Merge pull request #10 from 0pen-dash/ble-message-receiving
Ble message receiving
This commit is contained in:
23 changed files with 541 additions and 148 deletions
@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ buildscript {
commonscodec_version = '1.15'
jodatime_version = '2.10.10'
work_version = '2.5.0'
tink_version = '1.5.0'
junit_version = '4.13.2'
mockitoVersion = '3.7.7'
@ -46,6 +46,7 @@ dependencies {
api 'com.madgag.spongycastle:core:'
api "$tink_version"
// Graphview cannot be upgraded
api "com.jjoe64:graphview:4.0.1"
@ -21,7 +21,5 @@ dependencies {
implementation "$room_version"
implementation "$room_version"
kapt "$room_version"
implementation 'com.github.guepardoapps:kulid:'
@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.command.
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.*
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.ltk.LTKExchanger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessageIO
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.pair.LTKExchanger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.scan.PodScanner
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.status.ConnectionStatus
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.event.PodEvent
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.pod.command.base.Command
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
import io.reactivex.Observable
import org.apache.commons.lang3.NotImplementedException
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue
@ -96,8 +97,10 @@ class OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl @Inject constructor(private val context: Context
val ltkExchanger = LTKExchanger(aapsLogger, msgIO)
val ltk = ltkExchanger.negotiateLTKAndNonce()
||||, "Got LTK and Nonce Prefix: ${ltk}")
val ltk = ltkExchanger.negotiateLTK()
||||, "Got LTK: ${ltk.ltk.toHex()}")
emitter.onNext(PodEvent.Connected(PodScanner.POD_ID_NOT_ACTIVATED)) // TODO supply actual pod id
@ -112,7 +115,7 @@ class OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl @Inject constructor(private val context: Context
companion object {
private const val CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = 5000
private const val CONNECT_TIMEOUT_MS = 7000
const val CONTROLLER_ID = 4242 // TODO read from preferences or somewhere else.
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.command
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
open class BleCommand(val data: ByteArray) {
constructor(type: BleCommandType) : this(byteArrayOf(type.value))
@ -17,6 +19,10 @@ open class BleCommand(val data: ByteArray) {
return true
override fun toString(): String {
return "Raw command: [${data.toHex()}]"
override fun hashCode(): Int {
return data.contentHashCode()
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
class CouldNotParseMessageException(val payload: ByteArray) : Exception("Could not parse message payload: ${payload.toHex()}")
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions
class MessageIOException : Exception {
constructor(msg: String) : super(msg)
constructor(cause: Throwable) : super("Caught Exception during Message I/O", cause)
@ -50,7 +50,6 @@ class BleIO(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val chars: Map<Character
state = IOState.WRITING
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "BleIO: Sending data on " + + "/" + payload.toHex())
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "BleIO: Sending data on " + + "/" + payload.toHex())
val ch = chars[characteristic]
val set = ch!!.setValue(payload)
if (!set) {
@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.ltk
data class LTK(val ltk: ByteArray, val noncePrefix: ByteArray) {
init {
require(ltk.size == 16)
require(noncePrefix.size == 16)
@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.ltk
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLogger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.Id
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessageIO
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.StringLengthPrefixEncoding
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.hexStringToByteArray
internal class LTKExchanger(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val msgIO: MessageIO) {
fun negotiateLTKAndNonce(): LTK? {
// send SP1, SP2
// TODO: get this from somewhere(preferences?)
var seq: Byte = 1
val controllerId = Id.fromInt(OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl.CONTROLLER_ID)
val nodeId = controllerId.increment()
var sp1sp2 = sp1sp2(nodeId.address, sp2(), seq, controllerId, nodeId)
var sps1 =
// send SPS1
// read SPS1
val podSps1 = msgIO.receiveMessage()
// send SPS2
var sps2 = PairMessage()
// read SPS2
val podSps2 = msgIO.receiveMessage()
// send SP0GP0
// read P0
val p0 = msgIO.receiveMessage()
return null
private fun sp2(): ByteArray {
// This is GetPodStatus command, with page 0 parameter.
