Dana BLE 5 code
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 147 additions and 76 deletions
@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ class DanaPump @Inject constructor(
// DanaRS specific
var rsPassword = ""
var v3RSPump = false
var ignoreUserPassword = false // true if replaced by enhanced encryption
// User settings
var timeDisplayType24 = false
@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ class DanaPump @Inject constructor(
var lowReservoirRate = 0
var cannulaVolume = 0
var refillAmount = 0
var target = 0 // mgdl 40~400 mmol 2.2~22 => 220~2200
var userOptionsFrompump: ByteArray? = null
var initialBolusAmount = 0.0
@ -366,7 +367,7 @@ class DanaPump @Inject constructor(
get() = password == sp.getInt(R.string.key_danar_password, -2)
val isRSPasswordOK: Boolean
get() = rsPassword.equals(sp.getString(R.string.key_danars_password, ""), ignoreCase = true) || v3RSPump
get() = rsPassword.equals(sp.getString(R.string.key_danars_password, ""), ignoreCase = true) || ignoreUserPassword
fun reset() {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMP, "DanaRPump reset")
@ -388,7 +389,8 @@ class DanaPump @Inject constructor(
if (protocol < 10) "DanaRS"
else "DanaRS v3"
0x06 -> "DanaRS Korean"
0x07 -> "Dana-i"
0x07 -> "Dana-i (BLE4.2)"
0x09 -> "Dana-i (BLE5)"
else -> "Unknown Dana pump"
@ -18,54 +18,24 @@ class DanaRS_Packet_Option_Get_User_Option(
override fun handleMessage(data: ByteArray) {
var dataIndex = DATA_START
var dataSize = 1
danaPump.timeDisplayType24 = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize)) == 0
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
danaPump.buttonScrollOnOff = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize)) == 1
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
danaPump.beepAndAlarm = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
danaPump.lcdOnTimeSec = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
danaPump.backlightOnTimeSec = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
danaPump.selectedLanguage = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
danaPump.units = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
danaPump.shutdownHour = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
danaPump.lowReservoirRate = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 2
danaPump.cannulaVolume = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 2
danaPump.refillAmount = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
val selectableLanguage1 = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
val selectableLanguage2 = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
val selectableLanguage3 = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
val selectableLanguage4 = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
dataIndex += dataSize
dataSize = 1
val selectableLanguage5 = byteArrayToInt(getBytes(data, dataIndex, dataSize))
danaPump.timeDisplayType24 = intFromBuff(data, 0, 1) == 0
danaPump.buttonScrollOnOff = intFromBuff(data, 1, 1) == 1
danaPump.beepAndAlarm = intFromBuff(data, 2, 1)
danaPump.lcdOnTimeSec = intFromBuff(data, 3, 1)
danaPump.backlightOnTimeSec = intFromBuff(data, 4, 1)
danaPump.selectedLanguage = intFromBuff(data, 5, 1)
danaPump.units = intFromBuff(data, 6, 1)
danaPump.shutdownHour = intFromBuff(data, 7, 1)
danaPump.lowReservoirRate = intFromBuff(data, 8, 1)
danaPump.cannulaVolume = intFromBuff(data, 9, 2)
danaPump.refillAmount = intFromBuff(data, 11, 2)
val selectableLanguage1 = intFromBuff(data, 13, 1)
val selectableLanguage2 = intFromBuff(data, 14, 1)
val selectableLanguage3 = intFromBuff(data, 15, 1)
val selectableLanguage4 = intFromBuff(data, 16, 1)
val selectableLanguage5 = intFromBuff(data, 17, 1)
if (data.size >= 22) // hw 7+
danaPump.target = intFromBuff(data, 18, 2)
// Pump's screen on time can't be less than 5
failed = danaPump.lcdOnTimeSec < 5
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "timeDisplayType24: " + danaPump.timeDisplayType24)
@ -77,12 +47,14 @@ class DanaRS_Packet_Option_Get_User_Option(
