GraphData refactor
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 577 additions and 728 deletions
@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ public class HistoryBrowseActivity extends NoSplashAppCompatActivity {
// add basal data
if (pump.getPumpDescription().isTempBasalCapable && showBasal) {
graphData.addBasals(fromTime, toTime, lowLine / graphData.maxY / 1.2d);
graphData.addBasals(fromTime, toTime, lowLine / graphData.getMaxY() / 1.2d);
// **** NOW line ****
@ -1463,7 +1463,7 @@ public class OverviewFragment extends DaggerFragment implements View.OnClickList
// add basal data
if (pump.getPumpDescription().isTempBasalCapable && sp.getBoolean("showbasals", true)) {
graphData.addBasals(fromTime, now, lowLine / graphData.maxY / 1.2d);
graphData.addBasals(fromTime, now, lowLine / graphData.getMaxY() / 1.2d);
// add target line
@ -1,726 +0,0 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphData;
import com.jjoe64.graphview.GraphView;
import com.jjoe64.graphview.series.BarGraphSeries;
import com.jjoe64.graphview.series.DataPoint;
import com.jjoe64.graphview.series.LineGraphSeries;
import com.jjoe64.graphview.series.Series;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.Constants;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.MainApp;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.R;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.BgReading;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.CareportalEvent;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.ExtendedBolus;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.ProfileSwitch;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.TempTarget;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.ActivePluginProvider;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.TreatmentsInterface;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLogger;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.LTag;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.aps.loop.APSResult;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.aps.loop.LoopPlugin;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.aps.openAPSSMB.SMBDefaults;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.configBuilder.ProfileFunction;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.AreaGraphSeries;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.DataPointWithLabelInterface;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.DoubleDataPoint;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.FixedLineGraphSeries;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.PointsWithLabelGraphSeries;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.Scale;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.ScaledDataPoint;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.TimeAsXAxisLabelFormatter;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.iob.iobCobCalculator.AutosensData;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.iob.iobCobCalculator.AutosensResult;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.iob.iobCobCalculator.BasalData;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.iob.iobCobCalculator.IobCobCalculatorPlugin;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.treatments.Treatment;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.DecimalFormatter;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.Round;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.resources.ResourceHelper;
* Created by mike on 18.10.2017.
public class GraphData {
@Inject AAPSLogger aapsLogger;
@Inject ProfileFunction profileFunction;
@Inject ResourceHelper resourceHelper;
@Inject ActivePluginProvider activePlugin;
private GraphView graph;
public double maxY = Double.MIN_VALUE;
private double minY = Double.MAX_VALUE;
private List<BgReading> bgReadingsArray;
private String units;
private List<Series> series = new ArrayList<>();
private TreatmentsInterface treatmentsPlugin;
private IobCobCalculatorPlugin iobCobCalculatorPlugin; // Cannot be injected: HistoryBrowser
public GraphData(HasAndroidInjector injector, GraphView graph, IobCobCalculatorPlugin iobCobCalculatorPlugin) {
units = profileFunction.getUnits();
this.graph = graph;
this.iobCobCalculatorPlugin = iobCobCalculatorPlugin;
treatmentsPlugin = activePlugin.getActiveTreatments();
public void addBgReadings(long fromTime, long toTime, double lowLine, double highLine, List<BgReading> predictions) {
double maxBgValue = Double.MIN_VALUE;
//bgReadingsArray = MainApp.getDbHelper().getBgreadingsDataFromTime(fromTime, true);
bgReadingsArray = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getBgReadings();
List<DataPointWithLabelInterface> bgListArray = new ArrayList<>();
if (bgReadingsArray == null || bgReadingsArray.size() == 0) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.OVERVIEW, "No BG data.");
maxY = 10;
minY = 0;
for (BgReading bg : bgReadingsArray) {
if ( < fromTime || > toTime) continue;
if (bg.value > maxBgValue) maxBgValue = bg.value;
if (predictions != null) {
Collections.sort(predictions, (o1, o2) ->, o2.getX()));
for (BgReading prediction : predictions) {
if (prediction.value >= 40)
maxBgValue = Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(maxBgValue, units);
maxBgValue = units.equals(Constants.MGDL) ? Round.roundTo(maxBgValue, 40d) + 80 : Round.roundTo(maxBgValue, 2d) + 4;
if (highLine > maxBgValue) maxBgValue = highLine;
int numOfVertLines = units.equals(Constants.MGDL) ? (int) (maxBgValue / 40 + 1) : (int) (maxBgValue / 2 + 1);
DataPointWithLabelInterface[] bg = new DataPointWithLabelInterface[bgListArray.size()];
bg = bgListArray.toArray(bg);
maxY = maxBgValue;
minY = 0;
// set manual y bounds to have nice steps
addSeries(new PointsWithLabelGraphSeries<>(bg));
public void addInRangeArea(long fromTime, long toTime, double lowLine, double highLine) {
AreaGraphSeries<DoubleDataPoint> inRangeAreaSeries;
DoubleDataPoint[] inRangeAreaDataPoints = new DoubleDataPoint[]{
new DoubleDataPoint(fromTime, lowLine, highLine),
new DoubleDataPoint(toTime, lowLine, highLine)
inRangeAreaSeries = new AreaGraphSeries<>(inRangeAreaDataPoints);
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
public void addBasals(long fromTime, long toTime, double scale) {
LineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> basalsLineSeries;
LineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> absoluteBasalsLineSeries;
LineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> baseBasalsSeries;
LineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> tempBasalsSeries;
double maxBasalValueFound = 0d;
Scale basalScale = new Scale();
List<ScaledDataPoint> baseBasalArray = new ArrayList<>();
List<ScaledDataPoint> tempBasalArray = new ArrayList<>();
List<ScaledDataPoint> basalLineArray = new ArrayList<>();
List<ScaledDataPoint> absoluteBasalLineArray = new ArrayList<>();
double lastLineBasal = 0;
double lastAbsoluteLineBasal = -1;
double lastBaseBasal = 0;
double lastTempBasal = 0;
for (long time = fromTime; time < toTime; time += 60 * 1000L) {
Profile profile = profileFunction.getProfile(time);
if (profile == null) continue;
BasalData basalData = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getBasalData(profile, time);
double baseBasalValue = basalData.basal;
double absoluteLineValue = baseBasalValue;
double tempBasalValue = 0;
double basal = 0d;
if (basalData.isTempBasalRunning) {
absoluteLineValue = tempBasalValue = basalData.tempBasalAbsolute;
if (tempBasalValue != lastTempBasal) {
tempBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, lastTempBasal, basalScale));
tempBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, basal = tempBasalValue, basalScale));
if (lastBaseBasal != 0d) {
baseBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, lastBaseBasal, basalScale));
baseBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, 0d, basalScale));
lastBaseBasal = 0d;
} else {
if (baseBasalValue != lastBaseBasal) {
baseBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, lastBaseBasal, basalScale));
baseBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, basal = baseBasalValue, basalScale));
lastBaseBasal = baseBasalValue;
if (lastTempBasal != 0) {
tempBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, lastTempBasal, basalScale));
tempBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, 0d, basalScale));
if (baseBasalValue != lastLineBasal) {
basalLineArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, lastLineBasal, basalScale));
basalLineArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, baseBasalValue, basalScale));
if (absoluteLineValue != lastAbsoluteLineBasal) {
absoluteBasalLineArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, lastAbsoluteLineBasal, basalScale));
absoluteBasalLineArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, basal, basalScale));
lastAbsoluteLineBasal = absoluteLineValue;
lastLineBasal = baseBasalValue;
lastTempBasal = tempBasalValue;
maxBasalValueFound = Math.max(maxBasalValueFound, Math.max(tempBasalValue, baseBasalValue));
basalLineArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(toTime, lastLineBasal, basalScale));
baseBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(toTime, lastBaseBasal, basalScale));
tempBasalArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(toTime, lastTempBasal, basalScale));
absoluteBasalLineArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(toTime, lastAbsoluteLineBasal, basalScale));
ScaledDataPoint[] baseBasal = new ScaledDataPoint[baseBasalArray.size()];
baseBasal = baseBasalArray.toArray(baseBasal);
baseBasalsSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(baseBasal);
ScaledDataPoint[] tempBasal = new ScaledDataPoint[tempBasalArray.size()];
tempBasal = tempBasalArray.toArray(tempBasal);
tempBasalsSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(tempBasal);
ScaledDataPoint[] basalLine = new ScaledDataPoint[basalLineArray.size()];
basalLine = basalLineArray.toArray(basalLine);
basalsLineSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(basalLine);
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setStrokeWidth(resourceHelper.getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity * 2);
paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[]{2, 4}, 0));
ScaledDataPoint[] absoluteBasalLine = new ScaledDataPoint[absoluteBasalLineArray.size()];
absoluteBasalLine = absoluteBasalLineArray.toArray(absoluteBasalLine);
absoluteBasalsLineSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(absoluteBasalLine);
Paint absolutePaint = new Paint();
absolutePaint.setStrokeWidth(resourceHelper.getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity * 2);
basalScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxBasalValueFound);
public void addTargetLine(long fromTime, long toTime, Profile profile, LoopPlugin.LastRun lastRun) {
LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> targetsSeries;
Scale targetsScale = new Scale();
List<DataPoint> targetsSeriesArray = new ArrayList<>();
double lastTarget = -1;
if (lastRun != null && lastRun.constraintsProcessed != null) {
APSResult apsResult = lastRun.constraintsProcessed;
long latestPredictionsTime = apsResult.getLatestPredictionsTime();
if (latestPredictionsTime > toTime) {
toTime = latestPredictionsTime;
for (long time = fromTime; time < toTime; time += 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
TempTarget tt = treatmentsPlugin.getTempTargetFromHistory(time);
double value;
if (tt == null) {
value = Profile.fromMgdlToUnits((profile.getTargetLowMgdl(time) + profile.getTargetHighMgdl(time)) / 2, profileFunction.getUnits());
} else {
value = Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(, profileFunction.getUnits());
if (lastTarget != value) {
if (lastTarget != -1)
targetsSeriesArray.add(new DataPoint(time, lastTarget));
targetsSeriesArray.add(new DataPoint(time, value));
lastTarget = value;
targetsSeriesArray.add(new DataPoint(toTime, lastTarget));
DataPoint[] targets = new DataPoint[targetsSeriesArray.size()];
targets = targetsSeriesArray.toArray(targets);
targetsSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(targets);
public void addTreatments(long fromTime, long endTime) {
List<DataPointWithLabelInterface> filteredTreatments = new ArrayList<>();
List<Treatment> treatments = treatmentsPlugin.getTreatmentsFromHistory();
for (int tx = 0; tx < treatments.size(); tx++) {
Treatment t = treatments.get(tx);
if (t.getX() < fromTime || t.getX() > endTime) continue;
if (t.isSMB && !t.isValid) continue;
t.setY(getNearestBg((long) t.getX()));
// ProfileSwitch