// We could replace that in the future with the serialized GetPodStatus()
return GET_POD_STATUS_HEX_COMMAND.hexStringToByteArray()
fun sp1sp2(sp1: ByteArray, sp2: ByteArray, seq: Byte, controllerId: Id, nodeId: Id): PairMessage {
val payload = StringLengthPrefixEncoding.formatKeys(
arrayOf("SP1=", ",SP2="),
arrayOf(sp1, sp2),
return PairMessage(
sequenceNumber = seq,
source = controllerId,
destination = nodeId,
payload = payload,
companion object {
private val GET_POD_STATUS_HEX_COMMAND = "ffc32dbd08030e0100008a" // TODO for now we are assuming this command is build out of constant parameters, use a proper command builder for that.
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
class CrcMismatchException(val expected: Long, val actual: Long, val payload: ByteArray) :
Exception("CRC mismatch. Actual: ${actual}. Expected: ${expected}. Payload: ${payload.toHex()}")
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
class IncorrectPacketException(val expectedIndex: Byte, val payload: ByteArray) : Exception("Invalid payload: ${payload.toHex()}. Expected index: ${expectedIndex}")
@ -3,12 +3,11 @@ package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLogger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.LTag
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.command.*
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.MessageIOException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.UnexpectedCommandException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
class MessageIO(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val bleIO: BleIO) {
@ -21,10 +20,11 @@ class MessageIO(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val bleIO: BleIO) {
throw UnexpectedCommandException(BleCommand(expectCTS))
val payload = msg.asByteArray()
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Sending message: ${payload.toHex()}")
val splitter = PayloadSplitter(payload)
val packets = splitter.splitInPackets()
for (packet in packets) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Sending DATA: ", packet.asByteArray().toHex())
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Sending DATA: ${packet.asByteArray().toHex()}")
bleIO.sendAndConfirmPacket(CharacteristicType.DATA, packet.asByteArray())
// TODO: peek for NACKs
@ -38,33 +38,29 @@ class MessageIO(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val bleIO: BleIO) {
fun receiveMessage(): MessagePacket {
val expectRTS = bleIO.receivePacket(CharacteristicType.CMD)
if (BleCommand(expectRTS) != BleCommandCTS()) {
if (BleCommand(expectRTS) != BleCommandRTS()) {
throw UnexpectedCommandException(BleCommand(expectRTS))
bleIO.sendAndConfirmPacket(CharacteristicType.CMD, BleCommandCTS().data)
val joiner = PayloadJoiner()
var data = bleIO.receivePacket(CharacteristicType.DATA)
val fragments = joiner.start(data)
for (i in 1 until fragments) {
data = bleIO.receivePacket(CharacteristicType.DATA)
val accumlateAction = joiner.accumulate(data)
if (accumlateAction is PayloadJoinerActionReject) {
bleIO.sendAndConfirmPacket(CharacteristicType.CMD, BleCommandNack(accumlateAction.idx).data)
try {
val joiner = PayloadJoiner(bleIO.receivePacket(CharacteristicType.DATA))
for (i in 1 until joiner.fullFragments + 1) {
if (joiner.oneExtra) {
var data = bleIO.receivePacket(CharacteristicType.DATA)
val accumulateAction = joiner.accumulate(data)
if (accumulateAction is PayloadJoinerActionReject) {
bleIO.sendAndConfirmPacket(CharacteristicType.CMD, BleCommandNack(accumulateAction.idx).data)
if (joiner.oneExtraPacket) {
val fullPayload = joiner.finalize()
bleIO.sendAndConfirmPacket(CharacteristicType.CMD, BleCommandSuccess().data)
return MessagePacket.parse(fullPayload)
} catch (e: IncorrectPacketException) {
aapsLogger.warn(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Received incorrect packet: $e")
bleIO.sendAndConfirmPacket(CharacteristicType.CMD, BleCommandNack(e.expectedIndex).data)
throw MessageIOException(cause = e)
} catch (e: CrcMismatchException) {
aapsLogger.warn(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "CRC mismatch: $e")