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "Pump units: " + if (danaPump.units == DanaPump.UNITS_MGDL) "MGDL" else "MMOL")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "shutdownHour: " + danaPump.shutdownHour)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "lowReservoirRate: " + danaPump.lowReservoirRate)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "cannulaVolume: " + danaPump.cannulaVolume)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "refillAmount: " + danaPump.refillAmount)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "selectableLanguage1: $selectableLanguage1")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "selectableLanguage2: $selectableLanguage2")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "selectableLanguage3: $selectableLanguage3")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "selectableLanguage4: $selectableLanguage4")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "selectableLanguage5: $selectableLanguage5")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPCOMM, "target: ${if (danaPump.units == DanaPump.UNITS_MGDL) danaPump.target else danaPump.target / 100}")
override fun getFriendlyName(): String {
@ -26,8 +26,12 @@ class DanaRS_Packet_Option_Set_User_Option(
+ "\nlcdOnTimeSec:" + danaPump.lcdOnTimeSec
+ "\nbacklight:" + danaPump.backlightOnTimeSec
+ "\ndanaRPumpUnits:" + danaPump.units
+ "\nlowReservoir:" + danaPump.lowReservoirRate)
val request = ByteArray(13)
+ "\nlowReservoir:" + danaPump.lowReservoirRate
+ "\ncannulaVolume:" + danaPump.cannulaVolume
+ "\nrefillAmount:" + danaPump.refillAmount
+ "\ntarget:" + danaPump.target)
val size = if (danaPump.hwModel >= 7) 15 else 13
val request = ByteArray(size)
request[0] = if (danaPump.timeDisplayType24) 0.toByte() else 1.toByte()
request[1] = if (danaPump.buttonScrollOnOff) 1.toByte() else 0.toByte()
request[2] = (danaPump.beepAndAlarm and 0xff).toByte()
@ -41,6 +45,10 @@ class DanaRS_Packet_Option_Set_User_Option(
request[10] = (danaPump.cannulaVolume ushr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
request[11] = (danaPump.refillAmount and 0xff).toByte()
request[12] = (danaPump.refillAmount ushr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
if (danaPump.hwModel >= 7) {
request[13] = (danaPump.target and 0xff).toByte()
request[14] = (danaPump.target ushr 8 and 0xff).toByte()
return request
@ -126,7 +126,9 @@ public class BleEncryption {
private static native void setPairingKeysJni(byte[] pairingKey, byte[] randomPairingKey, byte randomSyncKey);
private static native void setEnhancedEncryptionJni(boolean isSecurityVersion);
private static native void setBle5KeyJni(byte[] ble5Key);
private static native void setEnhancedEncryptionJni(int securityVersion);
private static native byte[] encryptSecondLevelPacketJni(Object context, byte[] bytes);
@ -144,8 +146,12 @@ public class BleEncryption {
setPairingKeysJni(pairingKey, randomPairingKey, randomSyncKey);
public void setEnhancedEncryption(boolean isSecureVersion) {
public void setBle5Key(byte[] ble5Key) {
public void setEnhancedEncryption(EncryptionType securityVersion) {
public byte[] encryptSecondLevelPacket(byte[] bytes) {
@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package info.nightscout.androidaps.danars.encryption
enum class EncryptionType(val type: Int) {
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import info.nightscout.androidaps.danars.comm.DanaRSMessageHashTable
import info.nightscout.androidaps.danars.comm.DanaRS_Packet
import info.nightscout.androidaps.danars.comm.DanaRS_Packet_Etc_Keep_Connection
import info.nightscout.androidaps.danars.encryption.BleEncryption
import info.nightscout.androidaps.danars.encryption.EncryptionType
import info.nightscout.androidaps.danars.events.EventDanaRSPairingSuccess
import info.nightscout.androidaps.events.EventPumpStatusChanged
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.PumpSync
@ -57,9 +58,13 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
private const val WRITE_DELAY_MILLIS: Long = 50