List<ProfileSwitch> profileSwitches = treatmentsPlugin.getProfileSwitchesFromHistory().getList();
for (int tx = 0; tx < profileSwitches.size(); tx++) {
DataPointWithLabelInterface t = profileSwitches.get(tx);
if (t.getX() < fromTime || t.getX() > endTime) continue;
// Extended bolus
if (!activePlugin.getActivePump().isFakingTempsByExtendedBoluses()) {
List<ExtendedBolus> extendedBoluses = treatmentsPlugin.getExtendedBolusesFromHistory().getList();
for (int tx = 0; tx < extendedBoluses.size(); tx++) {
DataPointWithLabelInterface t = extendedBoluses.get(tx);
if (t.getX() + t.getDuration() < fromTime || t.getX() > endTime) continue;
if (t.getDuration() == 0) continue;
t.setY(getNearestBg((long) t.getX()));
// Careportal
List<CareportalEvent> careportalEvents = MainApp.getDbHelper().getCareportalEventsFromTime(fromTime - 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000, true);
for (int tx = 0; tx < careportalEvents.size(); tx++) {
DataPointWithLabelInterface t = careportalEvents.get(tx);
if (t.getX() + t.getDuration() < fromTime || t.getX() > endTime) continue;
t.setY(getNearestBg((long) t.getX()));
DataPointWithLabelInterface[] treatmentsArray = new DataPointWithLabelInterface[filteredTreatments.size()];
treatmentsArray = filteredTreatments.toArray(treatmentsArray);
addSeries(new PointsWithLabelGraphSeries<>(treatmentsArray));
private double getNearestBg(long date) {
if (bgReadingsArray == null)
return Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(100, units);
for (int r = 0; r < bgReadingsArray.size(); r++) {
BgReading reading = bgReadingsArray.get(r);
if ( > date) continue;
return Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(reading.value, units);
return bgReadingsArray.size() > 0
? Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(bgReadingsArray.get(0).value, units) : Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(100, units);
public void addActivity(long fromTime, long toTime, boolean useForScale, double scale) {
FixedLineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> actSeriesHist;
List<ScaledDataPoint> actArrayHist = new ArrayList<>();
FixedLineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> actSeriesPred;
List<ScaledDataPoint> actArrayPred = new ArrayList<>();
double now = System.currentTimeMillis();
Scale actScale = new Scale();
IobTotal total;
double maxIAValue = 0;
for (long time = fromTime; time <= toTime; time += 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
Profile profile = profileFunction.getProfile(time);
double act;
if (profile == null) continue;
total = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.calculateFromTreatmentsAndTempsSynchronized(time, profile);
act = total.activity;
if (time <= now)
actArrayHist.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, act, actScale));
actArrayPred.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, act, actScale));
maxIAValue = Math.max(maxIAValue, Math.abs(act));
ScaledDataPoint[] actData = new ScaledDataPoint[actArrayHist.size()];
actData = actArrayHist.toArray(actData);
actSeriesHist = new FixedLineGraphSeries<>(actData);
actData = new ScaledDataPoint[actArrayPred.size()];
actData = actArrayPred.toArray(actData);
actSeriesPred = new FixedLineGraphSeries<>(actData);
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[]{4, 4}, 0));
if (useForScale) {
maxY = maxIAValue;
minY = -maxIAValue;
actScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxIAValue);
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
public void addIob(long fromTime, long toTime, boolean useForScale, double scale, boolean showPrediction) {
FixedLineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> iobSeries;
List<ScaledDataPoint> iobArray = new ArrayList<>();
Double maxIobValueFound = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double lastIob = 0;
Scale iobScale = new Scale();
for (long time = fromTime; time <= toTime; time += 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
Profile profile = profileFunction.getProfile(time);
double iob = 0d;
if (profile != null)
iob = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.calculateFromTreatmentsAndTempsSynchronized(time, profile).iob;
if (Math.abs(lastIob - iob) > 0.02) {
if (Math.abs(lastIob - iob) > 0.2)
iobArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, lastIob, iobScale));
iobArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, iob, iobScale));
maxIobValueFound = Math.max(maxIobValueFound, Math.abs(iob));
lastIob = iob;
ScaledDataPoint[] iobData = new ScaledDataPoint[iobArray.size()];
iobData = iobArray.toArray(iobData);
iobSeries = new FixedLineGraphSeries<>(iobData);
iobSeries.setBackgroundColor(0x80FFFFFF & resourceHelper.gc(R.color.iob)); //50%
if (showPrediction) {
AutosensResult lastAutosensResult;
AutosensData autosensData = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getLastAutosensDataSynchronized("GraphData");
if (autosensData == null)
lastAutosensResult = new AutosensResult();
lastAutosensResult = autosensData.autosensResult;
boolean isTempTarget = treatmentsPlugin.getTempTargetFromHistory(System.currentTimeMillis()) != null;
List<DataPointWithLabelInterface> iobPred = new ArrayList<>();
IobTotal[] iobPredArray = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.calculateIobArrayForSMB(lastAutosensResult, SMBDefaults.exercise_mode, SMBDefaults.half_basal_exercise_target, isTempTarget);
for (IobTotal i : iobPredArray) {
maxIobValueFound = Math.max(maxIobValueFound, Math.abs(i.iob));
DataPointWithLabelInterface[] iobp = new DataPointWithLabelInterface[iobPred.size()];
iobp = iobPred.toArray(iobp);
addSeries(new PointsWithLabelGraphSeries<>(iobp));
List<DataPointWithLabelInterface> iobPred2 = new ArrayList<>();
IobTotal[] iobPredArray2 = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.calculateIobArrayForSMB(new AutosensResult(), SMBDefaults.exercise_mode, SMBDefaults.half_basal_exercise_target, isTempTarget);
for (IobTotal i : iobPredArray2) {
maxIobValueFound = Math.max(maxIobValueFound, Math.abs(i.iob));
DataPointWithLabelInterface[] iobp2 = new DataPointWithLabelInterface[iobPred2.size()];
iobp2 = iobPred2.toArray(iobp2);
addSeries(new PointsWithLabelGraphSeries<>(iobp2));
