Wear CWF DynPref Clean code
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 17 additions and 49 deletions
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
private lateinit var binding: ActivityCustomBinding
private lateinit var binding: ActivityCustomBinding
private var zoomFactor = 1.0
private var zoomFactor = 1.0
private val displaySize = Point()
private val displaySize = Point()
private val TEMPLATE_RESOLUTION = 400
private val templeResolution = 400
private var lowBatColor = Color.RED
private var lowBatColor = Color.RED
private var resDataMap: CwfResDataMap = mutableMapOf()
private var resDataMap: CwfResDataMap = mutableMapOf()
private var json = JSONObject()
private var json = JSONObject()
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
persistence.store(defaultWatchface(), true)
persistence.store(defaultWatchface(), true)
(context.getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE) as WindowManager).defaultDisplay.getSize(displaySize)
(context.getSystemService(WINDOW_SERVICE) as WindowManager).defaultDisplay.getSize(displaySize)
zoomFactor = (displaySize.x).toDouble() / TEMPLATE_RESOLUTION.toDouble()
zoomFactor = (displaySize.x).toDouble() / templeResolution.toDouble()
return binding
return binding
@ -164,21 +164,12 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
if (checkPref()) {
if (checkPref()) {
DynProvider.init(this, json)
DynProvider.init(this, json)
valPref.forEach {s, value ->
aapsLogger.debug("XXXXXX valPref $s : $value")
dynPref.forEach {s, value ->
aapsLogger.debug("XXXXXX dynPref $s : $value")
enableSecond = json.optBoolean(ENABLESECOND.key) && sp.getBoolean(R.string.key_show_seconds, true)
enableSecond = json.optBoolean(ENABLESECOND.key) && sp.getBoolean(R.string.key_show_seconds, true)
pointSize = json.optInt(POINTSIZE.key, 2)
pointSize = json.optInt(POINTSIZE.key, 2)
dayNameFormat = json.optString(DAYNAMEFORMAT.key, "E").takeIf { it.matches(Regex("E{1,4}")) } ?: "E"
dayNameFormat = json.optString(DAYNAMEFORMAT.key, "E").takeIf { it.matches(Regex("E{1,4}")) } ?: "E"
monthFormat = json.optString(MONTHFORMAT.key, "MMM").takeIf { it.matches(Regex("M{1,4}")) } ?: "MMM"
monthFormat = json.optString(MONTHFORMAT.key, "MMM").takeIf { it.matches(Regex("M{1,4}")) } ?: "MMM"
binding.dayName.text = dateUtil.dayNameString(dayNameFormat).substringBeforeLast(".") // Update daynName and month according to format on cwf loading
binding.dayName.text = dateUtil.dayNameString(dayNameFormat).substringBeforeLast(".") // Update dayName and month according to format on cwf loading
binding.month.text = dateUtil.monthString(monthFormat).substringBeforeLast(".")
binding.month.text = dateUtil.monthString(monthFormat).substringBeforeLast(".")
val jsonColor = dynPref[json.optString(DYNPREFCOLOR.key)] ?: json
val jsonColor = dynPref[json.optString(DYNPREFCOLOR.key)] ?: json
highColor = getColor(jsonColor.optString(HIGHCOLOR.key), ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.dark_highColor))
highColor = getColor(jsonColor.optString(HIGHCOLOR.key), ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.dark_highColor))
@ -347,7 +338,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
private fun manageSpecificViews() {
private fun manageSpecificViews() {
//Background should fill all the watchface and must be visible
//Background should fill all the watchface and must be visible
val params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams((TEMPLATE_RESOLUTION * zoomFactor).toInt(), (TEMPLATE_RESOLUTION * zoomFactor).toInt())
val params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams((templeResolution * zoomFactor).toInt(), (templeResolution * zoomFactor).toInt())
params.topMargin = 0
params.topMargin = 0
params.leftMargin = 0
params.leftMargin = 0
binding.background.layoutParams = params
binding.background.layoutParams = params
@ -445,7 +436,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
companion object {
companion object {