private const val UART_READ_UUID = "0000fff1-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
private const val UART_WRITE_UUID = "0000fff2-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
private const val UART_BLE5_UUID = "00002902-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb"
private const val PACKET_START_BYTE = 0xA5.toByte()
private const val PACKET_END_BYTE = 0x5A.toByte()
private const val BLE5_PACKET_START_BYTE = 0x73.toByte()
private const val BLE5_PACKET_END_BYTE = 0xBF.toByte()
private var scheduledDisconnection: ScheduledFuture<*>? = null
@ -70,7 +75,7 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
private var connectDeviceName: String? = null
private var bluetoothGatt: BluetoothGatt? = null
private var v3Encryption: Boolean = false
private var encryption: EncryptionType = EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT
set(newValue) {
field = newValue
@ -118,7 +123,7 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
return false
isConnected = false
v3Encryption = false
encryption = EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT
encryptedDataRead = false
encryptedCommandSent = false
isConnecting = true
@ -138,7 +143,7 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
fun disconnect(from: String) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "disconnect from: $from")
if (!encryptedDataRead && encryptedCommandSent && v3Encryption) {
if (!encryptedDataRead && encryptedCommandSent && encryption == EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_RSv3) {
// there was no response from pump after started encryption
// assume pairing keys are invalid
val lastClearRequest = sp.getLong(R.string.key_rs_last_clear_key_request, 0)
@ -188,8 +193,6 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
if (status == BluetoothGatt.GATT_SUCCESS) {
// 1st message sent to pump after connect
override fun onCharacteristicRead(gatt: BluetoothGatt, characteristic: BluetoothGattCharacteristic, status: Int) {
@ -207,7 +210,7 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
override fun onCharacteristicWrite(gatt: BluetoothGatt, characteristic: BluetoothGattCharacteristic, status: Int) {
// for v3 after initial handshake it's encrypted - useless
// aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "onCharacteristicWrite: " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(characteristic.value))
Thread(Runnable {
Thread {
synchronized(mSendQueue) {
// after message sent, check if there is the rest of the message waiting and send it
if (mSendQueue.size > 0) {
@ -216,7 +219,14 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
writeCharacteristicNoResponse(uartWriteBTGattChar, bytes)
override fun onDescriptorWrite(gatt: BluetoothGatt?, descriptor: BluetoothGattDescriptor?, status: Int) {
super.onDescriptorWrite(gatt, descriptor, status)
//aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "onDescriptorWrite " + status)
// 1st message sent to pump after connect
@ -232,6 +242,11 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
bluetoothGatt?.setCharacteristicNotification(characteristic, enabled)
// Dana-i BLE5 specific
characteristic?.getDescriptor(UUID.fromString(UART_BLE5_UUID))?.let {
it.value = BluetoothGattDescriptor.ENABLE_NOTIFICATION_VALUE
@ -302,7 +317,7 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
isConnected = false
isConnecting = false
v3Encryption = false
encryption = EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT
encryptedDataRead = false
encryptedCommandSent = false
@ -335,7 +350,7 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
var inputBuffer: ByteArray? = null
// decrypt 2nd level after successful connection
val incomingBuffer = if (v3Encryption && isConnected)
val incomingBuffer = if (encryption == EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_RSv3 && isConnected)
bleEncryption.decryptSecondLevelPacket(receivedData).also {
encryptedDataRead = true
sp.putLong(R.string.key_rs_last_clear_key_request, 0L)
@ -346,7 +361,6 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