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.AUTOSENS, "IOB pred for AS=" + DecimalFormatter.to2Decimal(lastAutosensResult.ratio) + ": " + iobCobCalculatorPlugin.iobArrayToString(iobPredArray));
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.AUTOSENS, "IOB pred for AS=" + DecimalFormatter.to2Decimal(1) + ": " + iobCobCalculatorPlugin.iobArrayToString(iobPredArray2));
if (useForScale) {
maxY = maxIobValueFound;
minY = -maxIobValueFound;
iobScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxIobValueFound);
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
public void addCob(long fromTime, long toTime, boolean useForScale, double scale) {
List<DataPointWithLabelInterface> minFailoverActiveList = new ArrayList<>();
FixedLineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> cobSeries;
List<ScaledDataPoint> cobArray = new ArrayList<>();
Double maxCobValueFound = 0d;
int lastCob = 0;
Scale cobScale = new Scale();
for (long time = fromTime; time <= toTime; time += 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
AutosensData autosensData = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getAutosensData(time);
if (autosensData != null) {
int cob = (int) autosensData.cob;
if (cob != lastCob) {
if (autosensData.carbsFromBolus > 0)
cobArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, lastCob, cobScale));
cobArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, cob, cobScale));
maxCobValueFound = Math.max(maxCobValueFound, cob);
lastCob = cob;
if (autosensData.failoverToMinAbsorbtionRate) {
// COB
ScaledDataPoint[] cobData = new ScaledDataPoint[cobArray.size()];
cobData = cobArray.toArray(cobData);
cobSeries = new FixedLineGraphSeries<>(cobData);
cobSeries.setBackgroundColor(0x80FFFFFF & resourceHelper.gc(R.color.cob)); //50%
if (useForScale) {
maxY = maxCobValueFound;
minY = 0;
cobScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxCobValueFound);
DataPointWithLabelInterface[] minFailover = new DataPointWithLabelInterface[minFailoverActiveList.size()];
minFailover = minFailoverActiveList.toArray(minFailover);
addSeries(new PointsWithLabelGraphSeries<>(minFailover));
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
public void addDeviations(long fromTime, long toTime, boolean useForScale, double scale) {
class DeviationDataPoint extends ScaledDataPoint {
public int color;
private DeviationDataPoint(double x, double y, int color, Scale scale) {
super(x, y, scale);
this.color = color;
BarGraphSeries<DeviationDataPoint> devSeries;
List<DeviationDataPoint> devArray = new ArrayList<>();
Double maxDevValueFound = 0d;
Scale devScale = new Scale();
for (long time = fromTime; time <= toTime; time += 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
AutosensData autosensData = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getAutosensData(time);
if (autosensData != null) {
int color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationblack); // "="
if (autosensData.type.equals("") || autosensData.type.equals("non-meal")) {
if (autosensData.pastSensitivity.equals("C"))
color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationgrey);
if (autosensData.pastSensitivity.equals("+"))
color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationgreen);
if (autosensData.pastSensitivity.equals("-"))
color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationred);
} else if (autosensData.type.equals("uam")) {
color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.uam);
} else if (autosensData.type.equals("csf")) {
color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationgrey);
devArray.add(new DeviationDataPoint(time, autosensData.deviation, color, devScale));
maxDevValueFound = Math.max(maxDevValueFound, Math.abs(autosensData.deviation));
DeviationDataPoint[] devData = new DeviationDataPoint[devArray.size()];
devData = devArray.toArray(devData);
devSeries = new BarGraphSeries<>(devData);
devSeries.setValueDependentColor(data -> data.color);
if (useForScale) {
maxY = maxDevValueFound;
minY = -maxY;
devScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxDevValueFound);
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
public void addRatio(long fromTime, long toTime, boolean useForScale, double scale) {
LineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> ratioSeries;
List<ScaledDataPoint> ratioArray = new ArrayList<>();
double maxRatioValueFound = Double.MIN_VALUE;
double minRatioValueFound = Double.MAX_VALUE;
Scale ratioScale = new Scale();
for (long time = fromTime; time <= toTime; time += 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
AutosensData autosensData = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getAutosensData(time);
if (autosensData != null) {
ratioArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, autosensData.autosensResult.ratio - 1, ratioScale));
maxRatioValueFound = Math.max(maxRatioValueFound, autosensData.autosensResult.ratio - 1);
minRatioValueFound = Math.min(minRatioValueFound, autosensData.autosensResult.ratio - 1);
ScaledDataPoint[] ratioData = new ScaledDataPoint[ratioArray.size()];
ratioData = ratioArray.toArray(ratioData);
ratioSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(ratioData);
if (useForScale) {
maxY = Math.max(maxRatioValueFound, Math.abs(minRatioValueFound));
minY = -maxY;
ratioScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / Math.max(maxRatioValueFound, Math.abs(minRatioValueFound)));
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
public void addDeviationSlope(long fromTime, long toTime, boolean useForScale, double scale) {
LineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> dsMaxSeries;
LineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint> dsMinSeries;
List<ScaledDataPoint> dsMaxArray = new ArrayList<>();
List<ScaledDataPoint> dsMinArray = new ArrayList<>();
double maxFromMaxValueFound = 0d;
double maxFromMinValueFound = 0d;
Scale dsMaxScale = new Scale();
Scale dsMinScale = new Scale();
for (long time = fromTime; time <= toTime; time += 5 * 60 * 1000L) {
AutosensData autosensData = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getAutosensData(time);
if (autosensData != null) {
dsMaxArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, autosensData.slopeFromMaxDeviation, dsMaxScale));
dsMinArray.add(new ScaledDataPoint(time, autosensData.slopeFromMinDeviation, dsMinScale));