val TRANSPARENT = "#00000000"
const val TRANSPARENT = "#00000000"
fun init(cwf: CustomWatchface) = values().forEach {
fun init(cwf: CustomWatchface) = values().forEach {
it.cwf = cwf
it.cwf = cwf
// reset all customized drawable when new watchface is loaded
// reset all customized drawable when new watchface is loaded
@ -500,7 +491,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
left = (viewJson.optInt(LEFTMARGIN.key) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
left = (viewJson.optInt(LEFTMARGIN.key) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
top = (viewJson.optInt(TOPMARGIN.key) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
top = (viewJson.optInt(TOPMARGIN.key) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
val params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height)
val params = FrameLayout.LayoutParams(width, height)
dynData = DynProvider.getDyn(cwf, viewJson.optString(DYNDATA.key), viewJson.optString(DYNPREF.key), width, height, key)
dynData = DynProvider.getDyn(cwf, viewJson.optString(DYNPREF.key), viewJson.optString(DYNDATA.key), width, height, key)
val topOffset = if (viewJson.optBoolean(TOPOFFSET.key, false)) dynData?.getTopOffset() ?: 0 else 0
val topOffset = if (viewJson.optBoolean(TOPOFFSET.key, false)) dynData?.getTopOffset() ?: 0 else 0
val topOffsetTwin = ((twinView?.let { if (it.visibility != View.VISIBLE) viewJson.optInt(TOPOFFSETTWINHIDDEN.key,0) else 0 } ?: 0 ) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
val topOffsetTwin = ((twinView?.let { if (it.visibility != View.VISIBLE) viewJson.optInt(TOPOFFSETTWINHIDDEN.key,0) else 0 } ?: 0 ) * cwf.zoomFactor).toInt()
params.topMargin = top + topOffset + topOffsetTwin
params.topMargin = top + topOffset + topOffsetTwin
@ -688,19 +679,6 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
var value: String = ""
var value: String = ""
companion object {
companion object {
lateinit var cwf: CustomWatchface
fun init(cwf: CustomWatchface, metadata: CwfMetadataMap) {
this.cwf = cwf
val cwfAuthorization = metadata[CwfMetadataKey.CWF_AUTHORIZATION]?.toBooleanStrictOrNull()
cwfAuthorization?.let { authorization ->
if (authorization) {
values().forEach { pref ->
metadata[CwfMetadataKey.fromKey(pref.key)]?.toBooleanStrictOrNull()?.let { cwf.sp.putBoolean(pref.prefKey, it) }
pref.value = if (pref.typeBool) cwf.sp.getBoolean(pref.prefKey, false).toString() else cwf.sp.getString(pref.prefKey, "")
fun fromKey(key: String) = PrefMap.values().firstOrNull { it.key == key }
fun fromKey(key: String) = PrefMap.values().firstOrNull { it.key == key }
@ -793,26 +771,22 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
leftRange = parseDataRange(dataJson.optJSONObject(LEFTOFFSET.key), defaultRange)
leftRange = parseDataRange(dataJson.optJSONObject(LEFTOFFSET.key), defaultRange)
rotationRange = parseDataRange(dataJson.optJSONObject(ROTATIONOFFSET.key), defaultRange)
rotationRange = parseDataRange(dataJson.optJSONObject(ROTATIONOFFSET.key), defaultRange)
val jsonPref = cwf.dynPref[dataJson.optString(DYNPREF.key)] ?: dataJson
dynDrawable[0] = dataJson.optString(INVALIDIMAGE.key)?.let { cwf.resDataMap[it]?.toDrawable(cwf.resources, width, height) }
//cwf.aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX jsonPref $jsonPref")
dynDrawable[0] = jsonPref.optString(INVALIDIMAGE.key)?.let { cwf.resDataMap[it]?.toDrawable(cwf.resources, width, height) }
var idx = 1
var idx = 1
while (jsonPref.has("${IMAGE.key}$idx")) {
while (dataJson.has("${IMAGE.key}$idx")) {
cwf.resDataMap[jsonPref.optString("${IMAGE.key}$idx")]?.toDrawable(cwf.resources, width, height).also { dynDrawable[idx] = it }
cwf.resDataMap[dataJson.optString("${IMAGE.key}$idx")]?.toDrawable(cwf.resources, width, height).also { dynDrawable[idx] = it }
dynColor[0] = cwf.getColor(jsonPref.optString(INVALIDCOLOR.key))
dynColor[0] = cwf.getColor(dataJson.optString(INVALIDCOLOR.key))
idx = 1
idx = 1
while (jsonPref.has("${COLOR.key}$idx")) {
