Merge pull request #2226 from dv1/comboctl-dev
Various combov2 and nsclient fixes and additions to core XML strings
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 206 additions and 66 deletions
@ -509,11 +509,45 @@ class NSClientService : DaggerService(), NsClient.NSClientService {
val gson = GsonBuilder().also {
it.registerTypeAdapter(, deserializer)
try {
// "Live-patch" the JSON data if the battery value is not an integer.
// This has caused crashes in the past due to parsing errors. See:
// The reason is that the "battery" data type has been changed:
// Since we cannot reliably derive an integer percentage out
// of an arbitrary string, we are forced to replace that string
// with a hardcoded percentage. That way, at least, the
// subsequent GSON parsing won't crash.
val devicestatusJsonArray = data.getJSONArray("devicestatus")
for (arrayIndex in 0 until devicestatusJsonArray.length()) {
val devicestatusObject = devicestatusJsonArray.getJSONObject(arrayIndex)
if (devicestatusObject.has("uploader")) {
val uploaderObject = devicestatusObject.getJSONObject("uploader")
if (uploaderObject.has("battery")) {
val batteryValue = uploaderObject["battery"]
if (batteryValue !is Int) {
"JSON devicestatus object #$arrayIndex (out of ${devicestatusJsonArray.length()}) " +
"has invalid value \"$batteryValue\" (expected integer); replacing with hardcoded integer 100"
uploaderObject.put("battery", 100)
val devicestatuses = gson.fromJson(data.getString("devicestatus"), Array<RemoteDeviceStatus>
if (devicestatuses.isNotEmpty()) {
rxBus.send(EventNSClientNewLog("DATA", "received " + devicestatuses.size + " device statuses"))
} catch (e: JSONException) {
aapsLogger.error(LTag.NSCLIENT, "Skipping invalid Nightscout devicestatus data; exception: $e")
if (data.has("food")) {
val foods = data.getJSONArray("food")
@ -2587,10 +2587,12 @@ class Pump(
val currentSystemTimeZone = TimeZone.currentSystemDefault()
val currentSystemUtcOffset = currentSystemTimeZone.offsetAt(currentSystemDateTime)
val dateTimeDelta = (currentSystemDateTime - currentPumpDateTime)
var needsPumpDateTimeAdjustment = false
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) { "History delta size: ${historyDelta.size}" }
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) { "Pump local datetime: $currentPumpLocalDateTime with UTC offset: $currentPumpDateTime" }
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) { "Current system datetime: $currentSystemDateTime" }
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) { "Current system timezone: $currentSystemTimeZone" }
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) { "Datetime delta: $dateTimeDelta" }
// The following checks update the UTC offset in the pump state and
@ -2605,10 +2607,6 @@ class Pump(
// TBRs are not affected by this, because the TBR info we store in the
// pump state is already stored as an Instant, so it stores the timezone
// offset along with the actual timestamp.
// For the same reason, we *first* update the pump's datetime (if there
// is a deviation from the system datetime) and *then* update the UTC
// offset. The pump is still running with the localtime that is tied
// to the old UTC offset.
// Check if the system's current datetime and the pump's are at least
// 2 minutes apart. If so, update the pump's current datetime.
@ -2624,6 +2622,23 @@ class Pump(
"system / pump datetime (UTC): $currentSystemDateTime / $currentPumpDateTime; " +
"datetime delta: $dateTimeDelta"
needsPumpDateTimeAdjustment = true
// Check if the pump's current UTC offset matches that of the system.
if (currentSystemUtcOffset != currentPumpUtcOffset!!) {
logger(LogLevel.INFO) {
"System UTC offset differs from pump's; system timezone: $currentSystemTimeZone; " +
"system UTC offset: $currentSystemUtcOffset; pump state UTC offset: ${currentPumpUtcOffset!!}; " +
"updating pump state and datetime"
pumpStateStore.setCurrentUtcOffset(bluetoothDevice.address, currentSystemUtcOffset)
currentPumpUtcOffset = currentSystemUtcOffset
needsPumpDateTimeAdjustment = true
if (needsPumpDateTimeAdjustment) {
// Shift the pump's new datetime into the future, using a simple
// heuristic that estimates how long it will take updatePumpDateTime()
// to complete the adjustment. If the difference between the pump's
@ -2635,30 +2650,20 @@ class Pump(
// too far in the past. By estimating the updatePumpDateTime()
// duration and taking it into account, we minimize the chances
// of the pump's new datetime being too old already.