bleIO.sendAndConfirmPacket(CharacteristicType.CMD, BleCommandFail().data)
throw MessageIOException(cause = e)
val finalCmd = when (joiner.finalize()) {
is PayloadJoinerActionAccept -> BleCommandSuccess()
is PayloadJoinerActionReject -> BleCommandFail()
val fullPayload = joiner.bytes()
return MessagePacket.parse(fullPayload)
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.Id
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.CouldNotParseMessageException
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
@ -69,9 +70,56 @@ data class MessagePacket(
companion object {
private val MAGIC_PATTERN = "TW" // all messages start with this string
private val HEADER_SIZE = 16
fun parse(payload: ByteArray): MessagePacket {
TODO("implement message header parsing")
if (payload.size < HEADER_SIZE) {
throw CouldNotParseMessageException(payload)
if (payload.copyOfRange(0, 2).decodeToString() != MAGIC_PATTERN) {
throw CouldNotParseMessageException(payload)
val f1 = Flag(payload[2].toInt())
val sas = f1.get(3) != 0
val tfs = f1.get(4) != 0
val version = ((f1.get(0) shl 2) or (f1.get(1) shl 1) or (f1.get(2) shl 0)).toShort()
val eqos = (f1.get(7) or (f1.get(6) shl 1) or (f1.get(5) shl 2)).toShort()
val f2 = Flag(payload[3].toInt())
val ack = f2.get(0) != 0
val priority = f2.get(1) != 0
val lastMessage = f2.get(2) != 0
val gateway = f2.get(3) != 0
val type = MessageType.byValue((f1.get(7) or (f1.get(6) shl 1) or (f1.get(5) shl 2) or (f1.get(4) shl 3)).toByte())
if (version.toInt() != 0) {
throw CouldNotParseMessageException(payload)
val sequenceNumber = payload[4]
val ackNumber = payload[5]
val size = (payload[6].toInt() shl 3) or (payload[7].toUnsignedInt() ushr 5)
if (size + HEADER_SIZE > payload.size) {
throw CouldNotParseMessageException(payload)
val payloadEnd = 16 + size +
if (type == MessageType.ENCRYPTED) 8
else 0
return MessagePacket(
type = type,
ack = ack,
eqos = eqos,
priority = priority,
lastMessage = lastMessage,
gateway = gateway,
sas = sas,
tfs = tfs,
version = version,
sequenceNumber = sequenceNumber,
ackNumber = ackNumber,
source = Id(payload.copyOfRange(8, 12)),
destination = Id(payload.copyOfRange(12, 16)),
payload = payload.copyOfRange(16, payloadEnd),
@ -85,8 +133,14 @@ private class Flag(var value: Int = 0) {
value = value or mask
fun get(idx: Byte): Boolean {
fun get(idx: Byte): Int {
val mask = 1 shl (7 - idx)
return value and mask != 0
if (value and mask == 0) {
return 0
return 1
internal fun Byte.toUnsignedInt() = this.toInt() and 0xff
@ -1,31 +1,109 @@
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.CrcMismatchException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.IncorrectPacketException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.crc32
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.packet.BlePacket
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.packet.FirstBlePacket
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.packet.LastBlePacket
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.packet.LastOptionalPlusOneBlePacket
import java.lang.Integer.min
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.*
sealed class PayloadJoinerAction
class PayloadJoiner(private val firstPacket: ByteArray) {
class PayloadJoinerActionAccept : PayloadJoinerAction()
class PayloadJoinerActionReject(val idx: Byte) : PayloadJoinerAction()
var oneExtraPacket: Boolean = false
val fullFragments: Int
var crc: Long = 0
private var expectedIndex = 0
private val fragments: LinkedList<ByteArray> = LinkedList<ByteArray>()
class PayloadJoiner {
init {
if (firstPacket.size < FirstBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS) {
throw IncorrectPacketException(0, firstPacket)
fullFragments = firstPacket[1].toInt()
when {
// Without middle packets
firstPacket.size < FirstBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE_WITHOUT_MIDDLE_PACKETS ->
throw IncorrectPacketException(0, firstPacket)
var oneExtra: Boolean = false
fullFragments == 0 -> {
crc = ByteBuffer.wrap(firstPacket.copyOfRange(2, 6)).int.toUnsignedLong()
val rest = firstPacket[6]
val end = min(rest + FirstBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE_WITHOUT_MIDDLE_PACKETS, BlePacket.MAX_SIZE)
