LINT: fix errors in strings
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 12 additions and 12 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
<string name="nav_resetdb">Reset Databases</string>
<string name="nav_resetdb">Reset Databases</string>
<string name="reset_db_confirm">Do you really want to reset the databases?</string>
<string name="reset_db_confirm">Do you really want to reset the databases?</string>
<string name="nav_exit">Exit</string>
<string name="nav_exit">Exit</string>
<string name="danar_useextended_title">Use extended boluses for >200%</string>
<string name="danar_useextended_title">Use extended boluses for >200%%</string>
<string name="danar_bt_name_title">DanaR Bluetooth device</string>
<string name="danar_bt_name_title">DanaR Bluetooth device</string>
<string name="ns_sync_use_absolute_title">Always use basal absolute values</string>
<string name="ns_sync_use_absolute_title">Always use basal absolute values</string>
<string name="alert_dialog_storage_permission_text">Please reboot your phone or restart AndroidAPS from the System Settings \notherwise Android APS will not have logging (important to track and verify that the algorithms are working correctly)!</string>
<string name="alert_dialog_storage_permission_text">Please reboot your phone or restart AndroidAPS from the System Settings \notherwise Android APS will not have logging (important to track and verify that the algorithms are working correctly)!</string>
@ -342,7 +342,7 @@
<string name="overview_bolusprogress_stop">Stop</string>
<string name="overview_bolusprogress_stop">Stop</string>
<string name="overview_bolusprogress_stoppressed">STOP PRESSED</string>
<string name="overview_bolusprogress_stoppressed">STOP PRESSED</string>
<string name="waitingforpump">Waiting for pump</string>
<string name="waitingforpump">Waiting for pump</string>
<string name="overview_bolusprogress_goingtodeliver" formatted="false">Going to deliver %.2fU</string>
<string name="overview_bolusprogress_goingtodeliver">Going to deliver %1$.2fU</string>
<string name="objectives_0_objective">Setting up visualization and monitoring, and analyzing basals and ratios</string>
<string name="objectives_0_objective">Setting up visualization and monitoring, and analyzing basals and ratios</string>
<string name="objectives_0_gate">Verify that BG is available in Nightscout, and pump insulin data is being uploaded</string>
<string name="objectives_0_gate">Verify that BG is available in Nightscout, and pump insulin data is being uploaded</string>
<string name="objectives_1_objective">Starting on an open loop</string>
<string name="objectives_1_objective">Starting on an open loop</string>
@ -365,7 +365,7 @@
<string name="smscommunicator_loopisdisabled">Loop is disabled</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_loopisdisabled">Loop is disabled</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_loopisenabled">Loop is enabled</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_loopisenabled">Loop is enabled</string>
<string name="valuelimitedto">%1$.2f limited to %2$.2f</string>
<string name="valuelimitedto">%1$.2f limited to %2$.2f</string>
<string name="valueoutofrange" formatted="false">Value %s is out of hard limits</string>
<string name="valueoutofrange">Value %1$s is out of hard limits</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_remotecommandnotallowed">Remote command is not allowed</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_remotecommandnotallowed">Remote command is not allowed</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_remotebolusnotallowed">Remote bolus not available. Try again later.</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_remotebolusnotallowed">Remote bolus not available. Try again later.</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_basalreplywithcode">To start basal %1$.2fU/h for %2$d min reply with code %3$s</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_basalreplywithcode">To start basal %1$.2fU/h for %2$d min reply with code %3$s</string>
@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
<string name="openapsama_max_daily_safety_multiplier_summary">Default value: 3 This is a key OpenAPS safety cap. What this does is limit your basals to be 3x (in this people) your biggest basal rate. You likely will not need to change this, but you should be aware that’s what is discussed about “3x max daily; 4x current” for safety caps.</string>
<string name="openapsama_max_daily_safety_multiplier_summary">Default value: 3 This is a key OpenAPS safety cap. What this does is limit your basals to be 3x (in this people) your biggest basal rate. You likely will not need to change this, but you should be aware that’s what is discussed about “3x max daily; 4x current” for safety caps.</string>
