().applyBasalPercentConstraints(new Constraint<>(percent), profile).value(); // add new command to queue add(new CommandTempBasalPercent(percentAfterConstraints, durationInMinutes, enforceNew, profile, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean extendedBolus(double insulin, int durationInMinutes, Callback callback) { if (isRunning(Command.CommandType.EXTENDEDBOLUS)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } Double rateAfterConstraints = MainApp.getConstraintChecker().applyBolusConstraints(new Constraint<>(insulin)).value(); // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.EXTENDEDBOLUS); // add new command to queue add(new CommandExtendedBolus(rateAfterConstraints, durationInMinutes, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean cancelTempBasal(boolean enforceNew, Callback callback) { if (isRunning(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.TEMPBASAL); // add new command to queue add(new CommandCancelTempBasal(enforceNew, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean cancelExtended(Callback callback) { if (isRunning(Command.CommandType.EXTENDEDBOLUS)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.EXTENDEDBOLUS); // add new command to queue add(new CommandCancelExtendedBolus(callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean setProfile(Profile profile, Callback callback) { if (isThisProfileSet(profile)) { log.debug("QUEUE: Correct profile already set"); if (callback != null) callback.result(new PumpEnactResult().success(true).enacted(false)).run(); return false; } if (!MainApp.isEngineeringModeOrRelease()) { Notification notification = new Notification(Notification.NOT_ENG_MODE_OR_RELEASE, MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.not_eng_mode_or_release), Notification.URGENT); MainApp.bus().post(new EventNewNotification(notification)); if (callback != null) callback.result(new PumpEnactResult().success(false).comment(MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.not_eng_mode_or_release))).run(); return false; } // Compare with pump limits Profile.BasalValue[] basalValues = profile.getBasalValues(); PumpInterface pump = ConfigBuilderPlugin.getActivePump(); for (Profile.BasalValue basalValue : basalValues) { if (basalValue.value < pump.getPumpDescription().basalMinimumRate) { Notification notification = new Notification(Notification.BASAL_VALUE_BELOW_MINIMUM, MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.basalvaluebelowminimum), Notification.URGENT); MainApp.bus().post(new EventNewNotification(notification)); if (callback != null) callback.result(new PumpEnactResult().success(false).comment(MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.basalvaluebelowminimum))).run(); return false; } } MainApp.bus().post(new EventDismissNotification(Notification.BASAL_VALUE_BELOW_MINIMUM)); // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.BASALPROFILE); // add new command to queue add(new CommandSetProfile(profile, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean readStatus(String reason, Callback callback) { if (isLastScheduled(Command.CommandType.READSTATUS)) { log.debug("QUEUE: READSTATUS " + reason + " ignored as duplicated"); if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished //removeAll(Command.CommandType.READSTATUS); // add new command to queue add(new CommandReadStatus(reason, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean loadHistory(byte type, Callback callback) { if (isRunning(Command.CommandType.LOADHISTORY)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.LOADHISTORY); // add new command to queue add(new CommandLoadHistory(type, callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean loadTDDs(Callback callback) { if (isRunning(Command.CommandType.LOADHISTORY)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.LOADHISTORY); // add new command to queue add(new CommandLoadTDDs(callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } // returns true if command is queued public boolean loadEvents(Callback callback) { if (isRunning(Command.CommandType.LOADEVENTS)) { if (callback != null) callback.result(executingNowError()).run(); return false; } // remove all unfinished removeAll(Command.CommandType.LOADEVENTS); // add new command to queue add(new CommandLoadEvents(callback)); notifyAboutNewCommand(); return true; } public Spanned spannedStatus() { String s = ""; int line = 0; if (performing != null) { s += "<b>" + performing.status() + "</b>"; line++; } for (int i = 0; i < queue.size(); i++) { if (line != 0) s += "<br>"; s += queue.get(i).status(); line++; } return Html.fromHtml(s); } public boolean isThisProfileSet(Profile profile) { PumpInterface activePump = ConfigBuilderPlugin.getActivePump(); Profile current = MainApp.getConfigBuilder().getProfile(); if (activePump != null && current != null) { boolean result = activePump.isThisProfileSet(profile); if (!result) { log.debug("Current profile: " + current.getData().toString()); log.debug("New profile: " + profile.getData().toString()); } return result; } else return true; } protected void showBolusProgressDialog(Double insulin, Context context) { if (context != null) { BolusProgressDialog bolusProgressDialog = new BolusProgressDialog(); bolusProgressDialog.setInsulin(insulin); context).getSupportFragmentManager(), "BolusProgress"); } else { Intent i = new Intent(); i.putExtra("insulin", insulin); i.setClass(MainApp.instance(), BolusProgressHelperActivity.class); i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); MainApp.instance().startActivity(i); } } }