- refctoring MedtronicCommandType
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 65 additions and 121 deletions
@ -109,7 +109,6 @@ class MedtronicPumpPlugin @Inject constructor(
private val busyTimestamps: MutableList<Long> = ArrayList()
private var hasTimeDateOrTimeZoneChanged = false
private var isBusy = false
private val displayConnectionMessages = false
override fun onStart() {
aapsLogger.debug(LTag.PUMP, deviceID() + " started.")
@ -167,7 +166,9 @@ class MedtronicPumpPlugin @Inject constructor(
this.displayConnectionMessages = false
override fun triggerPumpConfigurationChangedEvent() {
@ -25,25 +25,34 @@ import java.util.*
* Author: Andy {andy@atech-software.com}
enum class MedtronicCommandType {
enum class MedtronicCommandType(
code: Int,
description: String,
var devices: MedtronicDeviceType = MedtronicDeviceType.All,
var parameterType: MinimedCommandParameterType = MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters,
var recordLength: Int = 64,
var maxRecords: Int = 1,
var expectedLength: Int = 0,
var resourceId: Int? = null,
var commandParameters: ByteArray? = null) {
InvalidCommand(0, "Invalid Command", null, null), //
InvalidCommand(code = 0, description = "Invalid Command"), //
// Pump Responses (9)
CommandACK(0x06, "ACK - Acknowledge", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
CommandNAK(0x15, "NAK - Not Acknowledged", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
CommandACK(code = 0x06, description = "ACK - Acknowledge"), //
CommandNAK(code = 0x15, description = "NAK - Not Acknowledged"), //
// All (8)
PushAck(91, "Push ACK", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, byteArrayOf(2)), //
PushEsc(91, "Push Esc", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, byteArrayOf(1)), //
PushButton(0x5b, "Push Button", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), // 91
RFPowerOn(93, "RF Power On", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, byteArrayOf(1, 10)), //
RFPowerOff(93, "RF Power Off", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, byteArrayOf(0, 0)), //
PushAck(code = 91, description = "Push ACK", parameterType = MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, commandParameters = byteArrayOf(2)), //
PushEsc(code = 91, description = "Push Esc", parameterType = MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, commandParameters = byteArrayOf(1)), //
PushButton(code = 0x5b, description = "Push Button"), // 91
RFPowerOn(code = 93, description = "RF Power On", parameterType = MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, commandParameters = byteArrayOf(1, 10)), //
RFPowerOff(code = 93, description = "RF Power Off", parameterType = MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, commandParameters = byteArrayOf(0, 0)), //
// SetSuspend(77, "Set Suspend", MinimedTargetType.InitCommand, MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, getByteArray(1)), //
// CancelSuspend(77, "Cancel Suspend", MinimedTargetType.InitCommand, MedtronicDeviceType.All,MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, getByteArray(0)), //
PumpState(131, "Pump State", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
ReadPumpErrorStatus(117, "Pump Error Status", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
PumpState(code = 131, description = "Pump State"), //
ReadPumpErrorStatus(code = 117, description = "Pump Error Status"), //
// 511 (InitCommand = 2, Config 7, Data = 1(+3)
// DetectBolus(75, "Detect Bolus", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_511, MinimedCommandParameterType.FixedParameters, getByteArray(
@ -51,24 +60,20 @@ enum class MedtronicCommandType {
// RemoteControlIds(118, "Remote Control Ids", MinimedTargetType.PumpConfiguration_NA, MedtronicDeviceType.All,MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
// FirmwareVersion(116, "Firmware Version", MinimedTargetType.InitCommand, MedtronicDeviceType.All,MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
// PumpId(113, "Pump Id", MinimedTargetType.PumpConfiguration, MedtronicDeviceType.All,MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), // init
SetRealTimeClock(0x40, "Set Pump Time", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
0, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_time), //
GetRealTimeClock(112, "Get Pump Time", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
7, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_time), // 0x70
GetBatteryStatus(0x72, "Get Battery Status", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters,
0, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_battery_status), //
GetRemainingInsulin(0x73, "Read Remaining Insulin", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters,
2, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_remaining_insulin), // 115
SetBolus(0x42, "Set Bolus", MedtronicDeviceType.All, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
0, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_bolus), // 66
SetRealTimeClock(code = 0x40, description = "Set Pump Time", recordLength = 0, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_time), //
GetRealTimeClock(112, description = "Get Pump Time", recordLength = 7, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_time), // 0x70
GetBatteryStatus(code = 0x72, description = "Get Battery Status", recordLength = 0, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_battery_status), //
