More sync prototyping.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 167 additions and 75 deletions
@ -101,24 +101,19 @@ public class ComboFragment extends SubscriberFragment implements View.OnClickLis
public void run() {
ComboPlugin plugin = ComboPlugin.getPlugin();
// status
if (plugin.getPump().lastCmdResult == null) {
} else {
if (plugin.isInitialized()) {
// status
if (plugin.getPump().state.errorMsg != null) {
} else if (plugin.getPump().state.suspended) {
} else {
if (plugin.getPump().state.errorMsg != null) {
} else if (plugin.getPump().state.suspended) {
} else {
CommandResult lastCmdResult = plugin.getPump().lastCmdResult;
if (plugin.isInitialized() && lastCmdResult != null) {
PumpState ps = plugin.getPump().state;
// battery
PumpState ps = plugin.getPump().state;
if (ps.batteryState == PumpState.EMPTY) {
@ -131,6 +126,8 @@ public class ComboFragment extends SubscriberFragment implements View.OnClickLis
// reservoir
int reservoirLevel = plugin.getPump().reservoirLevel;
reservoirView.setText(reservoirLevel == -1 ? "" : "" + reservoirLevel + " U");
if (ps.insulinState == PumpState.LOW) {
} else if (ps.insulinState == PumpState.EMPTY) {
@ -138,35 +135,38 @@ public class ComboFragment extends SubscriberFragment implements View.OnClickLis
} else {
int reservoirLevel = plugin.getPump().reservoirLevel;
reservoirView.setText(reservoirLevel == -1 ? "" : "" + reservoirLevel + " U");
// last connection
String minAgo = DateUtil.minAgo(lastCmdResult.completionTime);
String time = DateUtil.timeString(lastCmdResult.completionTime);
lastConnectionView.setText("" + minAgo + " (" + time + ")");
CommandResult lastCmdResult = plugin.getPump().lastCmdResult;
if (lastCmdResult != null) {
String minAgo = DateUtil.minAgo(lastCmdResult.completionTime);
String time = DateUtil.timeString(lastCmdResult.completionTime);
lastConnectionView.setText("" + minAgo + " (" + time + ")");
// last bolus
plugin.getPump().history.bolusHistory.add(new Bolus(System.currentTimeMillis() - 7 * 60 * 1000, 12.8d));
Bolus bolus = plugin.getPump().lastBolus;
if (bolus == null || bolus.timestamp + 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000 < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
} else {
long agoMsc = System.currentTimeMillis() - bolus.timestamp;
double agoHours = agoMsc / 60d / 60d / 1000d;
lastBolusView.setText(DecimalFormatter.to2Decimal(bolus.amount) + " U " +
"(" + DecimalFormatter.to1Decimal(agoHours) + " " + MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.hoursago) + ", "
+ DateUtil.timeString(bolus.timestamp) + ") ");
// last bolus
plugin.getPump().history.bolusHistory.add(new Bolus(System.currentTimeMillis() - 7 * 60 * 1000, 12.8d));
Bolus bolus = plugin.getPump().lastBolus;
if (bolus == null || bolus.timestamp + 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000 < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
} else {
long agoMsc = System.currentTimeMillis() - bolus.timestamp;
double agoHours = agoMsc / 60d / 60d / 1000d;
lastBolusView.setText(DecimalFormatter.to2Decimal(bolus.amount) + " U " +
"(" + DecimalFormatter.to1Decimal(agoHours) + " " + MainApp.sResources.getString(R.string.hoursago) + ", "
+ DateUtil.timeString(bolus.timestamp) + ") ");
// TBR
boolean tbrActive = ps.tbrPercent != -1 && ps.tbrPercent != 100;
if (tbrActive) {
long minSinceRead = (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCmdResult.completionTime) / 1000 / 60;
String tbr = ps.tbrPercent + "% (" + (ps.tbrRemainingDuration - minSinceRead) + " min remaining)";
} else {
// TBR
boolean tbrActive = ps.tbrPercent != -1 && ps.tbrPercent != 100;
String tbrStr = "";
if (tbrActive) {
long minSinceRead = (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastCmdResult.completionTime) / 1000 / 60;
long remaining = ps.tbrRemainingDuration - minSinceRead;
if (remaining >= 0) {
tbrStr = ps.tbrPercent + "% (" + remaining + " min remaining)";
@ -13,7 +13,9 @@ import org.json.JSONObject;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.BolusProgressReporter;
import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.CommandResult;
@ -21,6 +23,7 @@ import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.PumpState;
import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.RuffyCommands;
import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.history.Bolus;
import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.history.PumpHistoryRequest;
import de.jotomo.ruffy.spi.history.Tbr;
import de.jotomo.ruffyscripter.RuffyCommandsV1Impl;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.BuildConfig;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.MainApp;
@ -30,6 +33,7 @@ import;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.Source;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.TemporaryBasal;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.db.Treatment;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.PluginBase;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.PumpDescription;
import info.nightscout.androidaps.interfaces.PumpInterface;
@ -263,7 +267,7 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
public void initialize() {
runCommand("Syncing pump state", new CommandExecution() {
CommandResult commandResult = runCommand("Syncing pump state", new CommandExecution() {
public CommandResult execute() {
return ruffyScripter.readHistory(
@ -271,11 +275,59 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
boolean syncNeeded = false;
// last bolus