<string name="openapsama_current_basal_safety_multiplier_summary">Default value: 4 This is the other half of the key OpenAPS safety caps, and the other half of “3x max daily; 4x current” of the safety caps. This means your basal, regardless of max basal set on your pump, cannot be any higher than this number times the current level of your basal. This is to prevent people from getting into dangerous territory by setting excessively high max basals before understanding how the algorithm works. Again, the default is 4x; most people will never need to adjust this and are instead more likely to need to adjust other settings if they feel like they are “running into” this safety cap.</string>
<string name="openapsama_current_basal_safety_multiplier_summary">Default value: 4 This is the other half of the key OpenAPS safety caps, and the other half of “3x max daily; 4x current” of the safety caps. This means your basal, regardless of max basal set on your pump, cannot be any higher than this number times the current level of your basal. This is to prevent people from getting into dangerous territory by setting excessively high max basals before understanding how the algorithm works. Again, the default is 4x; most people will never need to adjust this and are instead more likely to need to adjust other settings if they feel like they are “running into” this safety cap.</string>
<string name="key_openapsama_autosens_max" translatable="false">autosens_max</string>
<string name="key_openapsama_autosens_max" translatable="false">autosens_max</string>
<string name="openapsama_autosens_max_summary">Default value: 1.2\nThis is a multiplier cap for autosens (and soon autotune) to set a 20% max limit on how high the autosens ratio can be, which in turn determines how high autosens can adjust basals, how low it can adjust ISF, and how low it can set the BG target.</string>
<string name="openapsama_autosens_max_summary">Default value: 1.2\nThis is a multiplier cap for autosens (and soon autotune) to set a 20%% max limit on how high the autosens ratio can be, which in turn determines how high autosens can adjust basals, how low it can adjust ISF, and how low it can set the BG target.</string>
<string name="key_openapsama_autosens_min" translatable="false">autosens_min</string>
<string name="key_openapsama_autosens_min" translatable="false">autosens_min</string>
<string name="openapsama_autosens_min_summary">Default value: 0.7\nThe other side of the autosens safety limits, putting a cap on how low autosens can adjust basals, and how high it can adjust ISF and BG targets.</string>
<string name="openapsama_autosens_min_summary">Default value: 0.7\nThe other side of the autosens safety limits, putting a cap on how low autosens can adjust basals, and how high it can adjust ISF and BG targets.</string>
<string name="key_openapsama_autosens_adjusttargets" translatable="false">autosens_adjust_targets</string>
<string name="key_openapsama_autosens_adjusttargets" translatable="false">autosens_adjust_targets</string>
@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
<string name="error_phone_not_valid">Phone number not valid</string>
<string name="error_phone_not_valid">Phone number not valid</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_invalidphonennumber">Invalid SMS phone number</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_invalidphonennumber">Invalid SMS phone number</string>
<string name="overview_calibration">Calibration</string>
<string name="overview_calibration">Calibration</string>
<string name="send_calibration" formatted="false">Send calibration %.1f to xDrip?</string>
<string name="send_calibration">Send calibration %1$.1f to xDrip?</string>
<string name="xdripnotinstalled">xDrip+ not installed</string>
<string name="xdripnotinstalled">xDrip+ not installed</string>
<string name="calibrationsent">Calibration sent to xDrip</string>
<string name="calibrationsent">Calibration sent to xDrip</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_calibrationsent">Calibration sent. Receiving must be enabled in xDrip.</string>
<string name="smscommunicator_calibrationsent">Calibration sent. Receiving must be enabled in xDrip.</string>
@ -695,7 +695,7 @@
<string name="absorption_maxtime_title">Meal max absorption time [h]</string>
<string name="absorption_maxtime_title">Meal max absorption time [h]</string>
<string name="absorption_maxtime_summary">Time in hours where is expected all carbs from meal will be absorbed</string>
<string name="absorption_maxtime_summary">Time in hours where is expected all carbs from meal will be absorbed</string>
