dash eap-aka: complete the session key exchange

Fake pod logs
INFO[0021] got CK: daff384a4098571975d136a480a71b36
INFO[0021] got Nonce: 33a0c6dd0a0a0a0a

The application logs:
[OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl$connect$1.subscribe():139]: CK: daff384a4098571975d136a480a71b36
 [OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl$connect$1.subscribe():140]: noncePrefix: 33a0c6dd0a0a0a0a
This commit is contained in:
Andrei Vereha 2021-03-02 22:17:11 +01:00
parent 9c42e5749f
commit e90bda0234
16 changed files with 247 additions and 144 deletions

View file

@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ data class Id(val address: ByteArray) {
fun toLong(): Long {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(address).long
return ByteBuffer.wrap(address).int.toLong() and 0xffffffffL
companion object {

View file

@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ class OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl @Inject constructor(
val discoverer = ServiceDiscoverer(aapsLogger, gatt, bleCommCallbacks)
val chars = discoverer.discoverServices()
val bleIO = BleIO(aapsLogger, chars, incomingPackets, gatt, bleCommCallbacks)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Saying hello to the pod")
bleIO.sendAndConfirmPacket(CharacteristicType.CMD, BleCommandHello(CONTROLLER_ID).data)
return bleIO
@ -137,7 +136,9 @@ class OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl @Inject constructor(
val EapAkaExchanger = EapAkaExchanger(aapsLogger, msgIO, ltk)
val sessionKeys = EapAkaExchanger.negotiateSessionKeys()
aapsLogger.info(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "Got session Key: $sessionKeys")
aapsLogger.info(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "CK: ${sessionKeys.ck.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.info(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "noncePrefix: ${sessionKeys.noncePrefix.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.info(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "SQN: ${sessionKeys.sqn.toHex()}")
emitter.onNext(PodEvent.Connected(ltk.podId.toLong())) // TODO supply actual pod id

View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions
class SessionEstablishmentException(val msg: String) : Exception(msg)

View file

@ -15,12 +15,12 @@ data class MessagePacket(
val sequenceNumber: Byte,
val ack: Boolean = false,
val ackNumber: Byte = 0.toByte(),
val eqos: Short = 0.toShort(), // TODO: understand
val eqos: Short = 0.toShort(), // TODO: understand. Seems to be set to 1 for commands
val priority: Boolean = false,
val lastMessage: Boolean = false,
val gateway: Boolean = false,
val sas: Boolean = false, // TODO: understand
val tfs: Boolean = false, // TODO: understand
val sas: Boolean = true, // TODO: understand, seems to always be true
val tfs: Boolean = false, // TODO: understand, seems to be false
val version: Short = 0.toShort()
) {