while (isProcessing) {
var length = 0
synchronized(readBuffer) {
// Find packet start [A5 A5]
if (bufferLength >= 6) {
for (idxStartByte in 0 until bufferLength - 2) {
@ -374,6 +388,36 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
packetIsValid = true
// packet can be BLE5 encrypted too
if (!packetIsValid && encryption == EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_BLE5) {
var startIndex: Int = -1
// Find encrypted packet start [73 73]
if (bufferLength >= 6) {
for (idxStartByte in 0 until bufferLength - 2) {
if (readBuffer[idxStartByte] == BLE5_PACKET_START_BYTE && readBuffer[idxStartByte + 1] == BLE5_PACKET_START_BYTE) {
if (idxStartByte > 0) {
// if buffer doesn't start with signature remove the leading trash
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Shifting the input buffer by $idxStartByte bytes")
System.arraycopy(readBuffer, idxStartByte, readBuffer, 0, bufferLength - idxStartByte)
bufferLength -= idxStartByte
startIndex = idxStartByte
if (startIndex != -1) {
for (idxEndByte in 5..bufferLength - 2) {
if (readBuffer[idxEndByte] == BLE5_PACKET_END_BYTE && readBuffer[idxEndByte + 1] == BLE5_PACKET_END_BYTE) {
length = idxEndByte - startIndex + 2 - 7
packetIsValid = true
encryptedDataRead = true
if (packetIsValid) {
inputBuffer = ByteArray(length + 7)
// copy packet to input buffer
@ -389,7 +433,11 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
// now we have encrypted packet in inputBuffer
if (packetIsValid && encryptedDataRead && encryption == EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_BLE5) {
inputBuffer = bleEncryption.decryptSecondLevelPacket(inputBuffer)
if (packetIsValid) {
// aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "<<<<< PROCESSING: " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(inputBuffer))
// decrypt the packet
bleEncryption.getDecryptedPacket(inputBuffer)?.let { decryptedBuffer ->
if (decryptedBuffer[0] == BleEncryption.DANAR_PACKET__TYPE_ENCRYPTION_RESPONSE.toByte()) {
@ -458,8 +506,8 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
// response OK v1
if (decryptedBuffer.size == 4 && decryptedBuffer[2] == 'O'.code.toByte() && decryptedBuffer[3] == 'K'.code.toByte()) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "<<<<< " + "ENCRYPTION__PUMP_CHECK (OK)" + " " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(decryptedBuffer))
v3Encryption = false
danaPump.v3RSPump = false
encryption = EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT
danaPump.ignoreUserPassword = false
// Grab pairing key from preferences if exists
val pairingKey = sp.getString(resourceHelper.gs(R.string.key_danars_pairingkey) + danaRSPlugin.mDeviceName, "")
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Using stored pairing key: $pairingKey")
@ -472,8 +520,8 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
// response OK v3
} else if (decryptedBuffer.size == 9 && decryptedBuffer[2] == 'O'.code.toByte() && decryptedBuffer[3] == 'K'.code.toByte()) {
// v3 2nd layer encryption
v3Encryption = true
danaPump.v3RSPump = true
encryption = EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_RSv3
danaPump.ignoreUserPassword = true
danaPump.hwModel = decryptedBuffer[5].toInt()
danaPump.protocol = decryptedBuffer[7].toInt()
// grab randomSyncKey
@ -488,6 +536,21 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
// Dana RS Easy
// response OK BLE5
} else if (decryptedBuffer.size == 14 && decryptedBuffer[2] == 'O'.toByte() && decryptedBuffer[3] == 'K'.toByte()) {
// v3 2nd layer encryption
encryption = EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_BLE5
danaPump.ignoreUserPassword = true
danaPump.hwModel = decryptedBuffer[5].toInt()
danaPump.protocol = decryptedBuffer[7].toInt()
val pairingKey = DanaRS_Packet.asciiStringFromBuff(decryptedBuffer, 8, 6) // used while bonding
if (danaPump.hwModel == 0x09) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "<<<<< " + "ENCRYPTION__PUMP_CHECK BLE5 (OK)" + " " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(decryptedBuffer))