// NOTE: It is important that currentPumpDateTime has been produced
// with the _unadjusted_ UTC offset (in case the code above noticed
// a difference between system and pump UTC offsets and adjusted the
// latter to match the former). Otherwise, the estimates will be off.
val newPumpDateTimeShift = estimateDateTimeSetDurationFrom(currentPumpDateTime, currentSystemDateTime, currentSystemTimeZone)
(currentSystemDateTime + newPumpDateTimeShift).toLocalDateTime(currentSystemTimeZone)
updatePumpDateTime((currentSystemDateTime + newPumpDateTimeShift).toLocalDateTime(currentSystemTimeZone))
} else {
logger(LogLevel.INFO) {
"Current system datetime is close enough to pump's current datetime, " +
"no pump datetime adjustment needed; " +
"and timezones did not change; no pump datetime adjustment needed; " +
"system / pump datetime (UTC): $currentSystemDateTime / $currentPumpDateTime; " +
"datetime delta: $dateTimeDelta"
// Check if the pump's current UTC offset matches that of the system.
if (currentSystemUtcOffset != currentPumpUtcOffset!!) {
logger(LogLevel.INFO) {
"System UTC offset differs from pump's; system timezone: $currentSystemTimeZone; " +
"system UTC offset: $currentSystemUtcOffset; pump state UTC offset: ${currentPumpUtcOffset!!}; " +
"updating pump state"
pumpStateStore.setCurrentUtcOffset(bluetoothDevice.address, currentSystemUtcOffset)
currentPumpUtcOffset = currentSystemUtcOffset
private suspend fun fetchHistoryDelta(): List<ApplicationLayer.CMDHistoryEvent> {
@ -3024,7 +3029,7 @@ class Pump(
logger(LogLevel.DEBUG) {
"Current local pump / system datetime: $currentLocalPumpDateTime / $currentLocalSystemDateTime " +
"Current local pump / local system datetime: $currentLocalPumpDateTime / $currentLocalSystemDateTime " +
"; estimated duration: $estimatedDuration"
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ import info.nightscout.interfaces.utils.DecimalFormatter
import info.nightscout.interfaces.utils.TimeChangeType
import info.nightscout.rx.bus.RxBus
@ -138,6 +139,7 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
// These are initialized in onStart() and torn down in onStop().
private var bluetoothInterface: AndroidBluetoothInterface? = null
private var pumpManager: ComboCtlPumpManager? = null
private var initializationChangedEventSent = false
// These are initialized in connect() and torn down in disconnect().
private var pump: ComboCtlPump? = null
@ -155,6 +157,12 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
// state (in other words, while isBusy() was returning true).
private var disconnectRequestPending = false
// Set to true in when unpair() starts and back to false in the
// pumpManager onPumpUnpaired callback. This fixes a race condition
// that can happen if the user unpairs the pump while AndroidAPS
// is calling connect().
private var unpairing = false
// The current driver state. We use a StateFlow here to
// allow other components to react to state changes.
private val _driverStateFlow = MutableStateFlow<DriverState>(DriverState.NotInitialized)
@ -239,6 +247,7 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
pumpManager = ComboCtlPumpManager(bluetoothInterface!!, pumpStateStore)
pumpManager!!.setup {
_pairedStateUIFlow.value = false
unpairing = false
// UI flows that must have defined values right
@ -252,6 +261,8 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
_pairedStateUIFlow.value = paired
// NOTE: EventInitializationChanged is sent in getPumpStatus() .
override fun onStop() {
@ -268,8 +279,16 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
bluetoothInterface = null
// Set this flag to false here in case an ongoing pairing attempt
// is somehow aborted inside the interface without the onPumpUnpaired
// callback being invoked.
unpairing = false
initializationChangedEventSent = false
@ -295,11 +314,13 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
// Setup coroutine to enable/disable the pair and unpair
// preferences depending on the pairing state.
|||| {
// TODO: Verify that the lifecycle and coroutinescope are correct here.
// We want to avoid duplicate coroutine launches and premature coroutine terminations.
// The viewLifecycle does not work here since this is called before onCreateView() is,
// and it is questionable whether the viewLifecycle is even the one to use - verify
// that lifecycle instead of viewLifecycle is the correct choice.
// We use the fragment's lifecyle instead of the fragment view's, since the latter
// is initialized in onCreateView(), and we reach this point here _before_ that
// method is called. In other words, the fragment view does not exist at this point.
// repeatOnLifecycle() is a utility function that runs its block when the lifecycle
// starts. If the fragment is destroyed, the code inside - that is, the flow - is
// cancelled. That way, the UI flow is automatically reconstructed when Android
// recreates the fragment.
lifecycle.coroutineScope.launch {
lifecycle.repeatOnLifecycle(Lifecycle.State.STARTED) {
val pairPref: Preference? = findPreference(
@ -343,9 +364,10 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
// NOTE: Even though the Combo is technically already connected by the
// time the DriverState.CheckingPump state is reached, do not return
// true then. That's because the pump still tries to issue commands
// during that state even though isBusy() returns true. Worse, it
// might try to call connect()!
