- remove formatting changes
- moved plugins/general/overview/Dialogs/ to plugins/general/overview/dialogs/
- fixing treatment changes that are received from NS, and extending copying of data to ignore pumpId
- done some fixes according to Crashalytics (most common problem from last month)
- extended custom actions, to have enabled flag, and if entry is enabled=false button is not added. Added EventCustomActionsChanged event that can refresh custom actions
- #111 - do not put multiple statuses into queue
- #110 - set driver busy if wake up and tune is running
- #104 - when bolus is delivering driver is set to busy, and custom action was added to remove this block
On AAPS side:
- added some capabilites
- fully refactored SendToDataLayerThread (copied from xdrip)
- updated code
- all tasks are now executed on Executor (and not by itself) - main problem that some data was not sent
On Wear side:
- added capabilities and refactored code in ListenerService (by looking at xdrip code)
- bolus finalized: added delay before bolus is delivered (configurable 5, 10, 15s) and if cancel is issued, after
delay, and bolus was already sent to pump, message is displayed saying that you need to manually stop the pump
to cancel bolus
- BLE Scanner refactored and finished (removed un-needed code)
- fixed 5 most common Crashalytics errors found
- fixed Basal Profile problem (I hope)
- Added history reading and parsing
- Added evaulation of history data (still work in progress)
- Added custom actions (#1455), so that we can manually do "Wake Up and Tune" (new button in actions)
- Started decoding DailyTotals records (need TDD for bolus and basal).