// Dana-i BLE5 Pump
// response PUMP : error status
} else if (decryptedBuffer.size == 6 && decryptedBuffer[2] == 'P'.code.toByte() && decryptedBuffer[3] == 'U'.code.toByte() && decryptedBuffer[4] == 'M'.code.toByte() && decryptedBuffer[5] == 'P'.code.toByte()) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "<<<<< " + "ENCRYPTION__PUMP_CHECK (PUMP)" + " " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(decryptedBuffer))
@ -506,8 +569,8 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "<<<<< " + "ENCRYPTION__PUMP_CHECK (ERROR)" + " " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(decryptedBuffer))
rxBus.send(EventPumpStatusChanged(EventPumpStatusChanged.Status.DISCONNECTED, resourceHelper.gs(R.string.connectionerror)))
sp.remove(resourceHelper.gs(R.string.key_danars_pairingkey) + danaRSPlugin.mDeviceName)
val n = Notification(Notification.WRONG_SERIAL_NUMBER, resourceHelper.gs(R.string.wrongpassword), Notification.URGENT)
val n = Notification(Notification.WRONG_SERIAL_NUMBER, resourceHelper.gs(R.string.password_cleared), Notification.URGENT)
@ -549,6 +612,14 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
// 2nd packet BLE5
private fun sendBLE5PairingInformation() {
val params = ByteArray(4) { 0.toByte() }
val bytes: ByteArray = bleEncryption.getEncryptedPacket(BleEncryption.DANAR_PACKET__OPCODE_ENCRYPTION__TIME_INFORMATION, params, null)
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, ">>>>> " + "ENCRYPTION__TIME_INFORMATION BLE5" + " " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(bytes))
writeCharacteristicNoResponse(uartWriteBTGattChar, bytes)
private fun sendV3PairingInformation(requestNewPairing: Int) {
val params = byteArrayOf(requestNewPairing.toByte())
val bytes: ByteArray = bleEncryption.getEncryptedPacket(BleEncryption.DANAR_PACKET__OPCODE_ENCRYPTION__TIME_INFORMATION, params, null)
@ -558,8 +629,12 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
// 2nd packet response
private fun processEncryptionResponse(decryptedBuffer: ByteArray) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "<<<<< " + "ENCRYPTION__TIME_INFORMATION " + /*message.getMessageName() + " " + */DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(decryptedBuffer))
if (v3Encryption) {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "<<<<< " + "ENCRYPTION__TIME_INFORMATION " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(decryptedBuffer))
if (encryption == EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_BLE5) {
isConnected = true
isConnecting = false
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, "Connect !!")
} else if (encryption == EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_RSv3) {
// decryptedBuffer[2] : 0x00 OK 0x01 Error, No pairing
if (decryptedBuffer[2] == 0x00.toByte()) {
val randomPairingKey = sp.getString(resourceHelper.gs(R.string.key_danars_v3_randompairingkey) + danaRSPlugin.mDeviceName, "")
@ -661,7 +736,7 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
isUnitUD = decryptedBuffer[3] == 0x01.toByte()
// request time information
if (v3Encryption) sendV3PairingInformation()
if (encryption == EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_RSv3) sendV3PairingInformation()
else sendTimeInfo()
@ -673,7 +748,8 @@ class BLEComm @Inject internal constructor(
val params = message.requestParams
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, ">>>>> " + message.friendlyName + " " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(command) + " " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(params))
var bytes = bleEncryption.getEncryptedPacket(message.opCode, params, null)
if (v3Encryption)
// aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMPBTCOMM, ">>>>> " + DanaRS_Packet.toHexString(bytes))
if (encryption != EncryptionType.ENCRYPTION_DEFAULT)
bytes = bleEncryption.encryptSecondLevelPacket(bytes)
// If there is another message not completely sent, add to queue only
if (mSendQueue.size > 0) {
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Add table
Reference in a new issue