oneExtraPacket = rest + FirstBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE_WITHOUT_MIDDLE_PACKETS > end
if (end > firstPacket.size) {
throw IncorrectPacketException(0, firstPacket)
fragments.add(firstPacket.copyOfRange(FirstBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE_WITHOUT_MIDDLE_PACKETS, end))
private val payload = ByteArrayOutputStream()
// With middle packets
firstPacket.size < BlePacket.MAX_SIZE ->
throw IncorrectPacketException(0, firstPacket)
fun start(payload: ByteArray): Int {
TODO("not implemented")
else -> {
fragments.add(firstPacket.copyOfRange(FirstBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS, BlePacket.MAX_SIZE))
fun accumulate(payload: ByteArray): PayloadJoinerAction {
TODO("not implemented")
fun accumulate(packet: ByteArray) {
if (packet.size < 3) { // idx, size, at least 1 byte of payload
throw IncorrectPacketException((expectedIndex + 1).toByte(), packet)
val idx = packet[0].toInt()
if (idx != expectedIndex + 1) {
throw IncorrectPacketException((expectedIndex + 1).toByte(), packet)
when {
idx < fullFragments -> { // this is a middle fragment
if (packet.size < BlePacket.MAX_SIZE) {
throw IncorrectPacketException(idx.toByte(), packet)
fragments.add(packet.copyOfRange(1, BlePacket.MAX_SIZE))
idx == fullFragments -> { // this is the last fragment
if (packet.size < LastBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE) {
throw IncorrectPacketException(idx.toByte(), packet)
crc = ByteBuffer.wrap(packet.copyOfRange(2, 6)).int.toUnsignedLong()
val rest = packet[1].toInt()
val end = min(rest + LastBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE, BlePacket.MAX_SIZE)
oneExtraPacket = rest + LastBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE > end
if (packet.size < end) {
throw IncorrectPacketException(idx.toByte(), packet)
fragments.add(packet.copyOfRange(LastBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE, packet.size))
idx > fullFragments -> { // this is the extra fragment
val size = packet[1].toInt()
if (packet.size < LastOptionalPlusOneBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE + size) {
throw IncorrectPacketException(idx.toByte(), packet)
fragments.add(packet.copyOfRange(LastOptionalPlusOneBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE, LastOptionalPlusOneBlePacket.HEADER_SIZE + size))
fun finalize(): PayloadJoinerAction {
TODO("not implemented")
fun finalize(): ByteArray {
val totalLen = fragments.fold(0, { acc, elem -> acc + elem.size })
val bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(totalLen)
|||| { fragment -> bb.put(fragment) }
val bytes = bb.array()
if (bytes.crc32() != crc) {
throw CrcMismatchException(bytes.crc32(), crc, bytes)
return bytes.copyOfRange(0, bytes.size)
fun bytes(): ByteArray {
TODO("not implemented")
internal fun Int.toUnsignedLong() = this.toLong() and 0xffffffffL
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ internal class PayloadSplitter(private val payload: ByteArray) {
index = 1,
payload = payload.copyOfRange(end, payload.size),
size = (payload.size - end).toByte(),
return ret
@ -53,9 +54,10 @@ internal class PayloadSplitter(private val payload: ByteArray) {
payload = payload.copyOfRange(middleFragments * MiddleBlePacket.CAPACITY + FirstBlePacket.CAPACITY_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS, middleFragments * MiddleBlePacket.CAPACITY + FirstBlePacket.CAPACITY_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS + end),
crc32 = crc32,
if (rest > 14) {
if (rest > LastBlePacket.CAPACITY) {
index = (middleFragments + 2).toByte(),
size = (rest - LastBlePacket.CAPACITY).toByte(),
payload = payload.copyOfRange(middleFragments * MiddleBlePacket.CAPACITY + FirstBlePacket.CAPACITY_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS + LastBlePacket.CAPACITY, payload.size),
@ -63,7 +65,7 @@ internal class PayloadSplitter(private val payload: ByteArray) {
private fun ByteArray.crc32(): Long {
internal fun ByteArray.crc32(): Long {
val crc = CRC32()
return crc.value