View file

@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.session
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLogger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.MessageIOException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
import java.util.*
enum class EapAkaAttributeType(val type: Byte) {
@ -16,26 +19,49 @@ enum class EapAkaAttributeType(val type: Byte) {
abstract class EapAkaAttribute(val type: EapAkaAttributeType) {
sealed class EapAkaAttribute {
abstract fun toByteArray(): ByteArray
companion object {
const val SIZE_MULTIPLIER = 4 // The length for EAP-AKA attributes is a multiple of 4
fun parseAttributes(aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, payload: ByteArray): List<EapAkaAttribute> {
var tail = payload
val ret = LinkedList<EapAkaAttribute>()
while (tail.size > 0) {
if (tail.size < 2) {
throw MessageIOException("Could not parse EAP attributes: ${payload.toHex()}")
val size = SIZE_MULTIPLIER * tail[1].toInt()
if (tail.size < size) {
throw MessageIOException("Could not parse EAP attributes: ${payload.toHex()}")
val type = EapAkaAttributeType.byValue(tail[0])
when (type) {
EapAkaAttributeType.AT_RES ->
ret.add(EapAkaAttributeRes.parse(tail.copyOfRange(2, size)))
EapAkaAttributeType.AT_CUSTOM_IV ->
ret.add(EapAkaAttributeCustomIV.parse(tail.copyOfRange(2, size)))
else ->
throw MessageIOException("Could not parse EAP attributes: ${payload.toHex()}. Expecting only AT_RES or CUSTOM_IV attribute types from the POD")
tail = tail.copyOfRange(size, tail.size)
return ret
class EapAkaAttributeRand(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute(
type = EapAkaAttributeType.AT_RAND
) {
data class EapAkaAttributeRand(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute() {
init {
require(payload.size == 16) { "AT_RAND payload size has to be 16 bytes. Payload: ${payload.toHex()}" }
override fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf(type.type, SIZE, 0, 0) + payload
return byteArrayOf(EapAkaAttributeType.AT_RAND.type, SIZE, 0, 0) + payload
companion object {
@ -44,16 +70,14 @@ class EapAkaAttributeRand(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute(
class EapAkaAttributeAutn(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute(
type = EapAkaAttributeType.AT_AUTN
) {
data class EapAkaAttributeAutn(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute() {
init {
require(payload.size == 16) { "AT_AUTN payload size has to be 16 bytes. Payload: ${payload.toHex()}" }
override fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf(type.type, SIZE, 0, 0) + payload
return byteArrayOf(EapAkaAttributeType.AT_AUTN.type, SIZE, 0, 0) + payload
companion object {
@ -62,39 +86,50 @@ class EapAkaAttributeAutn(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute(
class EapAkaAttributeRes(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute(
type = EapAkaAttributeType.AT_AUTN
) {
data class EapAkaAttributeRes(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute() {
init {
require(payload.size == 8) { "AT_RES payload size has to be 8 bytes. Payload: ${payload.toHex()}" }
override fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf(type.type, SIZE, 0, PAYLOAD_SIZE_BITS) + payload
return byteArrayOf(EapAkaAttributeType.AT_RES.type, SIZE, 0, PAYLOAD_SIZE_BITS) + payload
companion object {
fun parse(payload: ByteArray): EapAkaAttributeRes {
if (payload.size < 2 + 8) {
throw MessageIOException("Could not parse RES attribute: ${payload.toHex()}")
return EapAkaAttributeRes(payload.copyOfRange(2, 2 + 8))
private const val SIZE = (12 / SIZE_MULTIPLIER).toByte() // type, size, len in bits=2, payload=8
private const val PAYLOAD_SIZE_BITS = 64.toByte() // type, size, 2 reserved bytes, payload
class EapAkaAttributeCustomIV(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute(
type = EapAkaAttributeType.AT_CUSTOM_IV
) {
data class EapAkaAttributeCustomIV(val payload: ByteArray) : EapAkaAttribute() {
init {
require(payload.size == 4) { "CUSTOM_IV payload size has to be 4 bytes. Payload: ${payload.toHex()}" }
override fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf(type.type, SIZE, 0, 0) + payload
return byteArrayOf(EapAkaAttributeType.AT_CUSTOM_IV.type, SIZE, 0, 0) + payload
companion object {
fun parse(payload: ByteArray): EapAkaAttributeCustomIV {
if (payload.size < 2 + 4) {
throw MessageIOException("Could not parse CUSTOM_IV attribute: ${payload.toHex()}")
return EapAkaAttributeCustomIV(payload.copyOfRange(2, 2 + 4))
private const val SIZE = (8 / SIZE_MULTIPLIER).toByte() // type, size, 2 reserved bytes, payload=4

View file

@ -4,14 +4,14 @@ import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLogger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.LTag
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.Id
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.SessionEstablishmentException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessageIO
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessagePacket
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessageType
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.pair.PairResult
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex
import java.security.SecureRandom
import javax.crypto.Cipher
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
class EapAkaExchanger(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val msgIO: MessageIO, private val ltk: PairResult) {
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class EapAkaExchanger(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val msgIO: Mes
private var nodeIV = ByteArray(IV_SIZE)
private val controllerId = Id.fromInt(OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl.CONTROLLER_ID)
private val sqn = byteArrayOf(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
private val sqn = byteArrayOf(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2)
private val milenage = Milenage(aapsLogger, ltk.ltk, sqn)
init {
@ -32,62 +32,85 @@ class EapAkaExchanger(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val msgIO: Mes
fun negotiateSessionKeys(): SessionKeys {
// send EAP-AKA challenge
seq++ // TODO: get from pod state. This only works for activating a new pod
var challenge = eapAkaChallenge()
// read SPS1
val challengeResponse = msgIO.receiveMessage()
// now we have all the data to generate: confPod, confPdm, ltk and noncePrefix
// TODO: what do we have to answer if challenge response does not validate?
var success = eapSuccess()
return SessionKeys()
return SessionKeys(
controllerIV + nodeIV,
private fun eapAkaChallenge(): EapAkaMessage {
val payload = ByteArray(0)
val attributes =
// TODO: verify the order or attributes
private fun eapAkaChallenge(): MessagePacket {
val attributes = arrayOf(
return EapAkaMessage(
val eapMsg = EapMessage(
code = EapCode.REQUEST,
identifier = 42, // TODO: find what value we need here
attributes = attributes,
identifier = 42, // TODO: find what value we need here, it's probably random
attributes = attributes
return MessagePacket(
sequenceNumber = seq,
source = controllerId,
destination = ltk.podId,
payload = payload
payload = eapMsg.toByteArray()
private fun processChallengeResponse(challengeResponse: MessagePacket) {
//TODO verify that identifier matches identifer from the Challenge
val eapMsg = EapMessage.parse(aapsLogger, challengeResponse.payload)
if (eapMsg.attributes.size != 2) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "EAP-AKA: got RES message: $eapMsg")
throw SessionEstablishmentException("Expecting two attributes, got: ${eapMsg.attributes.size}")
for (attr in eapMsg.attributes) {
when (attr) {
is EapAkaAttributeRes ->
if (!milenage.res.contentEquals(attr.payload)) {
throw SessionEstablishmentException("RES missmatch. Expected: ${milenage.res.toHex()} Actual: ${attr.payload.toHex()} ")
is EapAkaAttributeCustomIV ->
nodeIV = attr.payload.copyOfRange(0, IV_SIZE)
else ->
throw SessionEstablishmentException("Unknown attribute received: ${attr}")
private fun eapSuccess(): EapAkaMessage {
val payload = ByteArray(0)
return EapAkaMessage(
private fun eapSuccess(): MessagePacket {
val eapMsg = EapMessage(
code = EapCode.SUCCESS,
attributes = null,
identifier = 42, // TODO: find what value we need here
attributes = arrayOf(),
identifier = 44, // TODO: find what value we need here
return MessagePacket(
sequenceNumber = seq,
source = controllerId,
destination = ltk.podId,
payload = payload
payload = eapMsg.toByteArray()
companion object {
private val MILENAGE_OP = Hex.decode("cdc202d5123e20f62b6d676ac72cb318")