List<Treatment> treatments = MainApp.getConfigBuilder().getTreatmentsFromHistory();
Treatment aapsBolus = null;
for (Treatment t : treatments) {
if (t.insulin != 0) {
aapsBolus = t;
Bolus pumpBolus = null;
List<Bolus> bolusHistory = commandResult.history.bolusHistory;
if (!bolusHistory.isEmpty()) {
pumpBolus = bolusHistory.get(0);
if (aapsBolus == null || pumpBolus == null) {
syncNeeded = true;
} else if (Math.abs(aapsBolus.insulin - pumpBolus.amount) > 0.05
|| != pumpBolus.timestamp) {
syncNeeded = true;
// last tbr
List<TemporaryBasal> tempBasals = MainApp.getConfigBuilder().getTemporaryBasalsFromHistory().getReversedList();
TemporaryBasal aapsTbr = null;
if (!tempBasals.isEmpty()) {
aapsTbr = tempBasals.get(0);
Tbr pumpTbr = null;
List<Tbr> tbrHistory = commandResult.history.tbrHistory;
if(!tbrHistory.isEmpty()) {
pumpTbr = tbrHistory.get(0);
if (aapsTbr == null || pumpTbr == null) {
syncNeeded = true;
} else if (aapsTbr.percentRate != pumpTbr.percent || aapsTbr.durationInMinutes != pumpTbr.duration) {
syncNeeded = true;
// last error
// TODO add DB table
if (syncNeeded) {
// detectStateMismatch(): expensive sync, checking everything (detectTbrMisMatch us called for every command)
// check 'lasts' of pump against treatment db, request full sync if needed
@ -304,12 +356,12 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
// if (notAUserRequest && wasRunAtLeastOnce && ranWithinTheLastMinute) {
// log.debug("Not fetching state from pump, since we did already within the last 60 seconds");
// } else {
runCommand("Refreshing", new CommandExecution() {
public CommandResult execute() {
return ruffyScripter.readHistory(new PumpHistoryRequest().reservoirLevel(true).bolusHistory(PumpHistoryRequest.LAST));
runCommand("Refreshing", new CommandExecution() {
public CommandResult execute() {
return ruffyScripter.readHistory(new PumpHistoryRequest().reservoirLevel(true).bolusHistory(PumpHistoryRequest.LAST));
// }
@ -601,29 +653,9 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
pump.lastCmdResult = commandResult;
pump.state = commandResult.state;
// detectTbrMismatch(): 'quick' check with not overhead on the pump side
// TODO check if this works with pump suspend, esp. around pump suspend there'll be syncing to do;
TemporaryBasal aapsTbr = MainApp.getConfigBuilder().getTempBasalFromHistory(System.currentTimeMillis());
if (aapsTbr == null && pump.state.tbrActive) {
// pump runs TBR AAPS is unaware off
// => fetch full history so the full TBR is added to treatments
} else if (aapsTbr != null && !pump.state.tbrActive) {
// AAPS has a TBR but the pump isn't running a TBR
// => remove the TBR from treatments
// => fetch full history, so that if the TBR was cancelled but ran some time we get the IOB from that partial TBR
} else if (aapsTbr != null && pump.state.tbrActive) {
// both AAPS and pump have a TBR ...
if (aapsTbr.percentRate != pump.state.tbrPercent) {
// ... but they have different percentages
// => remove TBR from treatments
// => full history sync so we get up to date on actual IOB
int durationDiff = Math.abs(aapsTbr.getPlannedRemainingMinutes() - pump.state.tbrRemainingDuration);
if (durationDiff > 2) {
// ... but they have different runtimes
// ^ same as above, merge branches
// TODO are there cases when this check should NOT be performed? perform this explicitly or have a flag to skip this?
// TODO not propely set all the time ...
if (pump.lastCmdResult == null) {
@ -648,6 +680,66 @@ public class ComboPlugin implements PluginBase, PumpInterface {
return commandResult;
private void checkForTbrMismatch() {
// detectTbrMismatch(): 'quick' check with not overhead on the pump side
// TODO check if this works with pump suspend, esp. around pump suspend there'll be syncing to do;
TemporaryBasal aapsTbr = MainApp.getConfigBuilder().getTempBasalFromHistory(System.currentTimeMillis());
if (aapsTbr == null && pump.state.tbrActive) {
// pump runs TBR AAPS is unaware off
// => fetch full history so the full TBR is added to treatments
log.debug("JOE: sync required 1");
} else if (aapsTbr != null && !pump.state.tbrActive) {
// AAPS has a TBR but the pump isn't running a TBR
// => remove the TBR from treatments
// => fetch full history, so that if the TBR was cancelled but ran some time we get the IOB from that partial TBR
log.debug("JOE: sync required 2");
} else if (aapsTbr != null && pump.state.tbrActive) {
// both AAPS and pump have a TBR ...
if (aapsTbr.percentRate != pump.state.tbrPercent) {
// ... but they have different percentages
// => remove TBR from treatments
// => full history sync so we get up to date on actual IOB
log.debug("JOE: sync required 3");
int durationDiff = Math.abs(aapsTbr.getPlannedRemainingMinutes() - pump.state.tbrRemainingDuration);
if (durationDiff > 2) {
// ... but they have different runtimes
// ^ same as above, merge branches
log.debug("JOE: sync required 4");
// TODO request a loop run to (re)apply a TBR/SMB given this new information? or just wait till next iteration?
// could take 15m or so if there are missed SGVs ...
private void runFullSync() {
CommandResult commandResult = runCommand("Syncing full pump history", new CommandExecution() {
public CommandResult execute() {
return ruffyScripter.readHistory(
new PumpHistoryRequest()
public PumpEnactResult cancelExtendedBolus() {
@ -77,10 +77,10 @@ public class PumpState {
public String getStateSummary() {
if (suspended)
return "Suspended";
else if (errorMsg != null)
if (errorMsg != null)
return errorMsg;
else if (suspended)
return "Suspended";
return "Running";
Add table
Reference in a new issue