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.MessageIOException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
@ -9,8 +11,33 @@ class StringLengthPrefixEncoding {
companion object {
fun parseKeys(keys: List<String>): List<ByteArray> {
TODO("not implemented")
private val LENGTH_BYTES = 2
fun parseKeys(keys: Array<String>, payload: ByteArray): Array<ByteArray> {
val ret = Array<ByteArray>(keys.size, { ByteArray(0) })
var remaining = payload
for ((index, key) in keys.withIndex()) {
when {
remaining.size < key.length ->
throw MessageIOException("Payload too short: ${payload.toHex()} for key: ${key}")
!(remaining.copyOfRange(0, key.length).decodeToString() == key) ->
throw MessageIOException("Key not found: ${key} in ${payload.toHex()}")
// last key can be empty, no length
index == keys.size - 1 && remaining.size == key.length ->
return ret
remaining.size < key.length + LENGTH_BYTES ->
throw MessageIOException("Length not found: for ${key} in ${payload.toHex()}")
remaining = remaining.copyOfRange(key.length, remaining.size)
val length = (remaining[0].toUnsignedInt() shl 1) or remaining[1].toUnsignedInt()
if (length > remaining.size) {
throw MessageIOException("Payload too short, looking for length ${length} for ${key} in ${payload.toHex()}")
ret[index] = remaining.copyOfRange(LENGTH_BYTES, LENGTH_BYTES + length)
remaining = remaining.copyOfRange(LENGTH_BYTES + length, remaining.size)
return ret
fun formatKeys(keys: Array<String>, payloads: Array<ByteArray>): ByteArray {
@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ sealed class BlePacket {
abstract fun asByteArray(): ByteArray
companion object {
const val MAX_BLE_PACKET_LEN = 20
const val MAX_BLE_BUFFER_LEN = MAX_BLE_PACKET_LEN + 1 // we use this as the size allocated for the ByteBuffer
const val MAX_SIZE = 20
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ data class FirstBlePacket(val totalFragments: Byte, val payload: ByteArray, val
override fun asByteArray(): ByteArray {
val bb = ByteBuffer
.put(0) // index
.put(totalFragments) // # of fragments except FirstBlePacket and LastOptionalPlusOneBlePacket
crc32?.let {
@ -26,15 +26,22 @@ data class FirstBlePacket(val totalFragments: Byte, val payload: ByteArray, val
val ret = ByteArray(bb.position())
val pos = bb.position()
val ret = ByteArray(MAX_SIZE)
bb.get(ret, 0, pos)
return ret
companion object {
internal const val CAPACITY_WITHOUT_MIDDLE_PACKETS = 13 // we are using all fields
internal const val CAPACITY_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS = 18 // we are not using crc32 or size
internal const val HEADER_SIZE_WITHOUT_MIDDLE_PACKETS = 7 // we are using all fields
internal const val HEADER_SIZE_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS = 2
internal const val CAPACITY_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS = MAX_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE_WITH_MIDDLE_PACKETS // we are not using crc32 or size
@ -46,6 +53,7 @@ data class MiddleBlePacket(val index: Byte, val payload: ByteArray) : BlePacket(
companion object {
internal const val CAPACITY = 19
@ -54,26 +62,34 @@ data class LastBlePacket(val index: Byte, val size: Byte, val payload: ByteArray
override fun asByteArray(): ByteArray {
val bb = ByteBuffer
val ret = ByteArray(bb.position())
val pos = bb.position()
val ret = ByteArray(MAX_SIZE)
bb.get(ret, 0, pos)
return ret
companion object {
internal const val CAPACITY = 14
internal const val HEADER_SIZE = 6
internal const val CAPACITY = MAX_SIZE - HEADER_SIZE
data class LastOptionalPlusOneBlePacket(val index: Byte, val payload: ByteArray) : BlePacket() {
data class LastOptionalPlusOneBlePacket(val index: Byte, val payload: ByteArray, val size: Byte) : BlePacket() {
override fun asByteArray(): ByteArray {
return byteArrayOf(index) + payload
return byteArrayOf(index, size) + payload + ByteArray(MAX_SIZE - payload.size - 2)
companion object {
internal const val HEADER_SIZE = 2
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.pair
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLogger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.LTag
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.BuildConfig