maxFromMaxValueFound = Math.max(maxFromMaxValueFound, Math.abs(autosensData.slopeFromMaxDeviation));
maxFromMinValueFound = Math.max(maxFromMinValueFound, Math.abs(autosensData.slopeFromMinDeviation));
// Slopes
ScaledDataPoint[] ratioMaxData = new ScaledDataPoint[dsMaxArray.size()];
ratioMaxData = dsMaxArray.toArray(ratioMaxData);
dsMaxSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(ratioMaxData);
ScaledDataPoint[] ratioMinData = new ScaledDataPoint[dsMinArray.size()];
ratioMinData = dsMinArray.toArray(ratioMinData);
dsMinSeries = new LineGraphSeries<>(ratioMinData);
if (useForScale) {
maxY = Math.max(maxFromMaxValueFound, maxFromMinValueFound);
minY = -maxY;
dsMaxScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxFromMaxValueFound);
dsMinScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxFromMinValueFound);
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
public void addNowLine(long now) {
LineGraphSeries<DataPoint> seriesNow;
DataPoint[] nowPoints = new DataPoint[]{
new DataPoint(now, 0),
new DataPoint(now, maxY)
seriesNow = new LineGraphSeries<>(nowPoints);
// custom paint to make a dotted line
Paint paint = new Paint();
paint.setPathEffect(new DashPathEffect(new float[]{10, 20}, 0));
public void formatAxis(long fromTime, long endTime) {
graph.getGridLabelRenderer().setLabelFormatter(new TimeAsXAxisLabelFormatter("HH"));
graph.getGridLabelRenderer().setNumHorizontalLabels(7); // only 7 because of the space
private void addSeries(Series s) {
public void performUpdate() {
// clear old data
// add precalculated series
for (Series s : series) {
if (!s.isEmpty()) {
double step = 1d;
if (maxY < 1) step = 0.1d;
graph.getViewport().setMaxY(Round.ceilTo(maxY, step));
graph.getViewport().setMinY(Round.floorTo(minY, step));
// draw it
graph.onDataChanged(false, false);
@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphData
import com.jjoe64.graphview.GraphView
import com.jjoe64.graphview.series.BarGraphSeries
import com.jjoe64.graphview.series.DataPoint
import com.jjoe64.graphview.series.LineGraphSeries
import com.jjoe64.graphview.series.Series
import info.nightscout.androidaps.Constants
import info.nightscout.androidaps.MainApp
import info.nightscout.androidaps.R
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.BgReading
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.ActivePluginProvider
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.TreatmentsInterface
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.AAPSLogger
import info.nightscout.androidaps.logging.LTag
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.aps.loop.LoopPlugin.LastRun
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.aps.openAPSSMB.SMBDefaults
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.configBuilder.ProfileFunction
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.general.overview.graphExtensions.*
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.iob.iobCobCalculator.AutosensResult
import info.nightscout.androidaps.plugins.iob.iobCobCalculator.IobCobCalculatorPlugin
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.DecimalFormatter
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.Round
import info.nightscout.androidaps.utils.resources.ResourceHelper
import java.util.*
import javax.inject.Inject
import kotlin.math.abs
import kotlin.math.max
import kotlin.math.min
class GraphData(injector: HasAndroidInjector, private val graph: GraphView, private val iobCobCalculatorPlugin: IobCobCalculatorPlugin) {
// IobCobCalculatorPlugin Cannot be injected: HistoryBrowser
@Inject lateinit var aapsLogger: AAPSLogger
@Inject lateinit var profileFunction: ProfileFunction
@Inject lateinit var resourceHelper: ResourceHelper
@Inject lateinit var activePlugin: ActivePluginProvider
private val treatmentsPlugin: TreatmentsInterface
var maxY = Double.MIN_VALUE
private var minY = Double.MAX_VALUE
private var bgReadingsArray: List<BgReading>? = null
private val units: String
private val series: MutableList<Series<*>> = ArrayList()
init {
units = profileFunction.getUnits()
treatmentsPlugin = activePlugin.activeTreatments
fun addBgReadings(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, lowLine: Double, highLine: Double, predictions: MutableList<BgReading>?) {
var maxBgValue = Double.MIN_VALUE
bgReadingsArray = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.bgReadings
if (bgReadingsArray?.isEmpty() != false) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.OVERVIEW, "No BG data.")
maxY = 10.0
minY = 0.0
val bgListArray: MutableList<DataPointWithLabelInterface> = ArrayList()
for (bg in bgReadingsArray!!) {
if ( < fromTime || > toTime) continue
if (bg.value > maxBgValue) maxBgValue = bg.value
if (predictions != null) {
predictions.sortWith(Comparator { o1: BgReading, o2: BgReading -> o1.x.compareTo(o2.x) })
for (prediction in predictions) if (prediction.value >= 40) bgListArray.add(prediction)
maxBgValue = Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(maxBgValue, units)
maxBgValue = if (units == Constants.MGDL) Round.roundTo(maxBgValue, 40.0) + 80 else Round.roundTo(maxBgValue, 2.0) + 4
if (highLine > maxBgValue) maxBgValue = highLine
val numOfVerticalLines = if (units == Constants.MGDL) (maxBgValue / 40 + 1).toInt() else (maxBgValue / 2 + 1).toInt()
maxY = maxBgValue
minY = 0.0
// set manual y bounds to have nice steps
graph.gridLabelRenderer.numVerticalLabels = numOfVerticalLines
addSeries(PointsWithLabelGraphSeries(Array(bgListArray.size) { i -> bgListArray[i] }))
fun addInRangeArea(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, lowLine: Double, highLine: Double) {
val inRangeAreaSeries: AreaGraphSeries<DoubleDataPoint>
val inRangeAreaDataPoints = arrayOf(
DoubleDataPoint(fromTime.toDouble(), lowLine, highLine),
DoubleDataPoint(toTime.toDouble(), lowLine, highLine)
inRangeAreaSeries = AreaGraphSeries(inRangeAreaDataPoints)
inRangeAreaSeries.color = 0
inRangeAreaSeries.isDrawBackground = true
inRangeAreaSeries.backgroundColor = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.inrangebackground)
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
fun addBasals(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, scale: Double) {
var maxBasalValueFound = 0.0
val basalScale = Scale()
val baseBasalArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
val tempBasalArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
val basalLineArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
val absoluteBasalLineArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
var lastLineBasal = 0.0
var lastAbsoluteLineBasal = -1.0
var lastBaseBasal = 0.0
var lastTempBasal = 0.0
var time = fromTime
while (time < toTime) {
val profile = profileFunction.getProfile(time)
if (profile == null) {
time += 60 * 1000L
val basalData = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getBasalData(profile, time)
val baseBasalValue = basalData.basal
var absoluteLineValue = baseBasalValue
var tempBasalValue = 0.0
var basal = 0.0
if (basalData.isTempBasalRunning) {
tempBasalValue = basalData.tempBasalAbsolute
absoluteLineValue = tempBasalValue
if (tempBasalValue != lastTempBasal) {
tempBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, lastTempBasal, basalScale))
tempBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, tempBasalValue.also { basal = it }, basalScale))
if (lastBaseBasal != 0.0) {
baseBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, lastBaseBasal, basalScale))
baseBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, 0.0, basalScale))
lastBaseBasal = 0.0
} else {
if (baseBasalValue != lastBaseBasal) {
baseBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, lastBaseBasal, basalScale))
baseBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, baseBasalValue.also { basal = it }, basalScale))
lastBaseBasal = baseBasalValue
if (lastTempBasal != 0.0) {
tempBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, lastTempBasal, basalScale))
tempBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, 0.0, basalScale))
if (baseBasalValue != lastLineBasal) {
basalLineArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, lastLineBasal, basalScale))
basalLineArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, baseBasalValue, basalScale))
if (absoluteLineValue != lastAbsoluteLineBasal) {
absoluteBasalLineArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, lastAbsoluteLineBasal, basalScale))
absoluteBasalLineArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, basal, basalScale))
lastAbsoluteLineBasal = absoluteLineValue
lastLineBasal = baseBasalValue
lastTempBasal = tempBasalValue
maxBasalValueFound = max(maxBasalValueFound, max(tempBasalValue, baseBasalValue))
time += 60 * 1000L
// final points
basalLineArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(toTime, lastLineBasal, basalScale))
baseBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(toTime, lastBaseBasal, basalScale))
tempBasalArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(toTime, lastTempBasal, basalScale))
absoluteBasalLineArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(toTime, lastAbsoluteLineBasal, basalScale))
// create series
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(Array(baseBasalArray.size) { i -> baseBasalArray[i] }).also {
it.isDrawBackground = true
it.backgroundColor = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.basebasal)
it.thickness = 0
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(Array(tempBasalArray.size) { i -> tempBasalArray[i] }).also {
it.isDrawBackground = true
it.backgroundColor = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.tempbasal)
it.thickness = 0
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(Array(basalLineArray.size) { i -> basalLineArray[i] }).also {
it.setCustomPaint(Paint().also { paint ->
|||| = Paint.Style.STROKE
paint.strokeWidth = resourceHelper.getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity * 2
paint.pathEffect = DashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(2f, 4f), 0f)
paint.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.basal)
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(Array(absoluteBasalLineArray.size) { i -> absoluteBasalLineArray[i] }).also {
it.setCustomPaint(Paint().also { absolutePaint ->
|||| = Paint.Style.STROKE
absolutePaint.strokeWidth = resourceHelper.getDisplayMetrics().scaledDensity * 2
absolutePaint.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.basal)
basalScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxBasalValueFound)
fun addTargetLine(fromTime: Long, toTimeParam: Long, profile: Profile, lastRun: LastRun?) {
var toTime = toTimeParam
val targetsSeriesArray: MutableList<DataPoint> = ArrayList()
var lastTarget = -1.0
lastRun?.constraintsProcessed?.let { toTime = max(it.latestPredictionsTime, toTime) }
var time = fromTime
while (time < toTime) {
val tt = treatmentsPlugin.getTempTargetFromHistory(time)
var value: Double
value = if (tt == null) {
Profile.fromMgdlToUnits((profile.getTargetLowMgdl(time) + profile.getTargetHighMgdl(time)) / 2, units)
} else {
Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(, units)
if (lastTarget != value) {
if (lastTarget != -1.0) targetsSeriesArray.add(DataPoint(time.toDouble(), lastTarget))
targetsSeriesArray.add(DataPoint(time.toDouble(), value))
lastTarget = value
time += 5 * 60 * 1000L
// final point
targetsSeriesArray.add(DataPoint(toTime.toDouble(), lastTarget))
// create series
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(Array(targetsSeriesArray.size) { i -> targetsSeriesArray[i] }).also {
it.isDrawBackground = false
it.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.tempTargetBackground)
it.thickness = 2
fun addTreatments(fromTime: Long, endTime: Long) {
val filteredTreatments: MutableList<DataPointWithLabelInterface> = ArrayList()
val treatments = treatmentsPlugin.treatmentsFromHistory
for (tx in treatments.indices) {
val t = treatments[tx]
if (t.x < fromTime || t.x > endTime) continue
if (t.isSMB && !t.isValid) continue
t.y = getNearestBg(t.x.toLong())
// ProfileSwitch
val profileSwitches = treatmentsPlugin.profileSwitchesFromHistory.list
for (tx in profileSwitches.indices) {
val t: DataPointWithLabelInterface = profileSwitches[tx]
if (t.x < fromTime || t.x > endTime) continue
// Extended bolus
if (!activePlugin.activePump.isFakingTempsByExtendedBoluses) {
val extendedBoluses = treatmentsPlugin.extendedBolusesFromHistory.list
for (tx in extendedBoluses.indices) {
val t: DataPointWithLabelInterface = extendedBoluses[tx]
if (t.x + t.duration < fromTime || t.x > endTime) continue
if (t.duration == 0L) continue