View file

@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.session
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.Id
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessagePacket
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessageType
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
enum class EapCode(val code: Byte) {
companion object {
fun byValue(value: Byte): EapCode =
EapCode.values().firstOrNull { it.code == value }
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown EAP-AKA attribute type: $value")
class EapAkaMessage(
val code: EapCode,
val identifier: Byte,
val sequenceNumber: Byte,
val source: Id,
val destination: Id,
val payload: ByteArray,
val attributes: Array<EapAkaAttribute>?,
val messagePacket: MessagePacket = MessagePacket(
source = source,
destination = destination,
payload = payload,
sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber,
sas = true // TODO: understand why this is true for PairMessages
) {
fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
val serializedAttributes = attributes?.flatMap { it.toByteArray().asIterable() }
val joinedAttributes = serializedAttributes?.toTypedArray()?.toByteArray()
val attrSize = joinedAttributes?.size ?: 0
val totalSize = HEADER_SIZE + attrSize
var bb = ByteBuffer
.put(((totalSize ushr 1) and 0XFF).toByte())
.put((totalSize and 0XFF).toByte())
.put(byteArrayOf(0, 0))
.put(joinedAttributes ?: ByteArray(0))
val ret = bb.array()
return ret.copyOfRange(0, ret.size)
companion object {
private const val HEADER_SIZE = 8
private const val SUBTYPE_AKA_CHALLENGE = 1.toByte()
private const val AKA_PACKET_TYPE = 0x17.toByte()

View file

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.session
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLogger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.LTag
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.MessageIOException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
import okio.ByteString.Companion.toByteString
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
enum class EapCode(val code: Byte) {
companion object {
fun byValue(value: Byte): EapCode =
EapCode.values().firstOrNull { it.code == value }
?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Unknown EAP-AKA attribute type: $value")
data class EapMessage(
val code: EapCode,
val identifier: Byte,
val attributes: Array<EapAkaAttribute>,
) {
fun toByteArray(): ByteArray {
val serializedAttributes = attributes.flatMap { it.toByteArray().asIterable() }
val joinedAttributes = serializedAttributes.toTypedArray().toByteArray()
val attrSize = joinedAttributes.size
if (attrSize == 0) {
return byteArrayOf(code.code, identifier, 0, 4)
val totalSize = HEADER_SIZE + attrSize
var bb = ByteBuffer
.put(((totalSize ushr 1) and 0XFF).toByte())
.put((totalSize and 0XFF).toByte())
.put(byteArrayOf(0, 0))
val ret = bb.array()
return ret.copyOfRange(0, ret.size)
companion object {
private const val HEADER_SIZE = 8
private const val SUBTYPE_AKA_CHALLENGE = 1.toByte()
private const val AKA_PACKET_TYPE = 0x17.toByte()
fun parse(aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, payload: ByteArray): EapMessage {
if (payload.size < 4) {
throw MessageIOException("Invalid eap payload: ${payload.toHex()}")
val totalSize = (payload[2].toInt() shl 1) or payload[3].toInt()
if (totalSize > payload.size) {
throw MessageIOException("Invalid eap payload. Too short: ${payload.toHex()}")
if (payload.size == 4) { // SUCCESS/FAILURE
return EapMessage(
code = EapCode.byValue(payload[0]),
identifier = payload[1],
attributes = arrayOf()
if (totalSize > 0 && payload[4] != AKA_PACKET_TYPE) {
throw MessageIOException("Invalid eap payload. Expected AKA packet type: ${payload.toHex()}")
val attributesPayload = payload.copyOfRange(8, totalSize)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "EAP attributes: ${attributesPayload.toByteString()}")
return EapMessage(
code = EapCode.byValue(payload[0]),
identifier = payload[1],
attributes = EapAkaAttribute.parseAttributes(aapsLogger, attributesPayload).toTypedArray()