while (dataJson.has("${COLOR.key}$idx")) {
cwf.aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX color ${jsonPref.optString("${COLOR.key}$idx")}")
dynColor[idx] = cwf.getColor(dataJson.optString("${COLOR.key}$idx"))
dynColor[idx] = cwf.getColor(jsonPref.optString("${COLOR.key}$idx"))
dynFontColor[0] = cwf.getColor(jsonPref.optString(INVALIDFONTCOLOR.key))
dynFontColor[0] = cwf.getColor(dataJson.optString(INVALIDFONTCOLOR.key))
idx = 1
idx = 1
while (jsonPref.has("${FONTCOLOR.key}$idx")) {
while (dataJson.has("${FONTCOLOR.key}$idx")) {
cwf.aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX fontColor ${jsonPref.optString("${FONTCOLOR.key}$idx")}")
dynFontColor[idx] = cwf.getColor(dataJson.optString("${FONTCOLOR.key}$idx"))
dynFontColor[idx] = cwf.getColor(jsonPref.optString("${FONTCOLOR.key}$idx"))
@ -826,7 +800,7 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
fun getDyn(cwf: CustomWatchface, key: String, keyPref: String, width: Int, height: Int, defaultViewKey: String): DynProvider? {
fun getDyn(cwf: CustomWatchface, keyPref: String, key: String, width: Int, height: Int, defaultViewKey: String): DynProvider? {
if (dynData[defaultViewKey] != null)
if (dynData[defaultViewKey] != null)
return dynData[defaultViewKey]
return dynData[defaultViewKey]
@ -863,30 +837,25 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
// block below build a map of prefKey => json Bloc recursively
// block below build a map of prefKey => json Bloc recursively
val dynPref = mutableMapOf<String, JSONObject>()
val dynPref = mutableMapOf<String, JSONObject>()
val valPref = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
private val valPref = mutableMapOf<String, String>()
fun dynPref(dynJson: JSONObject?) {
fun dynPref(dynJson: JSONObject?) {
dynJson?.keys()?.forEach { key ->
dynJson?.keys()?.forEach { key ->
dynJson.optJSONObject(key)?.let { buildDynPrefs(dynJson, it, key, mutableSetOf()) }
dynJson.optJSONObject(key)?.let { buildDynPrefs(dynJson, it, key, mutableSetOf()) }
aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX key json : $key ${dynPref[key]}")
private fun buildDynPrefs(dynJson: JSONObject, json: JSONObject, key: String, visitedKeys: MutableSet<String>) {
private fun buildDynPrefs(dynJson: JSONObject, json: JSONObject, key: String, visitedKeys: MutableSet<String>) {
val prefKey = json.optString(PREFKEY.key)
val prefKey = json.optString(PREFKEY.key)
aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX key $key prefKey $prefKey json $json")
PrefMap.fromKey(prefKey)?.let { prefMap ->
PrefMap.fromKey(prefKey)?.let { prefMap ->
val value = valPref[prefMap.key]
val value = valPref[prefMap.key]
?: (if (prefMap.typeBool) sp.getBoolean(prefMap.prefKey, false).toString() else sp.getString(prefMap.prefKey, "")).also {
?: (if (prefMap.typeBool) sp.getBoolean(prefMap.prefKey, false).toString() else sp.getString(prefMap.prefKey, "")).also {
valPref[prefMap.key] = it
valPref[prefMap.key] = it
aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX ${prefMap.key} : ${valPref[prefMap.key]}")
json.optJSONObject(value)?.let { nextJson ->
json.optJSONObject(value)?.let { nextJson ->
aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX InterJson $nextJson")
if (nextJson.has(DYNPREF.key)) {
if (nextJson.has(DYNPREF.key)) {
val nextKey = nextJson.optString(DYNPREF.key)
val nextKey = nextJson.optString(DYNPREF.key)
aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX hasDynPref $nextKey $visitedKeys")
if (nextKey.isNotEmpty() && nextKey !in visitedKeys) {
if (nextKey.isNotEmpty() && nextKey !in visitedKeys) {
visitedKeys += nextKey
visitedKeys += nextKey
dynJson.optJSONObject(nextKey)?.let {
dynJson.optJSONObject(nextKey)?.let {
@ -894,7 +863,6 @@ class CustomWatchface : BaseWatchFace() {
} else {
} else {
aapsLogger.debug("XXXXX record $key $nextJson")
dynPref[key] = nextJson
dynPref[key] = nextJson
Add table
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