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.Id
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.exceptions.MessageIOException
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessageIO
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessagePacket
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.StringLengthPrefixEncoding
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.StringLengthPrefixEncoding.Companion.parseKeys
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.hexStringToByteArray
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
import org.spongycastle.crypto.engines.AESEngine
import org.spongycastle.crypto.macs.CMac
import org.spongycastle.crypto.params.KeyParameter
internal class LTKExchanger(private val aapsLogger: AAPSLogger, private val msgIO: MessageIO) {
private val pdmPrivate = X25519.generatePrivateKey()
private val pdmPublic = X25519.publicFromPrivate(pdmPrivate)
private var podPublic = ByteArray(PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
private var podNonce = ByteArray(NONCE_SIZE)
private val pdmNonce = ByteArray(NONCE_SIZE)
private val pdmConf = ByteArray(CMAC_SIZE)
private val podConf = ByteArray(CMAC_SIZE)
private val controllerId = Id.fromInt(OmnipodDashBleManagerImpl.CONTROLLER_ID)
val nodeId = controllerId.increment()
private var seq: Byte = 1
private var ltk = ByteArray(CMAC_SIZE)
init {
val random = SecureRandom()
fun negotiateLTK(): PairResult {
// send SP1, SP2
var sp1sp2 = sp1sp2(nodeId.address, sp2())
var sps1 = sps1()
// send SPS1
// read SPS1
val podSps1 = msgIO.receiveMessage()
// now we have all the data to generate: confPod, confPdm, ltk and noncePrefix
// send SPS2
val sps2 = sps2()
// read SPS2
val podSps2 = msgIO.receiveMessage()
// send SP0GP0
// read P0
// TODO: failing to read or validate p0 will lead to undefined state
// It could be that:
// - the pod answered with p0 and we did not receive/could not process the answer
// - the pod answered with some sort of error
// But if sps2 conf value is incorrect, then we would probablysee this when receiving the pod podSps2(to test)
val p0 = msgIO.receiveMessage()
return PairResult(
ltk = ltk
private fun sp1sp2(sp1: ByteArray, sp2: ByteArray): PairMessage {
val payload = StringLengthPrefixEncoding.formatKeys(
arrayOf(SP1, SP2),
arrayOf(sp1, sp2),
return PairMessage(
sequenceNumber = seq,
source = controllerId,
destination = nodeId,
payload = payload
private fun sps1(): PairMessage {
val payload = StringLengthPrefixEncoding.formatKeys(
arrayOf(pdmPublic + pdmNonce),
return PairMessage(
sequenceNumber = seq,
source = controllerId,
destination = nodeId,
payload = payload
private fun processSps1FromPod(msg: MessagePacket) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Received SPS1 from pod: ${msg.payload.toHex()}")
val payload = parseKeys(arrayOf(SPS1), msg.payload)[0]
if (payload.size != 48) {
throw MessageIOException("Invalid payload size")
podPublic = payload.copyOfRange(0, PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE)
podNonce = payload.copyOfRange(PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE, PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE + NONCE_SIZE)
private fun sps2(): PairMessage {
val payload = StringLengthPrefixEncoding.formatKeys(
return PairMessage(
sequenceNumber = seq,
source = controllerId,
destination = nodeId,
payload = payload
private fun validatePodSps2(msg: MessagePacket) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Received SPS2 from pod: ${msg.payload.toHex()}")
val payload = parseKeys(arrayOf(SPS2), msg.payload)[0]
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "SPS2 payload from pod: ${payload.toHex()}")
if (payload.size != CMAC_SIZE) {
throw MessageIOException("Invalid payload size")
if (!podConf.contentEquals(payload)) {
aapsLogger.warn(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Received invalid podConf. Expected: ${podConf.toHex()}. Got: ${payload.toHex()}")
throw MessageIOException("Invalid podConf value received")
private fun sp2(): ByteArray {
// This is GetPodStatus command, with page 0 parameter.
