* origin/dev:
Let CircadianPercentageProfileFragment inherit from SubscriberFragment.
Fix after merge-conflict cleanup
Files renamed
Added icons for home, actions and care portal screens
update bg translation
synchronize interval access from other classes
remove unnecessary semicolons
spanish emptiy string
remove extra strings
self asignment -> comment
string comparison
Add color of chart to corresponding lables/scale
Update InsulinFastactingProlongedFragment.java
Update InsulinFastactingFragment.java
Extract SubscriberFragment base class.
Have most fragments update their content in onResume.
* origin/dev:
bulgarian removed non-translatable
synchronize interval access
nsclient remove debug data that puts stress on the broadcast system 3
nsclient remove debug data that puts stress on the broadcast system 2
nsclient remove debug data that puts stress on the broadcast system
Align OpenAS(A)MA fragments with layout of other fragments.
local broadcasts better setting title
setting to disable local broadcasts in NSClient
removed some "unneeded" translations
wear tdd weighted
wear TDD status
wear menu simplification
Translated latest additions strings.xml
ns client quickfix now catch all
NS client quickfix - catch even more
catch TransactionTooLargeException
TT new "old" logic for temp targets
TT refactor OverlappingIntervals to two classes with an abstract superclass Intervals
# Conflicts:
# app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml
AAPS seems to still try to issue commands (like cancel TBR,
though none is running?)), despite showing "Pump suspended"
on the home screen.
With the DanaR, AAPS also tries to run commands when the
pump is suspended, but there, the treatment is logged
as being administered despite the pump not having done that.
Here, the pump response with success=false, enacted=false,
which causes the ComboPlugin class to NOT create any
treatments. No errors are raised, as this is considered a regular
state: no treatments are enacted, overview screen shows
"pump suspended" and the combo beeping away.
That AAPS still tries to issue TBR commands ... that's AAPS'
problem for now. Buttons to issue boluses are hiden though.
* Add info about last command ran to the Combo tab
* Don't refresh data more than once a minute.
* Specify not only error, but also command that raised the error in
alert notification