t.y = getNearestBg(t.x.toLong())
// Careportal
val careportalEvents = MainApp.getDbHelper().getCareportalEventsFromTime(fromTime - 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000, true)
for (tx in careportalEvents.indices) {
val t: DataPointWithLabelInterface = careportalEvents[tx]
if (t.x + t.duration < fromTime || t.x > endTime) continue
t.y = getNearestBg(t.x.toLong())
addSeries(PointsWithLabelGraphSeries(Array(filteredTreatments.size) { i -> filteredTreatments[i] }))
private fun getNearestBg(date: Long): Double {
bgReadingsArray?.let { bgReadingsArray ->
for (r in bgReadingsArray.indices) {
val reading = bgReadingsArray[r]
if ( > date) continue
return Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(reading.value, units)
return if (bgReadingsArray.isNotEmpty()) Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(bgReadingsArray[0].value, units) else Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(100.0, units)
} ?: return Profile.fromMgdlToUnits(100.0, units)
fun addActivity(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, useForScale: Boolean, scale: Double) {
val actArrayHist: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
val actArrayPred: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
val now = System.currentTimeMillis().toDouble()
val actScale = Scale()
var total: IobTotal
var maxIAValue = 0.0
var time = fromTime
while (time <= toTime) {
val profile = profileFunction.getProfile(time)
if (profile == null) {
time += 5 * 60 * 1000L
total = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.calculateFromTreatmentsAndTempsSynchronized(time, profile)
val act: Double = total.activity
if (time <= now) actArrayHist.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, act, actScale)) else actArrayPred.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, act, actScale))
maxIAValue = max(maxIAValue, abs(act))
time += 5 * 60 * 1000L
addSeries(FixedLineGraphSeries(Array(actArrayHist.size) { i -> actArrayHist[i] }).also {
it.isDrawBackground = false
it.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.activity)
it.thickness = 3
addSeries(FixedLineGraphSeries(Array(actArrayPred.size) { i -> actArrayPred[i] }).also {
it.setCustomPaint(Paint().also { paint ->
|||| = Paint.Style.STROKE
paint.strokeWidth = 3f
paint.pathEffect = DashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(4f, 4f), 0f)
paint.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.activity)
if (useForScale) {
maxY = maxIAValue
minY = -maxIAValue
actScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxIAValue)
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
fun addIob(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, useForScale: Boolean, scale: Double, showPrediction: Boolean) {
val iobSeries: FixedLineGraphSeries<ScaledDataPoint?>
val iobArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
var maxIobValueFound = Double.MIN_VALUE
var lastIob = 0.0
val iobScale = Scale()
var time = fromTime
while (time <= toTime) {
val profile = profileFunction.getProfile(time)
var iob = 0.0
if (profile != null) iob = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.calculateFromTreatmentsAndTempsSynchronized(time, profile).iob
if (abs(lastIob - iob) > 0.02) {
if (abs(lastIob - iob) > 0.2) iobArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, lastIob, iobScale))
iobArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, iob, iobScale))
maxIobValueFound = max(maxIobValueFound, abs(iob))
lastIob = iob
time += 5 * 60 * 1000L
iobSeries = FixedLineGraphSeries(Array(iobArray.size) { i -> iobArray[i] }).also {
it.isDrawBackground = true
it.backgroundColor = -0x7f000001 and resourceHelper.gc(R.color.iob) //50%
it.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.iob)
it.thickness = 3
if (showPrediction) {
val autosensData = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getLastAutosensDataSynchronized("GraphData")
val lastAutosensResult = autosensData?.autosensResult ?: AutosensResult()
val isTempTarget = treatmentsPlugin.getTempTargetFromHistory(System.currentTimeMillis()) != null
val iobPred: MutableList<DataPointWithLabelInterface> = ArrayList()
val iobPredArray = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.calculateIobArrayForSMB(lastAutosensResult, SMBDefaults.exercise_mode, SMBDefaults.half_basal_exercise_target, isTempTarget)
for (i in iobPredArray) {
maxIobValueFound = max(maxIobValueFound, abs(i.iob))
addSeries(PointsWithLabelGraphSeries(Array(iobPred.size) { i -> iobPred[i] }))
val iobPred2: MutableList<DataPointWithLabelInterface> = ArrayList()
val iobPredArray2 = iobCobCalculatorPlugin.calculateIobArrayForSMB(AutosensResult(), SMBDefaults.exercise_mode, SMBDefaults.half_basal_exercise_target, isTempTarget)
for (i in iobPredArray2) {
maxIobValueFound = max(maxIobValueFound, abs(i.iob))
addSeries(PointsWithLabelGraphSeries(Array(iobPred2.size) { i -> iobPred2[i] }))
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.AUTOSENS, "IOB pred for AS=" + DecimalFormatter.to2Decimal(lastAutosensResult.ratio) + ": " + iobCobCalculatorPlugin.iobArrayToString(iobPredArray))
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.AUTOSENS, "IOB pred for AS=" + DecimalFormatter.to2Decimal(1.0) + ": " + iobCobCalculatorPlugin.iobArrayToString(iobPredArray2))
if (useForScale) {
maxY = maxIobValueFound
minY = -maxIobValueFound
iobScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxIobValueFound)
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
fun addCob(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, useForScale: Boolean, scale: Double) {
val minFailOverActiveList: MutableList<DataPointWithLabelInterface> = ArrayList()
val cobArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
var maxCobValueFound = 0.0
var lastCob = 0
val cobScale = Scale()
var time = fromTime
while (time <= toTime) {
iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getAutosensData(time)?.let { autosensData ->
val cob = autosensData.cob.toInt()
if (cob != lastCob) {
if (autosensData.carbsFromBolus > 0) cobArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, lastCob.toDouble(), cobScale))
cobArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, cob.toDouble(), cobScale))
maxCobValueFound = max(maxCobValueFound, cob.toDouble())
lastCob = cob