// TODO: Check why this happens.
// during that state. isBusy() informs about the pump being busy during
// that state, but that function is not always called before commands
// are dispatched, so we announce to the queue thread that we aren't
// connected yet.
is DriverState.ExecutingCommand -> true
@ -366,6 +388,11 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
override fun connect(reason: String) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMP, "Connecting to Combo; reason: $reason")
if (unpairing) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMP, "Aborting connect attempt since we are currently unpairing")
when (driverStateFlow.value) {
@ -618,6 +645,13 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
executeCommand {
// We send this event here, and not in onStart(), to include
// the initial pump status update before emitting the event.
if (!initializationChangedEventSent) {
initializationChangedEventSent = true
} catch (e: CancellationException) {
throw e
} catch (_: Exception) {
@ -858,10 +892,6 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
reportFinishedBolus(, detailedBolusInfo.insulin), pumpEnactResult, succeeded = true)
// TODO: Check that an alert sound and error dialog
// are produced if an exception was thrown that
// counts as an error
} catch (e: CancellationException) {
// Cancellation is not an error, but it also means
// that the profile update was not enacted.
@ -958,8 +988,19 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
val cctlTbrType = when (tbrType) {
PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.NORMAL -> ComboCtlTbr.Type.NORMAL
PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.PUMP_SUSPEND -> ComboCtlTbr.Type.COMBO_STOPPED // TODO: Can this happen? It is currently not allowed by ComboCtlPump.setTbr()
PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.SUPERBOLUS -> ComboCtlTbr.Type.SUPERBOLUS
PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.PUMP_SUSPEND -> {
"PUMP_SUSPEND TBR type produced by AAPS for the TBR initiation even though this is supposed to only be produced by pump drivers"
pumpEnactResult.apply {
success = false
enacted = false
comment =
return pumpEnactResult
setTbrInternal(limitedPercentage, durationInMinutes, cctlTbrType, force100Percent = false, pumpEnactResult)
@ -978,8 +1019,19 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
val cctlTbrType = when (tbrType) {
PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.NORMAL -> ComboCtlTbr.Type.NORMAL
PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.PUMP_SUSPEND -> ComboCtlTbr.Type.COMBO_STOPPED // TODO: Can this happen? It is currently not allowed by ComboCtlPump.setTbr()
PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.SUPERBOLUS -> ComboCtlTbr.Type.SUPERBOLUS
PumpSync.TemporaryBasalType.PUMP_SUSPEND -> {
"PUMP_SUSPEND TBR type produced by AAPS for the TBR initiation even though this is supposed to only be produced by pump drivers"
pumpEnactResult.apply {
success = false
enacted = false
comment =
return pumpEnactResult
setTbrInternal(limitedPercentage, durationInMinutes, cctlTbrType, force100Percent = false, pumpEnactResult)
@ -988,11 +1040,6 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
override fun cancelTempBasal(enforceNew: Boolean): PumpEnactResult {
// TODO: Check if some of the additional checks in ComboPlugin.cancelTempBasal can be carried over here.
// Note that ComboCtlPump.setTbr itself checks the TBR that is actually active after setting the TBR
// is done, and throws exceptions when there's a mismatch. It considers mismatches as an error, unlike
// the ComboPlugin.cancelTempBasal code, which just sets enact to false when there's a mismatch.
val pumpEnactResult = PumpEnactResult(injector)
pumpEnactResult.isPercent = true
pumpEnactResult.isTempCancel = enforceNew
@ -1124,13 +1171,7 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
"Cannot include base basal rate in JSON status " +
"since no basal profile is currently active"
try {
// TODO: What about the profileName argument?
// Is it obsolete?
put("ActiveProfile", profileFunction.getProfileName())
} catch (e: Exception) {
aapsLogger.error("Unhandled exception", e)
put("ActiveProfile", profileName)
when (val alert = lastComboAlert) {
is AlertScreenContent.Warning ->
put("WarningCode", alert.code)
@ -1283,11 +1324,17 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
override fun canHandleDST() = true
override fun timezoneOrDSTChanged(timeChangeType: TimeChangeType) {
// Currently just logging this; the ComboCtl.Pump code will set the new datetime
// (as localtime) as part of the on-connect checks automatically.