GetRemainingInsulin(code = 0x73, description = "Read Remaining Insulin",
recordLength = 2, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_remaining_insulin), // 115
SetBolus(code = 0x42, description = "Set Bolus", recordLength = 0, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_bolus), // 66
// 512
ReadTemporaryBasal(0x98, "Read Temporary Basal", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
5, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_tbr), // 152
SetTemporaryBasal(76, "Set Temporay Basal", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
0, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_tbr), // 512 Config
PumpModel(141, "Pump Model", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
5, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_model), // 0x8D
ReadTemporaryBasal(code = 0x98, description = "Read Temporary Basal", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
recordLength = 5, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_tbr), // 152
SetTemporaryBasal(code = 76, description = "Set Temporay Basal", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
recordLength = 0, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_tbr), // 512 Config
PumpModel(code = 141, description = "Pump Model", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
recordLength = 5, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_model), // 0x8D
// BGTargets_512(140, "BG Targets", MinimedTargetType.PumpConfiguration, MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512_712,
// MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
@ -76,49 +81,44 @@ enum class MedtronicCommandType {
// MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
// Language(134, "Language", MinimedTargetType.PumpConfiguration, MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher,
// MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
Settings_512(145, "Configuration", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512_712, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
64, 1, 18, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_settings), //
Settings_512(code = 145, description = "Configuration", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512_712,
expectedLength = 18, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_settings), //
// 512 Data
GetHistoryData(128, "Get History", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.SubCommands, //
1024, 16, 1024, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_history), // 0x80
GetBasalProfileSTD(146, "Get Profile Standard", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
64, 3, 192, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_basal_profile), // 146
GetBasalProfileA(147, "Get Profile A", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
64, 3, 192, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_basal_profile),
GetBasalProfileB(148, "Get Profile B", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
64, 3, 192, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_basal_profile), // 148
SetBasalProfileSTD(0x6f, "Set Profile Standard", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
64, 3, 192, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_basal_profile), // 111
SetBasalProfileA(0x30, "Set Profile A", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
64, 3, 192, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_basal_profile), // 48
SetBasalProfileB(0x31, "Set Profile B", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
64, 3, 192, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_basal_profile), // 49
GetHistoryData(code = 128, description = "Get History", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher,
parameterType = MinimedCommandParameterType.SubCommands, recordLength = 1024, maxRecords = 16,
expectedLength = 1024, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_history), // 0x80
GetBasalProfileSTD(code = 146, description = "Get Profile Standard", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
maxRecords = 3, expectedLength = 192, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_basal_profile), // 146
GetBasalProfileA(code = 147, description = "Get Profile A", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
maxRecords = 3, expectedLength = 192, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_basal_profile),
GetBasalProfileB(code = 148, description = "Get Profile B", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
maxRecords = 3, expectedLength = 192, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_basal_profile), // 148
SetBasalProfileSTD(code = 0x6f, description = "Set Profile Standard", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
maxRecords = 3, expectedLength = 192, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_basal_profile), // 111
SetBasalProfileA(code = 0x30, description = "Set Profile A", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
maxRecords = 3, expectedLength = 192, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_basal_profile), // 48
SetBasalProfileB(code = 0x31, description = "Set Profile B", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_512andHigher, //
maxRecords = 3, expectedLength = 192, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_set_basal_profile), // 49
// 515
