Wear allign menu colors with app
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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
android:pathData="M 15 0 c -8 0 -15 7 -15 15 c 0 8 7 15 15 15 s 15 -7 15 -15 C 30 7 23 0 15 0"
android:pathData="M 25.3461 13.8038 h -2.189 c -0.0594 -0.8063 -0.7249 -1.4443 -1.5466 -1.4443 h -2.5894 c -0.8217 0 -1.4872 0.638 -1.5466 1.4443 h -2.189 c -0.4268 0 -0.7656 0.297 -0.8481 0.6842 c -1.452 -0.0231 -2.4486 -0.6105 -3.2296 -1.0989 c -0.77 -0.4807 -1.4344 -0.8954 -2.2055 -0.4774 c -1.3222 0.7194 -0.9273 2.2264 -0.6094 3.4386 c 0.2112 0.8041 0.429 1.6379 0.1078 2.0196 c -0.6633 0.7898 -2.4332 0.3036 -3.0591 0.0495 c -0.1573 -0.0627 -0.341 0.0121 -0.4059 0.1716 c -0.0649 0.1606 0.0121 0.3421 0.1716 0.4059 c 0.0671 0.0264 1.0681 0.4268 2.0823 0.4268 c 0.6314 0 1.2683 -0.1562 1.6874 -0.6523 c 0.5302 -0.6281 0.2816 -1.5763 0.0187 -2.5795 c -0.3553 -1.3574 -0.5269 -2.2814 0.3036 -2.7335 c 0.4312 -0.2343 0.8382 -0.0033 1.5774 0.4587 c 0.8305 0.5181 1.9426 1.2353 3.6949 1.2056 C 14.7311 15.3449 14.9841 15.5 15.2866 15.5 h 4.8466 v 6.3481 l 0.3663 -0.9394 V 15.5 h 4.8466 c 0.4873 0 0.8822 -0.3795 0.8822 -0.8481 S 25.8334 13.8038 25.3461 13.8038 z"
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