<string name="key_rangetodisplay" translatable="false">rangetodisplay</string>
<string name="key_rangetodisplay" translatable="false">rangetodisplay</string>
<string name="danar_visualizeextendedaspercentage_title">Visualize extended bolus as %</string>
<string name="danar_visualizeextendedaspercentage_title">Visualize extended bolus as %%</string>
<string name="careportal_sensorage_label_short">SAGE</string>
<string name="careportal_sensorage_label_short">SAGE</string>
<string name="careportal_insulinage_label_short">IAGE</string>
<string name="careportal_insulinage_label_short">IAGE</string>
<string name="careportal_canulaage_label_short">CAGE</string>
<string name="careportal_canulaage_label_short">CAGE</string>
@ -835,8 +835,8 @@
<string name="key_dexcomg5_xdripupload" translatable="false">dexcomg5_xdripupload</string>
<string name="key_dexcomg5_xdripupload" translatable="false">dexcomg5_xdripupload</string>
<string name="dexcomg5_xdripupload_summary">In xDrip+ select 640g/Eversense data source</string>
<string name="dexcomg5_xdripupload_summary">In xDrip+ select 640g/Eversense data source</string>
<string name="nsclientbg">NSClient BG</string>
<string name="nsclientbg">NSClient BG</string>
<string name="minimalbasalvaluereplaced">Basal value replaced by minimal supported value: %s</string>
<string name="minimalbasalvaluereplaced">Basal value replaced by minimal supported value: %1$s</string>
<string name="maximumbasalvaluereplaced">Basal value replaced by maximum supported value: %s</string>
<string name="maximumbasalvaluereplaced">Basal value replaced by maximum supported value: %1$s</string>
<string name="overview_editquickwizard_usebg">BG calculation</string>
<string name="overview_editquickwizard_usebg">BG calculation</string>
<string name="overview_editquickwizard_usebolusiob">Bolus IOB calculation</string>
<string name="overview_editquickwizard_usebolusiob">Bolus IOB calculation</string>
<string name="overview_editquickwizard_usebasaliob">Basal IOB calculation</string>
<string name="overview_editquickwizard_usebasaliob">Basal IOB calculation</string>
@ -854,8 +854,8 @@
<string name="closedmodeenabled">Closed mode enabled</string>
<string name="closedmodeenabled">Closed mode enabled</string>
<string name="maxiobset">Maximal IOB set properly</string>
<string name="maxiobset">Maximal IOB set properly</string>
<string name="hasbgdata">BG available from selected source</string>
<string name="hasbgdata">BG available from selected source</string>
<string name="basalprofilenotaligned" formatted="false">Basal values not aligned to hours: %s</string>
<string name="basalprofilenotaligned">Basal values not aligned to hours: %1$s</string>
<string name="zerovalueinprofile" formatted="false">Invalid profile: %s</string>
<string name="zerovalueinprofile">Invalid profile: %1$s</string>
<string name="combo_programming_bolus">Programming pump for bolusing</string>
<string name="combo_programming_bolus">Programming pump for bolusing</string>
<string name="combo_refresh">Refresh</string>
<string name="combo_refresh">Refresh</string>
<string name="combo_pump_state_label">State</string>
<string name="combo_pump_state_label">State</string>
@ -1258,7 +1258,7 @@
<string name="log_operating_mode_changes">Log operating mode changes</string>
<string name="log_operating_mode_changes">Log operating mode changes</string>
<string name="log_alerts">Log alerts</string>
<string name="log_alerts">Log alerts</string>
<string name="enable_tbr_emulation">Enable TBR emulation</string>
<string name="enable_tbr_emulation">Enable TBR emulation</string>
<string name="enable_tbr_emulation_summary">Use extended boluses instead of TBRs to bypass the 250% limit</string>
<string name="enable_tbr_emulation_summary">Use extended boluses instead of TBRs to bypass the 250%% limit</string>
<string name="disconnect_delay">Disconnect delay [s]</string>
<string name="disconnect_delay">Disconnect delay [s]</string>
<string name="serial_number">Serial number</string>
<string name="serial_number">Serial number</string>
<string name="release_software_version">Release software version</string>
<string name="release_software_version">Release software version</string>
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ public class AAPSMocker {
when("Waiting for result");
when("Waiting for result");
when("Basal value replaced by minimal supported value");
when("Basal value replaced by minimal supported value: %1$s");
when("Basal values not aligned to hours: %s");
when("Basal values not aligned to hours: %s");
when("%d min ago");
when("%d min ago");
when("%.1fh ago");
when("%.1fh ago");
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