View file

@ -8,7 +8,13 @@ import java.security.SecureRandom
import javax.crypto.Cipher
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
class Milenage(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val k: ByteArray, val sqn: ByteArray, val _rand: ByteArray? = null) {
class Milenage(
private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger,
private val k: ByteArray,
val sqn: ByteArray,
val _rand: ByteArray? = null
) {
init {
require(k.size == KEY_SIZE) { "Milenage key has to be $KEY_SIZE bytes long. Received: ${k.toHex()}" }
require(sqn.size == SQN) { "Milenage SQN has to be $SQN long. Received: ${sqn.toHex()}" }
@ -58,6 +64,7 @@ class Milenage(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val k: ByteArray, val
private val sqnAmf = sqn + MILENAGE_AMF + sqn + MILENAGE_AMF
private val sqnAmfXorOpc = sqnAmf xor opc
private val macAInput = ByteArray(KEY_SIZE)
init {
for (i in 0..15) {
macAInput[(i + 8) % 16] = sqnAmfXorOpc[i]

View file

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.session
class SessionKeys
data class SessionKeys(val ck: ByteArray, val noncePrefix: ByteArray, val sqn: ByteArray) {
init {
require(ck.size == 16) { "CK has to be 16 bytes long" }
require(noncePrefix.size == 8) { "noncePrefix has to be 8 bytes long" }
require(sqn.size == 6) { "SQN has to be 6 bytes long" }

View file

@ -477,9 +477,12 @@ class OmnipodDashOverviewFragment : DaggerFragment() {
private fun updateResumeDeliveryButton() {
if (podStateManager.isPodRunning && (podStateManager.isSuspended || commandQueue.isCustomCommandInQueue(
if (podStateManager.isPodRunning && (
podStateManager.isSuspended || commandQueue.isCustomCommandInQueue(
))) {
) {
buttonBinding.buttonResumeDelivery.visibility = View.VISIBLE
buttonBinding.buttonResumeDelivery.isEnabled = isQueueEmpty()
} else {
@ -488,9 +491,12 @@ class OmnipodDashOverviewFragment : DaggerFragment() {
private fun updateSilenceAlertsButton() {
if (isAutomaticallySilenceAlertsEnabled() && podStateManager.isPodRunning && (podStateManager.activeAlerts!!.size > 0 || commandQueue.isCustomCommandInQueue(
if (isAutomaticallySilenceAlertsEnabled() && podStateManager.isPodRunning && (
podStateManager.activeAlerts!!.size > 0 || commandQueue.isCustomCommandInQueue(
))) {
) {
buttonBinding.buttonSilenceAlerts.visibility = View.VISIBLE
buttonBinding.buttonSilenceAlerts.isEnabled = isQueueEmpty()
} else {
@ -500,9 +506,12 @@ class OmnipodDashOverviewFragment : DaggerFragment() {
private fun updateSuspendDeliveryButton() {
// If the Pod is currently suspended, we show the Resume delivery button instead.
if (isSuspendDeliveryButtonEnabled() && podStateManager.isPodRunning && (!podStateManager.isSuspended || commandQueue.isCustomCommandInQueue(
if (isSuspendDeliveryButtonEnabled() && podStateManager.isPodRunning && (
!podStateManager.isSuspended || commandQueue.isCustomCommandInQueue(
))) {
) {
buttonBinding.buttonSuspendDelivery.visibility = View.VISIBLE
buttonBinding.buttonSuspendDelivery.isEnabled =
podStateManager.isPodRunning && !podStateManager.isSuspended && isQueueEmpty()

View file

@ -2,9 +2,7 @@ package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.session
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLoggerTest
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
import okio.ByteString.Companion.decodeHex
import org.junit.Assert
import org.junit.Assert.*
import org.junit.Test
import org.spongycastle.util.encoders.Hex