// TODO: It may be useful to do this here, since setting the datetime takes
// a while with the Combo. It has to be done via the RT mode, which is slow.
||||, "Time, Date and/or TimeZone changed. Time change type = $timeChangeType")
val reason = when (timeChangeType) {
TimeChangeType.TimezoneChanged ->
TimeChangeType.TimeChanged ->
TimeChangeType.DSTStarted ->
TimeChangeType.DSTEnded ->
// Updating pump status implicitly also updates the pump's local datetime,
// which is what we want after the system datetime/timezone/DST changed.
commandQueue.readStatus(reason, null)
/*** Loop constraints ***/
@ -1405,8 +1452,13 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
fun unpair() {
if (unpairing)
val bluetoothAddress = getBluetoothAddress() ?: return
unpairing = true
disconnectInternal(forceDisconnect = true)
runBlocking {
@ -1436,6 +1488,9 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
_baseBasalRateUIFlow.value = null
_serialNumberUIFlow.value = ""
_bluetoothAddressUIFlow.value = ""
// The unpairing variable is set to false in
// the PumpManager onPumpUnpaired callback.
@ -1914,12 +1969,18 @@ class ComboV2Plugin @Inject constructor (
||||, "Setting Combo driver state: old: $oldState new: $newState")
// TODO: Is it OK to send CONNECTED twice? It can happen when changing from Ready to Suspended.
when (newState) {
DriverState.Disconnected -> rxBus.send(EventPumpStatusChanged(EventPumpStatusChanged.Status.DISCONNECTED))
DriverState.Connecting -> rxBus.send(EventPumpStatusChanged(EventPumpStatusChanged.Status.CONNECTING))
DriverState.Suspended -> rxBus.send(EventPumpStatusChanged(EventPumpStatusChanged.Status.CONNECTED))
// Filter Ready<->Suspended state changes to avoid sending CONNECTED unnecessarily often.
DriverState.Ready -> {
if (oldState != DriverState.Suspended)
DriverState.Suspended -> {
if (oldState != DriverState.Ready)
else -> Unit
@ -73,9 +73,12 @@ class ComboV2PairingActivity : DaggerAppCompatActivity() {
// xxx xxx xxxx
binding.combov2PinEntryEdit.addTextChangedListener(object : TextWatcher {
var previousText = ""
override fun beforeTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, count: Int, after: Int) {
// Nothing needs to be done here; overridden method only exists
// to properly and fully implement the TextWatcher interface.
// Store the text as it is before the change. We need this
// to later determine if digits got added or removed.
previousText = binding.combov2PinEntryEdit.text.toString()
override fun onTextChanged(s: CharSequence?, start: Int, before: Int, count: Int) {
@ -109,11 +112,44 @@ class ComboV2PairingActivity : DaggerAppCompatActivity() {
// listener is called, listener changes text).
// Shift the cursor position to skip the whitespaces.
val cursorPosition = when (val it = binding.combov2PinEntryEdit.selectionStart) {
4 -> 5
8 -> 9
else -> it
val trimmedPreviousText = previousText.trim().replace(nonDigitsRemovalRegex, "")
// Shift the cursor position to skip the whitespaces. Distinguish between the cases
// when the user adds or removes a digit. In the former case, the trimmed version
// of the previous text is shorted than the trimmed current text.
var cursorPosition = if (trimmedPreviousText.length < trimmedText.length)
when (val it = binding.combov2PinEntryEdit.selectionStart) {
// In these cases, we shift the cursor position, since we just entered the
// first digit of the next digit group, and the input has been adjusted to
// automatically include a whitespace. For example, we already had entered
// digits "123". The user entered the fourth digit, yielding "1234". The
// code above turned this into "123 4".
4, 8 ->
it + 1
else ->
when (val it = binding.combov2PinEntryEdit.selectionStart) {
// Similar to the block above, but in reverse: At these positions, removing
// the digit will also remove the automatically inserted whitespace, so we
// have to skip that one. For example, previously, the text on screen was
// "123 4", now we press backspace, and get "123 ". The code above turns
// this into "123".
4, 8 ->
it - 1
else ->
// Failsafe in case the calculations above are off for some reason. This is not
// clean; however, it is better than letting all of AndroidAPS crash.
if (cursorPosition > processedText.length) {
"Incorrect cursor position $cursorPosition (processed text length ${processedText.length}); fixing"
cursorPosition = processedText.length
@ -129,4 +129,8 @@ buttons at the same time to cancel pairing)\n
<string name="combov2_automatic_battery_entry">Autodetect and automatically enter battery change</string>
<string name="combov2_note_reservoir_change">Insulin reservoir change inserted automatically by combov2 driver</string>
<string name="combov2_note_battery_change">Battery change inserted automatically by combov2 driver</string>
<string name="combov2_timezone_changed">Timezone changed</string>
<string name="combov2_datetime_changed">Date and/or time changed</string>
<string name="combov2_dst_started">Daylight savings time (DST) started</string>
<string name="combov2_dst_ended">Daylight savings time (DST) ended</string>
Add table
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