PumpStatus(206, "Pump Status", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_515andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), // PumpConfiguration
Settings(192, "Configuration", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_515andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters, //
64, 1, 21, R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_settings), //
PumpStatus(code = 206, description = "Pump Status", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_515andHigher), // PumpConfiguration
Settings(code = 192, description = "Configuration", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_515andHigher,
maxRecords = 1, expectedLength = 21, resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_get_settings), //
// 522
SensorSettings_522(153, "Sensor Configuration", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_522andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
GlucoseHistory(154, "Glucose History", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_522andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.SubCommands, 1024, 32, 0, null), //
SensorSettings_522(code = 153, description = "Sensor Configuration", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_522andHigher), //
GlucoseHistory(code = 154, description = "Glucose History", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_522andHigher,
MinimedCommandParameterType.SubCommands, recordLength = 1024, maxRecords = 32, expectedLength = 0), //
// 523
SensorSettings(207, "Sensor Configuration", MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_523andHigher, MinimedCommandParameterType.NoParameters), //
SensorSettings(code = 207, description = "Sensor Configuration", devices = MedtronicDeviceType.Medtronic_523andHigher), //
// 553
// 554
// var MESSAGES = {
// READ_TIME : 0x70,
// READ_HISTORY : 0x80,
// READ_MODEL : 0x8D,
// READ_PROFILE_A : 0x93,
// READ_PROFILE_B : 0x94,
@ -127,20 +127,12 @@ enum class MedtronicCommandType {
// };
// Fake Commands
CancelTBR(code = 250, description = "Cancel TBR", resourceId = R.string.medtronic_cmd_desc_cancel_tbr);
companion object {
var mapByCode: MutableMap<Byte, MedtronicCommandType> = HashMap()
// private fun getDeviceTypesArray(vararg types: MedtronicDeviceType): HashMap<MedtronicDeviceType, String?> {
// val hashMap = HashMap<MedtronicDeviceType, String?>()
// for (type in types) {
// hashMap[type] = null
// }
// return hashMap
// }
fun getByCode(code: Byte): MedtronicCommandType? {
return if (mapByCode.containsKey(code)) {
@ -165,8 +157,6 @@ enum class MedtronicCommandType {
init {
RFPowerOn.recordLength = 0
RFPowerOn.minimalBufferSizeToStartReading = 1
for (medtronicCommandType in values()) {
mapByCode[medtronicCommandType.commandCode] = medtronicCommandType
@ -174,66 +164,18 @@ enum class MedtronicCommandType {
var commandCode: Byte = 0
var commandDescription = ""
var commandParameters: ByteArray? = null
var commandDescription = description
var commandParametersCount = 0
var maxRecords = 1
var resourceId: Int? = null
private set
var allowedRetries = 2
//var maxAllowedTime = 2000
var parameterType: MinimedCommandParameterType? = null
//var parameterType: MinimedCommandParameterType? = parameterType
var minimalBufferSizeToStartReading = 14
var expectedLength = 0
var devices: MedtronicDeviceType? = null
private var recordLength = 64
constructor() {
// this is for "fake" commands needed by AAPS MedtronicUITask
constructor(code: Int, description: String, devices: MedtronicDeviceType?,
parameterType: MinimedCommandParameterType?, cmd_params: ByteArray) : this(code, description, devices, parameterType) {
commandParameters = cmd_params
commandParametersCount = cmd_params.size
// NEW
// constructor(code: Int,
// description: String,
// devices: MedtronicDeviceType?, //
// parameterType: MinimedCommandParameterType?,
// expectedLength: Int) : this(code, description, devices, parameterType, 64, 1, expectedLength, null) {
// }
// NEW
// constructor(code: Int,
// description: String,
// devices: MedtronicDeviceType?, //
// parameterType: MinimedCommandParameterType?,
// expectedLength: Int,
// resourceId: Int) : this(code, description, devices, parameterType, 64, 1, expectedLength, resourceId) {
// }
// NEW
constructor(code: Int,
description: String,
devices: MedtronicDeviceType?, //
parameterType: MinimedCommandParameterType?,
recordLength: Int = 64,
max_recs: Int = 1,
expectedLength: Int = 0,
resourceId: Int? = null) {
init {
commandCode = code.toByte()
commandDescription = description
this.devices = devices
maxRecords = max_recs
this.resourceId = resourceId
commandParametersCount = 0
this.commandParametersCount = if (commandParameters != null) commandParameters!!.size else 0
allowedRetries = 2
this.parameterType = parameterType
this.expectedLength = expectedLength
if (this.parameterType == MinimedCommandParameterType.SubCommands) {
minimalBufferSizeToStartReading = 200
@ -104,6 +104,7 @@
<string name="medtronic_cmd_desc_set_basal_profile">Set Basal Profile</string>
<string name="medtronic_cmd_desc_get_tbr">Get Temporary Basal</string>
<string name="medtronic_cmd_desc_set_tbr">Set Temporary Basal</string>
<string name="medtronic_cmd_desc_cancel_tbr">Cancel Temporary Basal</string>
<string name="medtronic_cmd_desc_set_bolus">Set Bolus</string>
<string name="medtronic_cmd_desc_get_remaining_insulin">Get Remaining Insulin</string>
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