// We could replace that in the future with the serialized GetPodStatus()
return GET_POD_STATUS_HEX_COMMAND.hexStringToByteArray()
private fun sp0gp0(): PairMessage {
val payload = SP0GP0.toByteArray()
return PairMessage(
sequenceNumber = seq,
source = controllerId,
destination = nodeId,
payload = payload
private fun validateP0(msg: MessagePacket) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Received P0 from pod: ${msg.payload.toHex()}")
val payload = parseKeys(arrayOf(P0), msg.payload)[0]
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "P0 payload from pod: ${payload.toHex()}")
if (!payload.contentEquals(UNKNOWN_P0_PAYLOAD)) {
throw MessageIOException("Invalid P0 payload received")
fun generateKeys() {
val curveLTK = X25519.computeSharedSecret(pdmPrivate, podPublic)
val firstKey = podPublic.copyOfRange(podPublic.size - 4, podPublic.size) +
pdmPublic.copyOfRange(pdmPublic.size - 4, pdmPublic.size) +
podNonce.copyOfRange(podNonce.size - 4, podNonce.size) +
pdmNonce.copyOfRange(pdmNonce.size - 4, pdmNonce.size)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "LTK, first key: ${firstKey.toHex()}")
val intermediateKey = ByteArray(CMAC_SIZE)
aesCmac(firstKey, curveLTK, intermediateKey)
val ltkData = byteArrayOf(2.toByte()) +
podNonce +
pdmNonce +
byteArrayOf(0.toByte(), 1.toByte())
aesCmac(intermediateKey, ltkData, ltk)
val confData = byteArrayOf(1.toByte()) +
podNonce +
pdmNonce +
byteArrayOf(0.toByte(), 1.toByte())
val confKey = ByteArray(CMAC_SIZE)
aesCmac(intermediateKey, confData, confKey)
val pdmConfData = PDM_CONF_MAGIC_PREFIX +
pdmNonce +
aesCmac(confKey, pdmConfData, pdmConf)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "pdmConf: ${pdmConf.toHex()}")
val podConfData = POD_CONF_MAGIC_PREFIX +
podNonce +
aesCmac(confKey, podConfData, podConf)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "podConf: ${podConf.toHex()}")
if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "pdmPrivate: ${pdmPrivate.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "pdmPublic: ${pdmPublic.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "podPublic: ${podPublic.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "pdmNonce: ${pdmNonce.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "podNonce: ${podNonce.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "LTK, donna key: ${curveLTK.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Intermediate key: ${intermediateKey.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "LTK: ${ltk.toHex()}")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Conf KEY: ${confKey.toHex()}")
companion object {
private val PUBLIC_KEY_SIZE = 32
private val NONCE_SIZE = 16
private val CONF_SIZE = 16
private val CMAC_SIZE = 16
private val INTERMEDIAR_KEY_MAGIC_STRING = "TWIt".toByteArray()
private val PDM_CONF_MAGIC_PREFIX = "KC_2_U".toByteArray()
private val POD_CONF_MAGIC_PREFIX = "KC_2_V".toByteArray()
private val GET_POD_STATUS_HEX_COMMAND = "ffc32dbd08030e0100008a" // TODO for now we are assuming this command is build out of constant parameters, use a proper command builder for that.
private val SP1 = "SP1="
private val SP2 = ",SP2="
private val SPS1 = "SPS1="
private val SPS2 = "SPS2="
private val SP0GP0 = "SP0,GP0"
private val P0 = "P0="
private val UNKNOWN_P0_PAYLOAD = byteArrayOf(0xa5.toByte())
private fun aesCmac(key: ByteArray, data: ByteArray, result: ByteArray) {
val aesEngine = AESEngine()
val mac = CMac(aesEngine)
mac.update(data, 0, data.size)
mac.doFinal(result, 0)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.ltk
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.pair
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.Id
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.message.MessagePacket
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.pump.omnipod.dash.driver.comm.pair
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.extensions.toHex
data class PairResult(val ltk: ByteArray) {
init {
require(ltk.size == 16) { "LTK length must be 16 bytes. Received LTK: ${ltk.toHex()}" }
@ -31,7 +31,6 @@ class BleDiscoveredDevice(val scanResult: ScanResult, private val scanRecord: Sc
private fun validatePodId() {
val scanRecord = scanResult.scanRecord
val serviceUUIDs = scanRecord.serviceUuids
val hexPodId = extractUUID16(serviceUUIDs[3]) + extractUUID16(serviceUUIDs[4])
val podId = hexPodId.toLong(16)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ fun mapProfileToBasalProgram(profile: Profile): BasalProgram {
if (previousBasalValue != null) {
(previousBasalValue!!.timeAsSeconds / 1800).toShort(),
(previousBasalValue.timeAsSeconds / 1800).toShort(),
(PumpType.Omnipod_Dash.determineCorrectBasalSize(previousBasalValue.value) * 100).roundToInt()
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