if (autosensData.failoverToMinAbsorbtionRate) {
time += 5 * 60 * 1000L
// COB
addSeries(FixedLineGraphSeries(Array(cobArray.size) { i -> cobArray[i] }).also {
it.isDrawBackground = true
it.backgroundColor = -0x7f000001 and resourceHelper.gc(R.color.cob) //50%
it.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.cob)
it.thickness = 3
if (useForScale) {
maxY = maxCobValueFound
minY = 0.0
cobScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxCobValueFound)
addSeries(PointsWithLabelGraphSeries(Array(minFailOverActiveList.size) { i -> minFailOverActiveList[i] }))
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
fun addDeviations(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, useForScale: Boolean, scale: Double) {
class DeviationDataPoint(x: Double, y: Double, var color: Int, scale: Scale) : ScaledDataPoint(x, y, scale)
val devArray: MutableList<DeviationDataPoint> = ArrayList()
var maxDevValueFound = 0.0
val devScale = Scale()
var time = fromTime
while (time <= toTime) {
iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getAutosensData(time)?.let { autosensData ->
var color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationblack) // "="
if (autosensData.type == "" || autosensData.type == "non-meal") {
if (autosensData.pastSensitivity == "C") color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationgrey)
if (autosensData.pastSensitivity == "+") color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationgreen)
if (autosensData.pastSensitivity == "-") color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationred)
} else if (autosensData.type == "uam") {
color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.uam)
} else if (autosensData.type == "csf") {
color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.deviationgrey)
devArray.add(DeviationDataPoint(time.toDouble(), autosensData.deviation, color, devScale))
maxDevValueFound = max(maxDevValueFound, abs(autosensData.deviation))
time += 5 * 60 * 1000L
addSeries(BarGraphSeries(Array(devArray.size) { i -> devArray[i] }).also {
it.setValueDependentColor { data: DeviationDataPoint -> data.color }
if (useForScale) {
maxY = maxDevValueFound
minY = -maxY
devScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxDevValueFound)
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
fun addRatio(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, useForScale: Boolean, scale: Double) {
val ratioArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
var maxRatioValueFound = Double.MIN_VALUE
var minRatioValueFound = Double.MAX_VALUE
val ratioScale = Scale()
var time = fromTime
while (time <= toTime) {
iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getAutosensData(time)?.let { autosensData ->
ratioArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, autosensData.autosensResult.ratio - 1, ratioScale))
maxRatioValueFound = max(maxRatioValueFound, autosensData.autosensResult.ratio - 1)
minRatioValueFound = min(minRatioValueFound, autosensData.autosensResult.ratio - 1)
time += 5 * 60 * 1000L
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(Array(ratioArray.size) { i -> ratioArray[i] }).also {
it.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.ratio)
it.thickness = 3
if (useForScale) {
maxY = max(maxRatioValueFound, abs(minRatioValueFound))
minY = -maxY
ratioScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / max(maxRatioValueFound, abs(minRatioValueFound)))
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
fun addDeviationSlope(fromTime: Long, toTime: Long, useForScale: Boolean, scale: Double) {
val dsMaxArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
val dsMinArray: MutableList<ScaledDataPoint> = ArrayList()
var maxFromMaxValueFound = 0.0
var maxFromMinValueFound = 0.0
val dsMaxScale = Scale()
val dsMinScale = Scale()
var time = fromTime
while (time <= toTime) {
iobCobCalculatorPlugin.getAutosensData(time)?.let { autosensData ->
dsMaxArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, autosensData.slopeFromMaxDeviation, dsMaxScale))
dsMinArray.add(ScaledDataPoint(time, autosensData.slopeFromMinDeviation, dsMinScale))
maxFromMaxValueFound = max(maxFromMaxValueFound, abs(autosensData.slopeFromMaxDeviation))
maxFromMinValueFound = max(maxFromMinValueFound, abs(autosensData.slopeFromMinDeviation))
time += 5 * 60 * 1000L
// Slopes
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(Array(dsMaxArray.size) { i -> dsMaxArray[i] }).also {
it.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.devslopepos)
it.thickness = 3
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(Array(dsMinArray.size) { i -> dsMinArray[i] }).also {
it.color = resourceHelper.gc(R.color.devslopeneg)
it.thickness = 3
if (useForScale) {
maxY = max(maxFromMaxValueFound, maxFromMinValueFound)
minY = -maxY
dsMaxScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxFromMaxValueFound)
dsMinScale.setMultiplier(maxY * scale / maxFromMinValueFound)
// scale in % of vertical size (like 0.3)
fun addNowLine(now: Long) {
val nowPoints = arrayOf(
DataPoint(now.toDouble(), 0.0),
DataPoint(now.toDouble(), maxY)
addSeries(LineGraphSeries(nowPoints).also {
it.isDrawDataPoints = false
// custom paint to make a dotted line
it.setCustomPaint(Paint().also { paint ->
|||| = Paint.Style.STROKE
paint.strokeWidth = 2f
paint.pathEffect = DashPathEffect(floatArrayOf(10f, 20f), 0f)
paint.color = Color.WHITE
fun formatAxis(fromTime: Long, endTime: Long) {
graph.viewport.isXAxisBoundsManual = true
graph.gridLabelRenderer.labelFormatter = TimeAsXAxisLabelFormatter("HH")
graph.gridLabelRenderer.numHorizontalLabels = 7 // only 7 because of the space
private fun addSeries(s: Series<*>) = series.add(s)
fun performUpdate() {
// clear old data
// add pre calculated series
for (s in series) {
if (!s.isEmpty) {
var step = 1.0
if (maxY < 1) step = 0.1
graph.viewport.setMaxY(Round.ceilTo(maxY, step))
graph.viewport.setMinY(Round.floorTo(minY, step))
graph.viewport.isYAxisBoundsManual = true
// draw it
graph.onDataChanged(false, false)
@ -23,6 +23,12 @@ public class ScaledDataPoint implements DataPointInterface, Serializable {
this.scale = scale;
public ScaledDataPoint(long x, double y, Scale scale) {
this.scale = scale;
public ScaledDataPoint(Date x, double y, Scale scale) {
this.x = x.getTime();
this.y = y;
Add table
Reference in a new issue